Thursday, May 9, 2024

TNA Impact 5/9/2024

TNA Impact 5/9/2024

Last week's show is here:

The System is having a championship celebration. They have cheerleaders dancing on the stage. The ring has some feather boas and some shiny things hanging off of it.

The System talk in the ring. Myers calls them the greatest faction in TNA history. He says we shouldn't be surprised by all of them being champs as they have been winning titles their whole career. Myers says The System runs on gold and is a dynasty.

Moose says he played on a lot of great teams and says they are the greatest team of all time. He says they are better than the 1996 Chicago Bulls and says to ask Nic Nemeth or Matt Hardy. He said they ran them off the court. Eddie said they walked in to Under Siege as champions and said Alisha Edwards realized her true potential by becoming a world champion. He said we might be looking at the greatest TNA knockout of all time. 

Alisha says she knows how the boys like to celebrate but says the ladies like to put more flare on it. She says she made a video and we see a video on The System. Matt Hardy interrupts the video. Matt comes out. He said they won the battle at Under Siege but the war is far from over. He says he will win the title and says Under Siege was a lesson. He said he understands The System better now and says he understands what he must do to render them obsolete.

Matt says it's the beginning and not the end. Matt says he'd love to see Moose's superbowl ring. Alisha says no one can understand a word he says because of his accent. Matt calls her a witch and yells, "silence". Moose says there's 4 of them and only 1 of him. Matt says he's right and he doesn't like their odds. He then hits them with a chair. Alisha tries to hit him with a kendo stick but Matt stops it. Matt is then beaten up. Ryan Nemeth comes to Matt's aide and hits The System with a kendo stick. Matt uses a chair on Moose and Moose is thrown out.

The cheerleaders then do the "delete" taunt.

ABC are interviewed. They are in a match vs Speedball Mountain where the winners face each other in a #1 contender's match for the tag titles. They are asked if there is resentment between them. Bey says they are on the same level and Bey said he tried to help Ace win the X-title. Ace says he would have if he didn't get cheated. Ace says they are being given another chance by Santino.

This match's gimmick is unusual and I'm not a fan of tag matches helping to make singles contenders or vice versa.

The System complain to Santino in the back and ask if he will do anything. He says he's going to make a huge announcement so stay tuned. 

The FBI (Ray Jaz and Zach Clayton) vs First Class

Ray hammerlocks Swann then fireman's carries him. Ray suplexes him and kips up. Ray hits a corner splash with a tag. Zach running face kicks Swann then Zach exploders Swann. AJ hits Zach from behind and Swann hits a dropkick.

Swann corner lariats Zach then AJ shoulders Zach over. AJ chokes Zach on the ropes and Swann cheapshots Zach. AJ pulls on Zach's neck between the ropes. AJ misses a corner splash. Zach hits punches on AJ then they double clothesline each other.

Ray and Swann comes in. Ray hits lariats and back elbows. Ray flips over his back and spinning heel kicks him. Ray rolls Swann into a backdrop. Zach hits shots on AJ and is thrown out. Ray dropkicks AJ then is spin kicked by Swann. AJ hits a big chokeslams on Ray then Swann top rope frogsplashes Ray to win it.

Thoughts: It was a lose-lose here as both teams are new and didn't need a loss here. It was a decent match though and Ray was working hard here.

Santino is in the back. Jake Something goes up to him. He says he got cheated by Swann/AJ. The Rascalz come up to Santino and said they need to talk to him now. Wentz says he lost because Trey was attacked. Santino says Jake can get a partner of his choice to fight them. Deaner gets in and says it's the people's choice and says he will team with Jake. He then tells Santino he needs to tell him something.

Kon and Steph de Lander are Alan Angels' guests this week on Sound Check. I forgot all about this segment and Alan since we haven't seen much of him lately.. Alan confuses them for dating and said that's what the dirtsheets said. Alan asks if she's single. She asks if Kon is friends with him. He says he's not and says Alan is starting to annoy him. Alan accuses him of being jealous and says he's out of here. Alan touches him and Kon swats his hand away. Alan calls for security and Kon throws then to the side. Steph then asks if they are good here.

Albany Tornado Tag Match - The Rascalz (Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz) vs Jake Something and Deaner

Deaner said he talked to Santino. He said because Albany is hot tonight, they can maybe spice the match up. Deaner says we can make a choice here - a standard tag match or a no count, Albany tornado tag match. The Rascalz don't like it. Deaner says it's not their choice, it's the people's choice.

All 4 fight and The Rascalz are shouldered over. The Rascalz get knocked onto the ropes. Wentz takes a 2v1 then is slammed by Jake. Trey springboards and is slammed onto Wentz. Deaner then is slammed onto both Rascalz. The Rascalz are lariated over the top in stereo and we go to break.

We return and Deaner is 2v1'd. Jake throws Trey over the top and Wentz flying knees Jake. Jake's arm is banged into the post then he is held on the post for a 619 by Trey. Deaner takes a double team ending in a neckbreaker and running SSP. Deaner is foot choked by both Rascalz.

Deaner is catapulted into the bottom buckle. Jake runs the ropes and shoulder over both opponents. Trey goes for a handspring back elbow and is bodyblocked by Jake from behind. Tren topes Deaner. Wentz goes for a tope then is caught and throw into Trey who goes for a tope. Deaner topes both Rascalz as Jake holds the ropes open for him. Jake sitout powerbombs Trey for 2.

Treyu poisonrana's Jake then TKO's Trey on his knee. Deaner and Wentz try to get pins at the same time. They go face to face and trade punches. Deaner hits jabs then they crossbody each other in mid-air at the same time. Trey dives through the ropes going for a sunset bomb. Jake blocks it then Trey sprays Jake with spray paint. Deaner takes a double superkick.

Deaner is spinebustered, catapulted into a superkick then double stomped by Wentz. Deaner is pinned.

Thoughts: I liked the tag match here. It had some cool spots with the diving sunset bomb attempt and Wentz being thrown into Trey during a tope.

Maclin runs down the ramp after and lariats the Rascalz from behind. Trey is sent into the post and Wentz takes a death rider ddt on the ramp.

Gia tries to interview Steve Maclin. Steve said The Rascalz walked out on him twice so he attacked them twice. Frankie Kazarian said that's the business he had to take care of and that's why he lost. He says their problem with Josh Alexander and Eric Young isn't finished. Steve says it is. Kaz says he's on his own and Steve said he knew it wouldn't work from the beginning.

Mike Santana is interviewed in New York. He says he's on top of the world and said it's been a long time coming. He talks about LAX and said they came in like a shotgun and took it over. He said TNA was their first experience on TV and it was sink or swim. He said they had some dope history. He is asked what he learned in his time away from TNA. He said so much happened and talked about his dad dying. He said he had drinking problems and made the decision to get sober. He said he needed to save his life.

Someone named Gabby LaSpisa talks. She is some kind of podcast host. She said their is a TNA talent they know little about and said she got an interview tonight with Ash by Elegance. George Iceman interrupts the intro and said he's the one who does those. Gabby asks for his name and says he will give her a name - Ash By Elegance.

Gabby asks if Ash is her first name and asks what name is on her birth certificate. George asks if this is an interrogation and says to call the lawyers. Gabby asks what "By Elegance" means. Ash says it's a lifestyle brand. Gabby said she never heard of it and asks what it means. Ash asks if she lives under a rock and George says she's from Jersey. Ash says this is the worst interview she has ever done and said she's out of here.

Gabby shows video of Under Siege with Ash attacking Havok. Gabby says Ash seems very angry and wonders if it's because of  Xia Brookside pinning her. George asks where she got the footage and said it was supposed to be scrubbed. Gabby said she got it on the TNA+ app. Ash said she lost because the ref stole her jewelry. Gabby said she met with TNA Management and said Ash can get her jewelry back if she can beat Xia Brookside. 

Xia Brookside comes out. Xia asks for a rematch next week for Ash's rings. Ash agrees. Gabby is forced to say Ash's full name after.

Thoughts: I didn't really get this segment. Why would TNA get to keep Ash's jewelry?

We see clips of Joe Hendry being interviewed.

Santino says he has a big announcement - The Champion's Challenge. He says 8 TNA champs face 8 all-stars on the other side. He said Josh Alexander is injured and can't be in it. This is some intergender match that I will not be watching.

Jonathan Gresham vs Will Ferrara

JG dropkicks him in the knee. He kicks him in it then does a normal dropkick. JG then does Keiji's Mutoh's puroresu love pose. JG ties up Will's arm then ties up the other as well. JG hooks Will's leg and does a neat pin attempt.

Will is dropkicked in the knee and flips for it. Will hits forearms then spears him into the buckle. Will euros him inthe corner. Will back elbows him and JG asai moonsaults him. JG stomps Will's leg then bangs it off the mat. JG gets on Will's back, spits up ink and puts it in Will's mouth. JG kind of does a mandible claw and wins it.

This new character is a lot more interesting than JG's old character was. He's still good in the ring and moves well and we'll have to see where it goes. It was a shorter and mostly one sided match.

There's a segment after that I won't be covering with Gail Kim.

Winning team faces each other for X-Division Title shot - Speedball Mountain vs ABC

Mike and Bey shoulder battle. Mike dropkicks him. Bey takes a double hiptoss then Trent is corkscrew flipped onto Bey. Trent corner lariats Bey then Mike jumps off of Trent's back and hits Bey in the corner. Mike running ssp's Bey for 2. Bey back elbows Mike. Mike takes a double japanese armdrag into a double basement dropkick.

Ace suplexes Mike and Bey sliding forearms Mike. Bey euros Mike in the back of the neck. Mike's head is banged off the buckles. Mike boots Ace then 2nd rope dropkicks him. Trent hits chops on Ace then ddt's him when Ace ducks a chop. Trent backhands Bey then hits a spinning emerald flowsion out of the suplex lift. 

Trent and Bey fight on the ropes. Trent chops Bey then top rope superplexes him. Mike misses a top rope ssp on Bey. Ace springboard dropkicks Trent and all four men are down. We go to break and return.

Trent and Bey trade chops. Bey spin kicks him in the head and take a uraken. Bey enzugiri's him then jumping cutters him. Ace kicks Mike by using Trent's back. Trent takes a double sandwich knee then Trent is kicked then brainbustered for 2.

Ace boots Trent. Mike and Trent hit punches t the same time on their opponents then Trent germans Ace. Mike superkicks Bey. Ace takes a seven star lariats for 2. Bey and Ace are thrown out. Trent hits a tope and Mike hits an asai moonsault outside.

Mike tornado kicks Bey in the head. Trent is pushed into Mike and knocks him off the buckles to the floor. Ace fosbury flops outside on his opponents. Ali is on commentary and tells Ace he would gladly give him a rematch as Ace yells at him. Mike tornado kicks Bey into a dragon suplex. Trent punches Ace and burning hammers him. Mike hits a 2nd rope ultimate weapon ssp double knee. Mike then picks up the pin.

Thoughts: It was an entertaining match action wise but it felt like it was missing something with both teams being faces here. The last few minutes of this were the best part here. They didn't overdo it which surprised me. ABC losing probably pushes whatever they are doing here with this ABC in-fighting.

Overall thoughts: The show only lasted about 1 hour and 50 minutes. It was a decent show though the Ash segment wasn't that good. The main was fine but was missing something and the Deaner match was good. I'm still not sure about the new Gresham character but he badly needed a change and I feel it's a step in the right direction. I wouldn't recommend this even though it was decent.

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