Thursday, May 30, 2024

All Japan Pro Wrestling 5/29/2024 Super Power Series 2024 Day 1

All Japan Pro Wrestling 5/29/2024 Super Power Series 2024 Day 1

I skipped the intergender match here.

Marino Saihara & Yui Tenshoku vs. Nagisa Shiotsuki & Natsuki

Yui is in the green and black. Nagisa is in the blue and white.

MS and Nat start us off. They lock up and Natsuki is backed up on the ropes and double chopped. MS hiptosses her then Nat springboard diving armdrags her. Nat hits a low dropkick and lays her on the middle rope. Nagisa and Natsuki stand on their opponents on the ropes.

MS is booted, legswept then takes a double elbow drop. MS slams Nat then back body drops her for 2. Nat dropkicks MS. Nagisa gets in and trades chest forearms with MS. MS STO's her and then armbars her. Nagia codebreakers MS then hits a corner dropkick. Nagisa hits machine gun chops then MS chops her.

MS hits a wild twisting alabama slam on Nagisa's chest. Yui slams Nagisa three times for 2. Nagisa backcrackers her and low dropkicks her. Yui takes a kick + dropkick on the ropes then takes a double chop from Nagisa for 2. Yui rolls up Nagisa for 2

Nat top rope flying knees Yui then double stomps her for 2. Nat kicks Yui in the leg then Yui hits forearms. Yui dropkicks her then gori specials her. MS racks Nagisa at the same time and samoan drops her. Yui then flips Nat onto Nagisa. Nat flying knees Yui.

Yui judo throws Nat off the top rope then Yui gutwrench suplexes her for 2. Yui michinoku slams Nat for 2. Nagisa does a tequila shot style move on MS for 2. Nat high kicks Yui then cuty specials her for the win.

Thoughts: It wasn't bad for the level of talent involved. It was perfectly fine for being a dark match. Natsuki was probably the best one of the four here.

Hokuto Omori & Kuma Arashi vs. Ren Ayabe & Shotaro Ashino

No horse mask for Omori today. Kuma and Sho start us off. Kuma does his bear yells and gets a good pop for it. Kuma wristlocks him, gets reversed and headscissors him off a side headlock takeover. Sho stops him from doing his bear yell.

Ren and Omori get in. Omori clean breaks him on the ropes and Ren just messes omori's hair up on the break. Omori hits forearms then running forearms him over. Omori is thrown off the top and Ren slams him.

Sho works Omori's arm then Ren double axe handles it. Ren bangs Omori's head off the buckles then hits forearms. Ren slams Omori for 2. Sho single leg craps Omori and Omori ropebreaks.

Omori flatliners Sho then Kuma sentons Sho. Kumra racks Sho and then throws Sho at Ren. Kuma misses a 2nd rope senton then takes Sho's running euro. Sho hits karelin's lift then Ren running facekicks Kuma. Ren flying neckbreakers Kuma then Ren running facekicks Kuma for 2.

Kuma crossbodies Ren. Omori and Ren trade forearms and Omori suplexes Ren. Sho blocks a dotwer of doom spot and Kuma ends up powerbombing Omori. Sho germans Kuma then Ren full-nelson slams Omori. Ren dropkicks Omori for 2. Ren spinning falcon arrows Omori and wins it.

Thoughts: It was just an undercard match. No one did anything too crazy here and Omori/Ren lost to no real surprise. It was fine for an opener but far from anyone's best.

Sho puts Kuma in a choke outside after.

Kuroshio TOKYO Japan vs. Yuma Aoyagi

Jiro dances around and plays with the crowd during his entrance as usual. Yuma comes out and Jiro tries to take his head off with a chair and misses. Jiro is sent into the post ddt's on the floor and sent into the rails. Jiro slams the ringside rail door on Yuma's arm. Jiro kicks the arm.

They get in and Jiro kicks the arm more. Jiro pulls on it and tries pin attempts. Jiro kimura's him and does an AT lock. Yuma ropebreaks. Jiro hits jacket punches then Yuma flying forearms him. Yuma hits flying corner forearms then top rope crossbodies him.  Yuma does his guillotine + armlock and Jiro ropebreaks.

Yuma drops Jiro with a forearm and they trade shots. Jiro kicks him in then is backdropped for 2. Yuma rock bottoms him for another 2 then top rope elbow drops him. Yuma armbars him off the pin attempt.

Jiro kicks him in the arm and flips him off. Jiro buzzsaw kicks him twice and superkicks him while he is down for 2. Jiro misses a shining wizard and Yuma ends up dropkicking the ref whne Jiro moves.

Jiro and Yuma try chair shots. Yuma throws the chair away, Jiro low blows him then chairs him. Jiro hits a flying step up enzugiri and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was different from their prior matches. Nobody was screwing around here and Jiro was about getting some revenge here. Jiro did armwork that went nowhere, but he was real heelish towards Yuma. I'd still give this one a thumbs up despite the issues as they progressed the Yuma vs Jiro feud.

Jiro and Yuma talk on the mic after.

MUSASHI, Rising HAYATO, Seigo Tachibana & Seiki Yoshioka vs. Dan Tamura, Fuminori Abe, Hikaru Sato & Naruki Doi


MS = Musashi

MS and Dan start us off. MS clean breaks him then Dan shoulders him over. Seiki and Doi get in. Doi eye rakes him then takes a flying dropkick. Doi spinebusters him and running swantons him. Abe gets in and slaps Doi on a failed double team.

Seigo gets in and punches Abe. Abe spin kicks him then kicks him in the back. Dan gets in and backbreakers Seigo. Dan then crabs him.
Sato hits kicks on Seigo then water wheel drops him. They trade forearms then Seigo ddt's Sato. Seigo slams Dan on Sato. Abe and Rising go at it. Abe kicks him in the back and they trade forearms for slaps. Rising running back elbows him.

Rising teases a dive and goes to pose but Dan knocks him over. Dan and Seigo then trade forearms. Seigo throws him out then Doi trips Seigo on a dive attempt. Abe slaps Doi again on a failed double team then MS exploders Abe. MS hits a tope con hilo outside then Seiki asai moonsaults outside. Rising then springboard plancha's outside. Rising springboard legdrops Abe's neck.

Rising misses an asai moonsault. Abe running forearms him then is dropkicked. Abe hits a nice dropkick then regalplexes him for 2. Abe baseball punches Rising then does an octopus. Abe pulls onto the arm and taps Rising out.

It was a decent juniors tag here with us getting some dives before they went home. There was nothing wrong with this.

Seigo and Dan continue to fight after and Dan chokes him outside.

NWA Worlds Heavyweight Title Match - EC3 (c) vs. Ryuki Honda

They play the NWA Champion's theme that they used in the 70's and 80's before this. Honda comes in through the crowd.

They shake hands and Honda gets a big chant. They lock up and EC3 clean breaks him. EC3 wristlocks him then Honda side headlocks him. Honda shoulders him over. EC3 side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Honda hiptosses him then shoulders him over.

Honda hits forearms outside and bangs his head off the apron. EC3 is sent into the rails then choked on the rails. Honda counts along with the ref like usual. EC3 corner splashes Honda then flying back elbows him

EC3 stomps on Honda. Honda comes back with forearms then EC3 does an STO variation. EC3 chinlocks him then chokes him on the ropes. EC3 lariats him in the back of the neck on the 2nd rope. EC3 backdrops him for 2 then Honda backdrops him. Honda forearms him over.

Honda corner lariats him then hits a spinebuster for 2. EC3 hits a thesz press then Honda spears him. Honda knocks him over with a lariat for 2. EC3 kicks him coming off the 2nd rope then Honda germans him for 2. 

EC3 bridging ddt's him over the 2nd rope then Honda back body drops him. They each hit lariats and EC3 knocks him down with one. EC3 rams Honda's head into the mat for 2 then jay drillers him. EC3 then gets the win.

It wasn't that interesting. EC3 sadly moves like Honma does. He's slower and his stuff just doesn't look good at all which brings down everything. They didn't get a ton of time and they didn't go for an epic match here. 

AJPW World Tag Team Title Match - The Saito Brothers (Jun Saito & Rei Saito) (c) vs. Odinson & Parrow

They all shove each other and fight to the outside. Parrow beats up Jun in the seats and chops him there. Rei pushes Odin down the steps and they trade forearms outside. Odin is sent into the rails and Jun's head is banged off the apron.

Jun takes a kick to the chest, headbutts Parrow then is suplexed on the floor. Parrow trips Rei then Odin knee drops Rei on the back of the neck and chin. Odin corkscrew euros Rei in the back of the neck then flying euros him. Parrow splashes Rei in the corner then Odin full-nelson slams Rei. Odin does an attitude adjustment on Parrow onto Rei.

Parrow drops elbows on Rei. Odin forearms Rei, knees him in the back and pulls both of his arms back. Odin corkscrew euros Rei's back again. Parrow fallaway slams Rei. the nstands on him in the corner. They trade chops then lariat battle. Parrow knocks him over with a weak move.

Rei slaps Parrow and Jun hits parrow from behind. Odin and Jun trade shots. Jun spears him. Odin dropkicks him and is tripped into the ropes for a Rei knee. Rei knocks over Parrow outside and Jun jackhammers Odin for 2.

Odin takes running corner attacks and a double hiptoss for 2. Rei headbutts Parrow. Jun is pushed off the top then Odin hits a neat backdrop move on Rei. Odin and Parrow hit a super collider and the Saito's drop like bricks. Parrow takes a double chokeslam.

Jun fights off the 2v1. Rei slaps Odin and Jun lariats Odin hard. Odin takes a doomsday device and is pinned.

Thoughts: It wasn't as good as it could have been but it was still fun. The super collider was just wild and Odin getting a doomsday device isn't something you see everyday. Parrow didn't bring a whole lot to the table on this one. If nothing else, it was good to see some different opponents for The Saito's, especially some people who are their size.

Jun eats donuts of some sort after. Naruki Doi then comes out and seems to join with them.

Triple Crown Title Match - Yuma Anzai (c) vs. Kento Miyahara

They lock up. Kento is backed up on the ropes. Yuma wristlocks him and they trade hammerlocks. Yuma side headlocks him then Kento armlocks him. Kento headlock takeovers him, Yuma headscissors him and they stand off.

Kneto hops him and is knocked off the apron. Yuma flying knees him off the apron. Yuma hits forearms then Kento is sent into the rails. Yuma hits forearms outside and tries to throw Kento in, but Kento falls down. Kento is sent into the rails then Yuma goes over the rails. Yuma blocks a running facekick, springboards off the rails and takes a facekick in the air. Kento hits headbutts outside then ddt's him on the floor.

They get back in. Kento dropkicks him in the knee and the side of the head. Kento facekicks him and Yuma goes face to face with him. Kento hits a headbutt then takes a belly to belly suplex. Yuma corner forearms him and double underhook suplexes him for 2.

Kento facekicks Yuma off the buckles. They fight on the apron and Kento is dragon suplexed on it. Yuma hits forearms on Kento and Kento just stares at him. They trade forearms and Kento hits knees to the head. Kento curbstomps him and Yuma no sells it. They trade more forearms then Yuma germans him. Kento then brainbusters him.

Kento superplexes him then hits a pmping knee. Yuma facelocks him and does a grounded tazzmission. Kento then ropebreaks. Kento hits a big lariat then Yuma hits flying knees. Yuma germans him. 

Kento flying pumping knees him. Yuma dropkicks him then is lariated. Kento hits another flying pumping knee then another for 2. Yuma flying knees him from behind. Yuma straightjacket germans him, hits a flying knee then hits his gimlet. Yuma then gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a good main. I think it needed something more to get to the next level and it could have used more selling from Kento. I was a bit surprised Yuma won this one though also not surprised in some ways. 

Yuma seems to form a new group with Ryuki Honda, Ren Ayabe and Rising Hayato after.

Overall thoughts: AJPW put out a nice card with this one, bringing in some foreigners and having a big Triple Crown match to close the show. I thought the show was good overall. The main was easily the match of the night.

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