Friday, May 10, 2024

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 5/9/2024 Episode #63

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 5/9/2024 Episode #63

Last week's show is here: 

The Undisputed Kingdom do a promo. Taven said Matt Menard said their names and said they made him look like a melvin last time they fought. Taven said him and Bennett are a well oiled machine. He said Parker and Menard don't know who they are. Bennett says they are the best tag team in the world. He prays he is a better dad than he is a pro wrestler.

Taya Valkyrire, Diamante and Mercedes Martinez vs Lady Frost, Leyla Hirsch and Abadon

MM = Mercedes Martinez

Lady and Taya go at it. Taya yanks on the arm and chest chops her. Lady back flips into a headscissors on Taya. Taya is tripped into an Ab senton. Ab armdrags Dia then back elbows her. Dia slaps her, Ab yells at her and Dia gets scared.

MM lariats Ab then hits mounted punches. Ab bites MM's arm then Leyla basement dropkicks MM. Leyla hits suplexes on Taya and Dia. The heels jump her from behind then MM stomps on Leyla. Taya stomps on Leyla in the corner then corner meteora's her.

Dia clubs on Leyla and twists her head. MM exploders Leyla for 2. Dia corner dropkicks Leyla for 2 then suplexes her. MM hits shots on Leyla. Leyla jumps off the buckles then lands and germans MM.

Lady gets in and hits chops on Taya. Lady double boots her in the corner then cartwheels over her back and dropkicks her in it. Lady standing moonsaults her for 2. Lady corkscrew high kicks Taya then top rope tornillos her for 2. Multiple girls get in. Ab is thrown out and Leyla/Ab hit dives off the apron. Lady high kicks Taya.

Lady is stuck on the ropes and high kicked from behind. Dia sunset bombs Lady off the buckles and wins it.

Thoughts: It was a decent trios match here. Not great or memorable but nobody botched anything and it was a respectable showing. Lady was the highlight which isn't too surprising.

Anthony Ogogo vs Zicky Dice

Ogogo ducks a shot and backs up Dice in the corner. Ogogo side headlocks him then Dice side headlocks him. Ogogo lariats Dice then hits boots in the corner. Ogogo foot chokes him in the corner.

Dice goes up and over then Ogogo kicks him in the side of the head. Ogogo hits a big punch and knocks out Dice to win it.

Thoughts: It was a short one here and there wasn't much to it. Punch finishes are good ideas on paper but never great for exciting endings.

Ogogo says to get this piece of rubbish out of his ring after. Ogogo says we are looking at the skull crackin, jaw jackin governor of ROH. He says he's a 10x British boxing champ, junior olympian and junior world champ. He says he's the newest addition to Shane Taylor Promotions. 

Rachel Ellering is interviewed. She says she's been better. She said 2024 would start off hotter than it did for her. She said there is desperation in the air. She said she wants to earn this spot and said there is nothing she loves more than wrestling.

Maria comes in. She said she's desperate because her and Leyla didn't take her help. She says she's been doing this for a long time and realizedthat women's wrestling doesn't sell tickets. She says she isn't going to sell anything with what she has. Ellering then walks off. Maria says she can't handle the truth. I think I had a similar conversation with Ellering once and I agree with Maria.

Kiera Hogan vs Ashley D'Amboise

AD = Ashley D'Amboise

AD hits a knee to the gut and slams her. Hogan goes up and over her then single leg dropkicks her. Hogan hip attacks her on the ropes then does a step up legdrop over the back of the neck for 2.

AD powerslams her for 2. AD boots her while she is down then clubs on her. AD suplexes her then kips up and poses. AD running back elbows her then misses a corner splash. Hogan rolls her up then AD lariats her. AD hits stomps on her.

AD chinlocks her. Hogan boots her out of the corner then 2nd rope dropkicks her. Hogan hits chest forearms and back elbows. Hogan shotgun dropkicks her in the corner then corner hip attacks her. Hogan armdrags her off the uranage. Hogan superkicks her then hits a fisherman's neckbreaker to win it.

Thoughts: It was nothing special. There were no big highlights outside of the corner shotgun dropkick and Ashley's outfit.

Nick Comoroto is interviewed. He says he's going to be honest. He says Jacoby Watts' words resonated with him. He said Watts is a beacon of light. He says joining with him was a no brainer. He said they can inspire this dark world and says he can help people forge their own path to greatness. Watts comes in and asks if we will join him in his crusade. He says the choice is yours and says anything is possible when you believe in him.

Watts really has this character down and he continues to impress me each week. I just worry he's going to get stifled with The Righteous doing a similar gimmick.

Lance Archer and The Righteous vs Tommy Mars, Nikki Eight and Marco Lee?

The heels nail their opponents. Lance hits a release suplex and chases one of them around the ring. The jobber runs into Dutch's black hole slam on the floor. Vincent hits a backdrop and a basement dropkick. Vincent hits a running back elbow then an orange sunshine. Lane then hits a blackout on one jobber onto another and wins it.

Thoughts: It was just a quick squash. I always hate it when they don't announce who the jobbers are.

ROH Women's World Television Title Proving Ground Match - Billie Starkz vs. Dream Girl Ellie

BS = Billie Starkz

They lock up. Ellie backs her up in the corner. BS hits a big slap and is pushed. BS hits a knee to the gut and a big lariat. BS hits forearms then snapmares her and kicks her in the back.

BS hits a big forearm then Ellie dropkicks her in the gut. BS pulls Ellie's throat down over the top and hits stomps. Ellie is put in the tree of woe and BS stomps here as she hangs. BS talks to the ref and hits back kicks to Ellie. Ellie hits a big punch then BS spinning high kicks her. BS hits oblivion and wins it.

Thoughts: It was a short one-sided match. Billie won with ease here. Her gimmick is a problem though as people are going to cheer her even though she's a heel and she doesn't really have anyone to fight, just like Athena.

Mark Sterling talks to The Premier Athletes. Mark says they should start naming names - The Infantry, The Righteous, Angelico and Serpentico. Mark says they want competition. Ari says him and Nese want the ROH Tag Titles. Nese says they don't care who holds them. Mark says Danielson and Shibata are no Josh Woods. Woods says he's one of the best wrestlers in the world and says next, he's the world champ. Mark says they live by the 3 A's - anybody, anytime, anywhere. It was a nice segment here and if nothing else just some kind of promo time to try and get these guys over.  I think it's also helping to get Mark away from the goofy role.

Cole Karter & Griff Garrison vs. Spanish Announce Project (Angelico & Serpentico)

The fight starts on the ramp. Cole is thrown down the steel steps. Ange sends Griff into the rails and Cole goes in as well. Ange boots Griff inside the ring. Griff takes a backbreaker + flying lariat combo. Griff takes a reverse 3D for 2.

Ange wristlocks Griff then Serp top rope double stomps Griff's arm. Ange lifting flatliners Griff. Cole pulls Ange off the apron. Maria gets on the apron as well. Griff running lariats Serp. Serp is legswept on the apron by Cole then sent into the rails.

Girff drops Serp with a euro then takes a sunset flip. Serp rolls him up for 2 then Griff side slams him for 2. Griff stomps on Serp. Maria mocks Serp, holding his mask up to him. Cole stomps on Serp. Serp fights out of the corner and headscissors Griff over. Serp tags in Ange. Ange cleans house on the heels.

Angel throws Cole then jumps off his back to lariat Griff. Ange hits a kick combo on Cole. Ange rolls over Cole's back then upkicks him. Ange throws Griff out then Serp topes Griff. Cole rolls up Ange for 2 and hits a nice dropkick. Ange rolls up Cole and gets the surprise upset to win.

Maria throws the mask in the ring in anger after and Serp gets it. The heels nail Griff and Serp from the side after. Ange is sent out. Serp tries to fight off a double team but is sent face first into a chair in the corner.

Thoughts: Serp and Ange have lost to nearly everyone on the ROH roster. They have basically zero credibility. I don't like them beating Griff and Cole who have been together for a while now yet still can't get any real wins. I do appreciate them furthering the storyline and feud though and I doubt it's the end of this one. The match was a decent with a simple heel vs face storyline.

Overall thoughts: No champions wrestled here and there were limited storyline advancements as usual. The show was only 50 minutes long. As a reviewer it means less work for me but I can't imagine that people paying for HonorClub are thrilled. The main event was the best thing on here and the women's trios match was okay but I wouldn't recommend this one.

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