Tuesday, May 21, 2024

NWA Powerrr 5/21/2024

NWA Powerrr 5/21/2024

Last week's show is here:  https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/05/nwa-powerrr-5142024.html

Tiffany Nieves and Reka Tehaka vs La Rosa Nega and Ruthie Jay

RJ = Ruthie Jay

RJ and Tiff talk trash then Rosa and Reka get in. Reka throws Rosa back by the hair. Reka backbreakers Rosa. Rosa hits Tiff on the apron for some reason then suplexes Reka. Rosa hits another one then a fiserhamn's suplex for 2. Reka headbutts Rosa then Rosa is double suplexed. Tiff is dropped face first on the buckles then RJ top rope crossbodies her. RJ legdrops Tiff for 2.

RJ goes for a a headlock and headscissors takeover but is stopped and kind of powerbombed. Reka powerbombs RJ then bangs her head off the mat. Tiff yells at Reka then does a russian legsweeps on RJ for 2. Tiff hits crossfaces on RJ then straightjacket chokes her. RJ throws her over and step up enzugiri's her.

Rkea and Rosa get in there. Rosa does a double dropkick on both opponents and spinning spinebusters Reka for 2. RJ throws Tiff out then is pulled off the apron by her. Rosa is pushed off the top by Tiff and Reka pins Rosa.

I couldn't get into this one. They had some kind of issue going with Reka and Tiff that they didn't go into and the work just wasn't that good. Rosa seemed to have gotten hurt on the finish as well.

Kyle Davis interviews Pretty Empowered and The Southern Six. Kerry says thye are known for smashing heads and breaking heads. He says they will do that after winning The Crockett Cup. He asks what is there that they haven't done? Silas calls this class vs no class. Silas says the inbred's of Tampa wouldn't know what it is to succeed. Silas puts over his clothes and says they will put class on The Crockett Cup. He says there are stars in the southern sky.

Kenzie Paige mocks Taylor Rising and hears Ella Envy is in talk for championship consideration. Ella says way to spill the beans and accuses him of trying to hurt their friendship. Kyle says it seems Kenzie didn't know Ella is thinking of challenging for her title.

Joe Alonzo vs Damian Fenrir


Billy Corgan says DF has the x-factor and reminds him of Oscar de la Hoya. Joe forearms him in the corner and is forearmed down. DF rolls him up then backslides him. Joe clips DF and backs his knee off the mat. Joe chokes him on the ropes.

DF backrolls Joe then DF is tripped into the ropes. Joe takes a spinning enzugiri then DF hits running lariats on him. DF hits a great dropkick, flips around him then does a splash mountain. DF is pulled down over the top rope throat first then Joe lifts him and full-nelson slams him to win.

Thoughts: Billy said he scouted Damian and it was a good move as he seems like he has something to him. He's not the tallest but he's well over 220, built, decent looking and has some athleticism. This is definitely not the last we've seen of him. It was a shorter match and is was just average. 

Joe Alonzo is interviewed after. He's told Alex Taylor is the #1 Contender. Joe says Kyle usually annoys him but sounded cool when he called him World Junior Heavyweight Champ. Joe says Alex Taylor isn't a champ. He says he's a good talent but he relies on his buddies. Joe says he relies on himself and said the people don't have to like it, but they will accept it. He tells the crowd to boo themselves. He said if he wasn't Joe Alonzo, he'd hate him too.

This was a fun promo here and Joe being annoying.

Daisy Kill, Talos and The Slimeballz are interviewed. Daisy isn't happy at being the #5 seed for The Crocket Cup. He rips The Stew Crew, calling them Tennessee local yokle's. Sage Chants of The Slimeballz is excited. Tommy says they are going to make a name for themselves and show they are ready to hang with the big dogs. Sage says he will take The Southern Six to Slimeball City and Tommy says Slimeball City is never pretty.

Thoughts: This was a fun promo segment here with The Slimbeballs bringing some personality to it and Daisy coming off well.

Vampiro talks. He says there was a meeting in the shadows. He says there is so much more going on here. He asks who could The Ultimate Power be? He says he tried to help ____ but they didn't listen. He talks about the alpha and the omega. He says there is no gender here and says ____ will always be in his eyes. He says he almost wants this person to turn him down. He says he needs the energy and mojo and says he will be standing there in the light. He says it doesn't matter how bright you will shine without darkness and shadows. He says the moons always blocks out the sun. He says ___ asked and it's time to collect. We then see EC3 appear and disappear.

Thoughts: This was an Ultimate Warrior style promo from Vampiro. I still don't know what he was talking about and while I think it's directed towards Natalya Markova, I have no idea.

Crockett Cup First Round - Knox and Murdoch vs The Miserably Faithful (Gaagz the Gymp and Sal Rinauro)

Trevor Murdoch is waistlocked and he is disgusted by it. Gymp takes a boot and a lariat from Trev. Trev chops him then throws him hard into the buckles. Trev backdrops him then elbows him in the head.

Gymp is double teamed in the corner then Knox sideslams him for 2. Knox punches him then slams him three times. Knox swinging side slams him for 2. Sal is tagged in and he pulls Knox's throat down over the top rope. Knox is tripped into the middle rope then takes a 619. Knox then crossbodies Sal then Sal takes a double back body drop.

Trev short arm clotheslines Sal. Sal boots him out of the corner. Gymp hits a sliced bread #2 on Trev then is facekicked by Knox. Sal dropkicks Knox then takes a high/low. Gymp then takes a high low and is pinned.

Thoughts: It was a short one with the outcome never really being in doubt here. I'm not even sure if I would have given The Faithful as much as they got, but I guess you can't completely bury them.

Aron Stevens is interviewed by Kyle Page. Eric Smallz comes up to him. Aron asks if he has a little problem. He tells him to go get him a lollipop. Smallz punches him in the crotch. He says when you mess with Smallz, you get hit in the balls. That line was so stupid that it was funny.

Joe Cazana, KC Cazana, AJ Cazana and The Stew Crew do a promo together. Joe says his promotion will be responsible for the entire finals here. He's mad The Samoan Savages are ranked higher than his boys. He says he will have 2 teams in the finals and says NWA JCP is the greatest territory. He says they are #1 and will prove it.

There was also a Crockett Cup match between Daisy Kill and Natalya Markova vs Tim Storm and Wrecking Ball Legursky that I won't covering here. Kill and Markova won when Storm wouldn't let go of the iron claw on Markova. Mims then comes out and complain about no one stopping this. Austin Idol and Zyon come out and confront him then Jeez gets involved as well to close the show.

Thoughts: The ending was kind of cool here but the logic was messed up. Why is it a big deal that Storm keeps the hold on Markova when she is supposedly as capable enough to be in there with him? Why are people like Mims trying to come to her rescue if she can handle herself just like the men can?

Overall thoughts: I only covered 3 of the 4 matches. Damian Fenrir wasn't bad in his TV debut here. I liked some of the promos and I think they did a good job hyping up The Crockett Cup but I wouldn't recommend this one.

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