Thursday, May 30, 2024

TNA Impact 5/30/2024

TNA Impact 5/30/2024

Last week's show is here:

Chris Bey vs Ace Austin

Ace is backed up in the corner. Ace side headlock takeovers him. Bey legsweeps him then flying shoulders him. Bey is thrown and Ace is thrown into the corner. Ace trips him and kicks him in the back of the head. Ace springboard armdrags him then rolls over his back with an armdrag. Bey headscissors him and dropkicks him. Bey back elbows him.

Ace back body drops him then northern lights suplexes him twice. Ace chinlcoks him. Ace throws him out and kicks him from the apron. Bey lariats him then hits kicks. Bey misses a kick off the ropes and is spinebustered.

Ace lariats him and dropkicks him. Ace russian legsweeps him and legdrops him for 2. They trade forearms. Ace knees him then Bey corkscrew enzugiri's him. Ace kicks him off the ropes. Bey hits a cutter. Ace goes for a bridge pin and is crucifixed and pinned.

I didn't think they had the best chemistry and it was hard to get into the early part of this match. The crowd was not real loud for this one and it was just tough with no face or heel alignment here.

Ace hugs him after and they hold the ropes open for each other.

Steph De Lander vs Xia Brookside

Xia waistlocks her and is thrown off. Steph pulls her down off the lock-up. Xia hurricanrana's her out of the corner and Steph fallaway slams her off her crossbody attempt. Steph hits mounted forearms. Steph corner splashes her. Xia back elbows her then spinning headscissors her into the buckle.

Xia teases a punch and Steph goes out to stall. Steph tries to get a chair from under the ring but PCO is under the ring and has the chair. Xia dives at Steph and PCO moves Steph and catches Xia. Steph asks what he is doing.

Steph is arguing with PCO then is rolled up. Xia gets the win.

Thoughts: The match wasn't much and really only existed to push the PCO/Steph thing. I am curious as to where that combo goes as it is something different.

They argue after and Steph says he made her lose the match. PCO holds one of his fingers up and shows her a piece of paper with a heart and her name on it. Xia claps for this and the crowd chants for Steph to take the paper. Steph does and PCO celebrates.

We see footage of Jordynne Grace appearing on NXT and telling Roxanne Perez that she is her challenger.

Laredo Kid does a promo. First Class walk up to him. They said they want to congratulate him on getting to defend his title next week on the 20th Anniversary of Impact. AJ says Kid is fighting him. Kid asks if it's official and Swann says it will be when he asks Santino for a match. Kid asks why would he do that? First Class then nail Kid. Security breaks the fight up.

This was stupid but funny.

Kon is looking for Santino in the back. He runs into Jake Something and Deaner. Deaner tells him to watch where he is going. Kon asks if he will do something. Deaner says this isn't the place. Jake pushes him and asks when and where. Kon says they will settle it next week and tells him to stop listening to Deaner. He said he used to do that and it didn't work out for him. He says it might not work out to him either. Jake tells Deaner to stay out of this.

Sami Callihan vs Jonathan Gresham

The ref is wearing mask and gloves as instructed by Santino. The two stare down. Sami says thumbs up, thumbs down. JG tries to bite the thumb. JG tries to bite him again. Sami pulls on JG's fingers then JG does it to him. JG tries to bite the fingers.

Sami bites him then throws him over the top. Sami chops him outside. He grabs the camera and says this is Death Machine TV and get ready for a break. JG then grabs Sami and pulls on his nose. 

We go to PiP break and return. They are still fighting outside and Sami chops the post when JG moves. JG forearms him. They fight on the apron and Sami short piledrivers him on the apron. They both crawl inside of the ring then hit each other on their knees. JG tries to spin ink into his hand and Sami blocks it. Sami's hand then gets covered in the ink and he is asks the ref what it is. The ref is scared to get near him thne Sami is sunset flipped and pinned.

Thoughts: This is an unusual gimmick and they are figuring it out as it goes along. This was a slower and weird match that had little wrestling in it. It really wasn't that entertaining and would have been more effective if it was shorter.

The System says they have better things to worry about than Joe Hendry.  They say he's a cheap imitation and are worried about Matt Hardy and The Nemeth's getting involved. Moose says he will take care of Matt and leaves. They say they can't believe Gia dyed her hair like a Nemeth brother (she has blonde hair now).

Frankie Kazarian comes up to Gia and asks who he is. He makes her say, "The King of TNA".

I skipped the Gail Kim segment.

Steve Maclin vs Mike Santana

They wristlock each other. Steve back elbows him and side headlocks him. They shoulder battle. Santana hits chops then flying headscissors him. Steve drops Mike face first onto the apron. Steve jumps off the apron and elbow drops Mike on the floor.

Steve kneedrops Mike's back then uranage backbreakers him. Mike backrolls into a cutter on him then enzugiri's him in the corner. Mike hits doi fives for 2. Steve lariats Mike in the back of the head then corner spears him while he's in tree of woe. Steve hits a nasty fire thunder driver for 2.

Steve is dropped off the top then Mike frogsplashes him for 2. Mike is back body dropped to the floor. He comes back in and superkicks Steve then tope con hilos him outside. Steve then topes him. The Rascalz then come down and beat up both guys.

Thoughts: I thought they did too much here and didn't sell enough. It had a weird flow to it and didn't really start to click until the interference ended it.

Jody Threat talks to Lars and Dani. She says she doesn't know what happened. Lars said the first rule in a fight is that there is no such thing as a fair fight. He said he talked to Santino and set up Dani Luna vs Tasha Steelz. Dani says it's not for her, it's for Spitfire. She says let's do it if is what we need to become tag champs again.

We see Leon Slater and Ali arguing in the back. Leon says Mustafa Ali fears Mike Bailey. Champagne Singh accepts a match between the two for Ali.

Mustafa Ali vs Leon Slater

Ali offers a handshake and Leon slaps it away. Ali side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Leon rewind kicks him then handspring back elbows him. Ali gets him on the ramp. Ali is thrown into the ropes from the ramp and goes down to the floor. Leon flips off the ramp onto him.

We go to PiP break and return. Leon hits corner punches then is dropped down face first. Ali stomps on Leon then foot chokes him. Champagne Singh chokes Leon.

Ali high kicks him from the apron then rolls in to a cutter on Leon. Leon criss crosses him with a cutter.  Ali is pushed through the ropes then Leon plancha's him. Ali then topes him. Ali misses a 450 and takes a blue thunder. Ali uranage lifts him into a german.

Ali misses a corner hip attack then is rolled up. Ali rolls him up. Ali tries for like an os cutter but is caught is with a neckbreaker. Ali hits a 450 and wins it.

Thoughts: It was a high flying, fast paced match. It was fine but not particularly great. Ali got the win here as expected. 

Moose threatened a worker as he looks for Matt Hardy.

Joe Hendry gets on the mic. He says Eddie called him a joke and said he doesn't have what it takes to beat The System. He said he's not that worried about The System and is more worried about his digestive system. He said he gets squeamish when a middle aged man is wearing a faux-hawk in 2024. He says to chant "We believe" if you have a case of the Eddie Edwards.  Joe says they believe in him.  

Joe Hendry vs Eddie Edwards

Nic and Ryan Nemeth come out before this starts to second Joe.

Eddie boots Joe in the gut. Joe runs through Eddie's chop and shoulders him over. Joe delay suplexes him for 2. Eddie eye pokes him and forearms him in the back. Eddie hits a blue thunder and we go to PiP break.

We return and Joe hits shots on Eddie's gut. Eddie lariats him for 2. Eddie hits chops and back elbows him. Joe hits lariats then fallaway slams him. Eddie goes to stall outside and Joe running lariats him. Joe stomps him in the corner. Eddie misses a corner charge and takes a cutter for 2. Joe euros him and gets lariated.

Eddie is up top and Joe runs up the buckles and 2nd rope fallaway slams him for 2. Eddie enzugiri's him on the buckles. Eddie superplexes him then hits a double underhook powerbomb for 2. Eddie runs at him and takes a spinebuster. Joe then wins it.

It got close to 15 minutes and was an average match for the most part. Nothing wrong with it but it wasn't that good. Joe's over right now so it makes sense to push him some and see where it goes. I was surprised we didn't see something break out with the System and Nemeth.

Moose is looking for Matt Hardy. He says he knows he's here. Matt appears and they fight. Moose gets his head banged off a box then Matt is thrown into a rollaway door. Moose chairs him in the gut. Moose puts the chair around Matt's neck and pushes him into the wall. Moose then chairs the chair around Matt's neck. He tells him to tell him how that tastes. Matt is left laying to end the show.

Overall thoughts: It wasn't that good of a show. None of the matches really stood out that much and the angles are just not hitting the spot right now. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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