Friday, May 31, 2024

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 5/30/2024 Episode #66

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 5/30/2024 Episode #66

Last week's show is here:

Proving Ground Match - Athena vs Viva Van

Athena backs her up into the corner then pushes her down. Vivan bridges then rolling armbars her. Athena holds on and powerbombs her outside of the ring with it. Athena clubs on her andgordbusters her. Athena superkicks her and bangs her head off the mat.

Athena slaps her then is armbarred again. Athena is pulled out and comes back in to forearm Viva. Athena then wins.

The finish was weak here with Athena winning with a simple forearm. This did nothing for either girl and was a waste of time.

Proving Ground Match - The Undisputed Kingdom (Mike Bennett and Matt Taven) vs Nick Comoroto and Jacoby Watts

Nick is beat up by both opponents. He takes double boots and kicks. Taven chops Nick then Nick headbutts him down. Nick hits shots in the corner then Taven 2nd rope dropkicks him. Nick wants a tag but Watts tells him he's got him.

Nick skins the cat and takes a springboard kick. Mike hits forearms and chops on Nick. Nick hits a double clothesline then slams both opponents. Nick jumping elbow drops Mike. Nick takes a death valley driver into a running knee. Nick is then pinned.

This was a real great way to put the new Watts and Comoroto team over with them getting beat to the point that Watts didn't even get in. This was just a squash.

Watts yells at him after and asks if he wants this. He asks him if he likes feeling like a loser.

Serpentico vs Brady Roberts

They shake hands. Serp rolls and kips out of a wristlock. Serp headscissors him and hits superkicks. Serp then flatliners him for 2. Serp is back body dropped to the apron. He slingshots in and lands on Brady's knee.

Brady neckbreakers him. Brady flying knees him from the side and release northern lights suplexes him for 2. Brady does a surfing pose on him. Serp running chops him then headscissors him out of the corner. Serp superkicks him and slingblade bulldogs him.

Serp hits a top rope swanton and wins it.

Thoughts: It was a shorter match here and wasn't anything special. Serp got a rare win here and did a top rope swanton, which I don't know if I saw before. I don't really know what the point of this was though since Serp will never be anything more than a jobber. 

Marina Shafir is dressed up like a librarian and interviewed. She asks Lexy to ask her why she's the problem. She says it's because she said so. She said she has gone toe to toe with the top talent in the company and they can't solve her. She said most people run, hide and lie from their problems. She says she's not like most people. She said what happens when you don't care of a problem and says it gets worse.

Thoughts: This was something different. Considering her current low standing though, it's probably an upgrade.

Red Velvet vs Kel

Kel lost a bunch of weight since I saw her last and has improved her look. She's 6 foot and looks it. Red stomps her foot before the match then stomps her hand on the handshake. Red hits kicks to the leg and Kel blocks moves. Red leg lariats her.

Red hits stomps in the corner and foot chokes her. Kel does a pump kick that barely hits, if at all. Red flying shoulders her then double knees her on the ropes. Red corkscrew kicks her and wins.

Thoughts: It was a short squash here. They put over Kel's size a lot in this one. It wasn't that great and Kel missed one of the only moves she got.

Red Velvet dances after then Athena's music hits. Billie Starkz appears in the ring behind Red and nails her. Billie boots her. Red hits some forearms and takes a kick. Red's head is then banged off the Women's TV Title.

Zak Knight vs Sebastian Wolfe

Zak wears a winter jacket, a vest and a button down shirt out. He takes a while to get ready. Zak headbutts him off the handshake then hits mounted forearms. Zak hits chops, punches and stomps in the corner.

Zak suplexes him then Wolf gets a side kick in. Zak lariats him and pulls him up from the pin. Zak running punches him and wins it.

Thoughts: Zak looked good here, showing off some aggression. This was just a squash.

Lee Johnson vs Aaron Solo vs Action Andretti

Lee lariats Solo over the top and AA tries pin attempts on Lee. Lee armdrags him then AA headscissors him. Solo takes a double hiptoss. Solo is knocked out of the ring by both then AA flying headscissors him. AA dropkicks him. Solo hits a big back elbow on AA.

Solo stomps on AA. AA sunset flips Solo in a botched spot then Solo dropkicks Lee, making him ddt AA in the process. Solo suplexes AA then hits a top rope double stomp on AA for 2.

Solos is on the buckles and takes a step up enzugiri. Lee tope con hilos Solo then takes a seated moonsault from AA outside. AA springboard twisting enzugiri's Lee. AA handspring double back elbows both opponents then hits a standing moonsault on both opponents.

AA hits chest kicks to both opponents. AA high kicks Lee. AA shotgun dropkicks him into the corner then hits a split-legged moonsault. Solo throws out AA and goes for the pin. AA springboards and is caught with Lee's superkick. Lee lifting reverse ddt's Solo.

Thoughts: It was an okay three way here. We got a few highspots before it ended. There was nothing wrong with it and it was fine for what it was.

The Premier Athletes (Ari Davari and Tony Nese) vs The Bollywood Boyz  (Gurv and Harv Sihra)

Mark Sterling gets on the mic before it starts. He says this is a big week for athletes in Canada. he says the premier team will beat a couple of losers from Vancouver.

The Boyz get nailed before it started. Ari hits a slam on Gurv. The Boys hit a double elbow drop on Ari then a double hiptoss and double elbow drop on Nese. Ari takes a double lariat over the top. Nese is then sent over the top. The Boys go to dance and get nailed.

Ari sends one of them into the buckles chest first then the Athletes double pound on Harv. Nese stomps on Harv then Ari hits elbow drops on Harv. Nese butt drops Harv's leg then running back elbows him. Harv tornado ddt's Ari.

Gurv gets in and hits shots on Nese. He atomic drops him and spinning heel kicks him and Ari. Harv springboard crossbodies out and The Boyz dance. Gurv hits a top rope elbow drop on Nese for 2.

Gurv hits shots on both Athletes then superkicks Ari. Nese hits an uppercut and a pump handle fire thunder driver to get the win.

Thoughts: It was a decent throwaway match here. The Boyz got some offense in before being put down as expected.

Mark Sterling rips up a Bollywood Boyz sign in the ring after. The Boyz then get beaten up 4v2 after. The Infantry come out with chairs to make the save.

The Workhorsemen vs Top Flight

They shake hands. Anthony Henry was fired but Tony got ripped for firing an injured guy so he's now unfired.

Darius waistlocks Henry. Henry trips him then is wristlocked. Henry side headlocks Darius then shoulders him over. Darius uses the ropes to armdrag him then is armdragged. Darius backslides him then rolls him up for 2. Darius armdrags him and armlocks him.

JD comes in and punches and chops Darius. They trade chops. Dante gets in and moonsaults off of JD while he is standing. Dante headscissors him then hits a jumping knee on Henry. JD rebound lariats Dante outside.

JD slingshot sentons Dante then chops him. Dante is tripped into JD's knees. JD holds him there for a double stomp from Henry. Henry flips Dante and Dante tags out. Darius gets in and hits shots on both opponents. Darius bulldogs JD through the ropes then flatliners him off the bottom rope.

Dante is lariated over the top. Dante takes a ddt on the floor outside then JD low blows Darius. JD flying single legged dropkicks Darius. Henry is sent into JD then Garius hits a combo tornado ddt + reverse ddt. Dante gets in and forearms Henry. Dante jumps off of Henry's back to hurricanrana JD. Dante flips over Henry's back and topes JD. Dante springboard topes Henry.

Darius tornado ddt's JD off of Dante. Dante hits a sit-out half-nelson slam on Henry and wins it.

Thoughts: I thought it was a good tag with both teams getting some offense in and the faces making their comeback to win it. Top Flight had one of their better showings here.

Overall thoughts: The top three matches were fine but this was nothing must see as usual. The world champ was nowhere to be found as usual but they did further some programs at least. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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