Sunday, May 26, 2024

Marigold 5/26/2024 Grand Opening Wars 2024 Day 1 Afternoon Show

Marigold 5/26/2024 Grand Opening Wars 2024 Day 1 Afternoon Show

Giulia comes out in an arm sling and cast to start the show. She then talks on the mic.

Nao Ishikawa vs. Kouki Amarei

They shake hands and lock up. Kouki backs her and clean breaks her. Nao double chops her on the ropes and side headlocks her. Kouki cartwheels off the ropes and chest kicks her. Nao cartwheels and crossbodies her. They then stand off. Nao asks for a fist bump then punches her in the gut.

Nao hair throws her then snapmares her. Nao bodyscissors her and ties her up in the ropes. Nao nails her while she's tied up i nthe ropes for 2. Kouki slams her then misses a splash. Nao boots her and cartwheel splashes her for 2. Nao armbars her then Kouki slams her with force. Kouki falling splashes her for 2.

Kouki corner facekicks her then falls on a dominator attempt. Kouki tries it again and dominators her for 2. Kouki gets stuck on the buckles and is snapmared off. They trade chest forearms. Nao codebreakers her then top rope crossbodies her for 2. Nao double underhook suplexes her for 2.

Kouki cutters her and Nao crucifies her for 2. Nao hits forearms then Kouki spinebusters her for 2. Kouki running boots her then hits a top rope 180 splash to win it.

Thoughts: It didn't look like it would be anything special and it wasnt. They had one big botch here and it was just average wrestling otherwise. Nao was the vet in this one and that should tell you what this was going to be like.

Myla Grace vs Zayda Steel

They shove each other and forearm flurry each other. Myla totally misses a spin kick that is sold anyway. Myla drops down and Zay rolls over her. Myla poses on the ropes, Zay goes after her and goes out. Myla is dropped face first on the apron from the electric chair. Zay chops her against the post. They fight outside and Myla tornado ddt's her using the apron.

Zay pump kicks her then double stomps her back. Zay snapmares her and slaps her. Zay hits back elbows then step up knees her in the corner. Myla forearms her then top rope la sillas her for 2. Myla running euros her then Zay short arm clotheslines her. Zay rolls her up into pin attempts for 2.

Zay knees her then does a rolling bomb on her. Zay grabs her by the hair and they trade chops. Myla hits forearms then flying lariats her. Myla fisherman's neckbreakers her for 2. Zay running cutters Myla and is caught on the ropes.

Myla pulls her down and backdrops her for 2. Zay rolls her up then Myla twisting reverse ddt's her to win it.

Thoughts: It was not that good. They maybe had something going with Zay bullying Myla around but they didn't go all out with it. The execution left more to be desired here.

Utami Hayashishita vs. Bozilla vs. Victoria Yuzuki

Boz offers a double test of strength and pushes both opponents down and back. Boz takes shoulderblocks and dropkicks from her opponents then she shoulders both over. Boz hip attacks Yuz in the corner then splashes both opponents in their corners. Boz clubs Yuz's back then suplexes her. Boz holds on and hits 2 more suplexes.

UTami breaks the pin up then Boz slams her. Boz pushes Utami out. Yuz tries forearms on Boz but is knocked over with one. Yuz dropkicks Boz in the knee and gut then walks up the ropes. Yuz jumps on Boz and is caught. Utami hits Boz from behind. Boz back elbows Utami then corner splashes her.

Boz takes a double dropkick in the corner then is double thrown down to the mat. Utami single leg crabs Boz and Yuz sleepers Boz at the same time. Boz takes a double basement dropkick for 2. Boz double suplexes and double lariats her opponents. Boz elbow drops Utami for 2.

Boz and Utami trade forearms. Boz bodyblocks Utami then takes a double team. Boz is double pinned for 2. Boz is dropkicked into a double roll-up for a 2-count. The girls hit forearms on Boz then take a double chokeslam. Boz short arm clotheslines Yuz, shoulders over Utami and lariats Yuz for 2. Boz alabama slams Yuz for 2. Boz powerslams Utami and Yuz. Boz 2nd rope vader bombs Yuz and pins her.

It was a three-way. It was fine for what it was but not particularly great or special. No one did anything bad, just the style of match limits you. Bozilla may be a big problem in Marigold as she's going to have to be booked strong against a very small roster. Utami in particular also needs to be booked strong since she's one of the few here with some drawing power.

Boz stares down Utami over. She says the fans are screaming her name and says she won. She says she's stronger and taller and the motherf*cking Bozilla. She says size does matter. Boz leaves and Utami talks on the mic after.

Miku Aono & Natsumi Showzuki vs. CHIAKI & Misa Matsui

This one's another f-u to ActWresGirlz as these are all former AWG wrestlers.

Misa mises a dropkick on Miku then armdrags her. Misa cartwheels over Miku and armdrags her. Miku armdrags her and dropkicks her. NS bodyscissors Misa then pulls her arms back. MS camel clutches Misa and stomps her.

Misa takes a running kick from both opponents. NS armbars Misa and Misa tries to pull her hair to escape. NS hammerlocks Misa on the bottom rope then kicks the ropes. Mia rolls NS into a double stomps. Chi gets in and shoulders over both opponents. Chi iron claws both on the ropes.

Chi facewashes both opponents then dropkicks both through the ropes. Chi corner spears NS and Misa running knees Ns in the corner. Misa suplexes NS for 2. NS knees Misa in the gut then crossbodies her against the bottom rope. Chi cartwheel double knees Ns in the back.

Chi tilt-a-whirl backbreakers NS then NS rolls her up for 2. Chi springboard double knee drops Chi's back then knees her in the gut. Chi takes a lion tamer but it is broken up. Miku corner dropkicks Chi from behind then dropkicks her in the corner.

Chi back body drops Miku then Miku slams her. Miku is then slammed by Chi. Chi rolling spears Miku then sitout torture rack drops her for 2. Misa 2nd rope moonsaults Miku for 2. Misa top rope double crossbodies her opponents for 2. Misa running knees Miku then spin kicks her in the gut. Miku fisherman suplexes Misa for 2. Miku ties up Misa's leg and half crabs the other leg. NS does an octopus to Chi at the same time.

Miku lariats Misa on the ropes then NS meteora's Misa on the ropes. Misa rolls up Miku off a sliding lariat. Misa hits a neckbreaker bulldog combo on her opponents then Chi rolling double spears her opponents. Misa fisherman suplexes Miku for 2. Misa top rope dropkicks Miku. Miku kips up and lariats her. chi powerslams Miku then NS hits a stiff step-up enzugiri on Chi.

Miku high kicks Misa then Misa la magistral's her into a bridge for 2. Miku double underhook suplexes Misa for 2. Miku blocks Misa's hurricanrana and hits a styles clash for the win.

Thoughts: It was an okay joshi tag here with them keeping up the pace. Chiaki looked good here did her role well. 

Nagisa Nozaki & Sareee vs. Mai Sakurai & MIRAI

NN = Nagisa Nozaki, Sare = Sareee

NN and Sareee take running facekicks to start. Mirai does a hard running back elbow to Sare. Sare then dropkicks her. Sare hair throws Mirai. Mirai gets back up and they pull each other by the hair. Mirai hair throws her. Sare boots Mirai then hits a hard chest forearm on her. Mirai shoulders her over for 2.

Mai running facekicks Sare then hits mounted forearms. Sare slams Mai then hits stiff mounted forearm shots. Sare spanks Mai then NN and Sare do a double indian deathlock on Mai. Sare ties up Mai's legs.

NN curbstomps Mai then stands on her head. Mai forearms her, spinkicks her, axe kicks her and basement dropkicks her for 2. NN hits knees to the gut then Mai hits chest forearms. NN facekicks her then sleepers her.

NN shotgun dropkicks Mai then running facekicks her in the corner. NN running facekicks Mai then does her pendulum kick to her head. Sare dropkicks Mai then NN basement dropkicks Mai. Mai flying knees NN then northern lights suplexes her for 2.

Mirai running shoulders NN over. NN hits a stiff facekick. Mirai elbows her on the ropes and lariats her there before taking a facekick on the ropes. NN hits a soul foot and knees her in the gut. Mirai takes her down by the leg then NN ripcord facekicks her for 2.

Sare top rope dropkicks Mirai for 2. Mirai hits a stiff chest forearm then Sare chest forearms her back. Mirai hits a hard forearm then hits more. Sare hits a hard forearm and drops her. Mai stunners Sare over the ropes then Mirai head and double arm holds Sare.

Mirai corner lariats her then sliding flatliners her for 2. Mirai twists Sare's head with her feet. Sare forearms her over then takes a lariat. Mai hits chest forearms on Sare. Sare chest forearms her over then Mai slaps her. Mai trips her then Sare is lifted for a bulldog for 2. Mai stf's Sare.

Sare slaps Mai then boots her. Sare gets stuck up top and Mai facekicks her off the buckles to the floor. Mai springboard plancha's her opponents outside. Sare takes a combo lariat + jumping knee for 2. Mai sitout gordbusters Sare. NN superplexes Mai then Sare 2nd rope double stomps Mai for 2.

Mirai shoulders over Sare then Mai crucifix bombs Sare. Mai crucifixes her for 2. Sare dropkicks Mai then NN basement dropkicks Mai. Sare dropkicks Mai's head against the ropes for 2. Sare top rope double stomps Mai and wins it.

Thoughts: It went a few minutes extra here than it needed to but it was a good tag. Sareee's offense looked good as usual and Nagisa had one of her best showings being a 2nd Saree here with the stiffness. Mirai and Saree matched up well and made me want to see that one.

Saree gets on the mic after. Yuzuki and Giulia come down and have words for her on the mic too. Nagisa says stuff to Nao Ishikawa after.

Overall thoughts: Like the debut show, the main was good, the semi-main was okay and the rest of the card was weak. I think that's going to continue to be the theme going forward for a while until Marigold trains some new girls. The question is going to be if it's enough to keep this promotion afloat. I wouldn't really recommend this one.

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