Tuesday, May 21, 2024

CMLL 5/11/2024 Arena Coliseo

CMLL 5/11/2024 Arena Coliseo

Full Metal & Pequeno Polvora vs. Kaligua & Pequeno Magia

Metal and Magia lock up. Metal takes him down, ties his legs up and pulls on the arms. They escape wristlocks and stand off. Pol and Kal get in. Kal 2nd rope tornillos him inside then takes a knee lift. Pol stomps him. Kal top rope crossbodies him. All 4 get in and Kal is popped up into a double dropkick. We then get double dives from Kal's team outside.

Kal is laying on the ropes and Pol dropkicks him out. Magia gets hit by Metal from behind. Kal is popped up and speared in mid-air off the 2nd rope. Magia is chopped by Metal. Magia is hiptossed into tree of woe in the corner. Metal then top rope double stomps a hanging Magia. Kal flying headscissors Metal and fakes a dive outside.

Magia flying headscissors Pol out. Metal running facekicks Kal then chops him. Kal kicks Metal then top rope diving hurricanrana's him. Magia then tope con hilos Metal outside. Pol walks up the buckles using Kal's arm then top rope plancha's outside. Kal rope walk corkscrew moonsaults outside.

Pol hits wasteland on Magia. Magia is powervombed by superplexes Pol off of it. Metal kicks Kal in the head. Pol takes an angel's wings and Kal is top rope hurricanrana'd. Kaligua and Magia win the match.

Thoughts: It was a good lucha match here with a lot of dives and fast-paced action.  

Amapola, Metalica & Persephone vs. La Vaquerita, Maligna & Skadi

Per is in the black and red. Metal is in all black. Maligna is in all red. Vaq has the short hair.

1st Fall - Mal and Metal go at it. Metal hammerlocks her then is tripped. Mal pulls on her mask. Mal armdrags her. Metal begs off and Vaq slaps Metal's back. Metal trips Mal and then Mal slaps her. Metal chest slaps Mal then Mal armdrags her out.

Per and Skadi go at it. Skadi stomps her back then they take each other down and stand off. Skadi armdrags her then knees her on the ropes. Skadi double underhook backbreakers her. Ama and Vaq get in. Ama lariats her and Vaq flying headscissors her. Vaq runs the ropes and Metal pulls her down. Ama basement dropkicks Vaq off of it.

Metal accidentally helps Vaq tilt-a-whirl armdrag Ama. Per gets in and flying lariats her. Vaq is triple stomped by the heels. Vaq's team hits triple shotgun dropkicks then get triple pins to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Mal and Metal go at it. Ama knees Mal in the back from the apron. Metal kicks Mal in the crotch, Mal takes a double team shot. She pushes Ama into Metal then flying headscissors Ama out. Mal pulls Per's throat down on the ropes, sending her out and taunting her.

Vaq and Ama go at it. Per chop blocks Vaq. Vaq takes corner attacks then is slammed down backwards while sitting on the middle rope. Skadi is triple teamed then dropkicked out. Mal is hit by Metal from behind then leg choked on the ropes. Mal takes running corner lariats. Per handstand kneepresses her down in the corner. Vaq is kicked in the crotch.

Skadi and Mal take stereo spinebusters then Per springboard double splashes both. Pers' team pins both and wins the fall.

3rd Fall - Vaq takes a double spinebuster, 2 sentons and a legdrop. Mal takes running corner attacks then Skadi is triple stomped. Skadi counters a triple team with a running euro and a springboard reverse double tope. Per is double suplexed and sent out.

Metal takes corner attacks then Vaq basement dropkicks her. Skadi pumphandle backbreakers Per for 1. Ama throws Skadi down and Vaq tries a submission on Ama that Metal breaks up. Metal uranage backbreakers Vaq off the casadora attempt then Mal pop up powerbombs Metal. Per rolls up Mal then ankle locks her.

Per superkicks Skadi then top rope plancha's her outside. Vaq top rope crossbodies Metal then Ama hits a big spear on Vaq. Mal takes a nasty jay driller from Metal then she is pinned along with Vaq. Amapola's team wins the fall and the match.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything too special. Skadi can move well for her size and Persephone wasn't bad here, but didn't get a lot in.

Lightning Match - Volcano vs. Crixus


Crix backs up Vol, then Vol does the same to him. Vol takes him down and they mat wrestle. Vol lariats him over then stomps on him. Vol headbutts him and knees him against the ropes. Vol misses a charge and is dropkicked into the buckles.

Crix lariats and back elbows Vol. Crix stomps him then corner lariats and euros him. Vol running bodyblocks him over then Crix spears him for 2. Vol does an impressive flip with help from Crix then splashes him.

Vol corner lariats him then misses a corner spear. Crix tope con hilos him then Vol crossbodies him off the apron. They shove each other and Crix suplexes him. Vol legdrops him for 2 then elbow drops him. Vol 2nd rope splashes Crix and wins it.

Thoughts: I was impressed by how well Volcano was moving here as he used to not be able to move to well. It was an average match and nothing too special, and that's not a surprise.

La Ola Negra (Dark Magic & Espanto Jr.) vs. Atrapasuenos (Espiritu Negro & Rey Cometa)

EJ = Espanto Jr.

1st Fall - Negro and EJ go at it. They trade wristlocks. Negro rolls out of an armbar and is tripped. EJ leglocks him then Negro armbars him. Negro flips out of a snapmare. EJ chops Negro in the corner then Negro flying headscissors him out.

Magic and Rey go at it. Rey armdrags him out and Magic stalls outside. Rey trips Magic then headflips and armdrags out of a wristlock. Magic goes to stall more. Rey leglocks Magic and is kicked by EJ. Rey snapmares him and is punched by EJ.

Rey trips Magic then is hit from behind by Magic. Rey is sent into the post outside then Negro is double teamed inside. Rey then takes a double team. Rey and Negro are worked on in the corners. They then take stereo powerbombs for 2. The heels argue with the ref and both are rolled up and pinned.

2nd Fall - Magic and Negro square off. Negro double jumps off the ropes and armdrags Magic. EJ running back elbows Negro. Negro is hiptossed into the ropes and turns it into an armdrag on EJ. Rey top rope crossbodies Magic then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers him and EJ. EJ decks Rey then eye pokes him. EJ is held for a boot from Magic.

Negro takes a double team then is double booted out. Rey is maybe low blowed by EJ then Magic hits a running kicks to the crotch on him. Negro is back elbowed then Magic submits him. EJ canadian destroyers Rey and the heels win the fall.

3rd Fall - Rey and Negro are beat up to start the third. Rey takes a double back body drop. Negro helps Rey out in the corner then EJ is rolled into a top rope crossbody by Rey. EJ nails Magic on accident then Rey tilt-a-whirl slams EJ. Rey dropkicks EJ. EJ runs from his tope then is cannonballed by Negro off the apron. Rey then topes Magic outside.

The heels struggle to get back in. Negro wastelands Magic and the faces do stereo dives. The faces do stereo pins and win it.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything too special. Negro is sadly getting old and isn't what he used to be and the heels did little but stall and pose.

El Hijo del Villano III, Hijo de Stuka Jr. & Rey Bucanero vs. Brillante Jr., Dark Panther & Fugaz

1st Fall - Fug and V3 start us off. Fug hammerlocks him and V3 slides out of it. Fug trips him then spinning headscissors him. Fug takes him down, they roll on the mat and stand off. V3 leapfrogs and limps but then boots Fug. Fug flying headscissors V3 out of the ring.

Brill and Stuka go at it. Stuka is rocking pink and black today. Bril flips over Stuka's back, gets on his shoulders , is put on the 2nd rope then sunset flips him. Bril puts him in a hold and battles Rey. Rey splashes Bril and spin kicks him. Rey powerslams him then Bril is triple stomped. Bril superkicks Rey then Rey is double stomped on. Dark hits tilt-a-whirl backbreakers on his opponents. Fug hurricanrana's V3 and Bril rolls Stuka into a pin to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Fug and Rey go at it. Rey hits chops. Fug hits pump kicks and a dropkick. Fug headscissors Stuka with help from V3 then walks up the ropes, does rope tricks and flips int oa hurricanrana on V3. V3 then goes out.

Brill and V3 go at it. Brill superkicks him then walks up the buckles with Rey's arm and springboard hurricanrana's him. Brill rolls into the ropes off Stuka's back then headscissors Rey. Brill goes over Stuka and handstand walks. He then spinning headscissors him.

Dark and Rey trade chops. Rey lariats him down. Rey uranages Fug onto Brill while doing a reverse ddt on Brill. Brill is triple battering rammed into the post outside. Fug planchas outside, is caught then thrown onto the floor. Dark is held and takes a triple knee to the face. V3 2nd rope moonsaults Dark then Stuka top rope splashes Dark to pin him and in the fall.

3rd Fall - Stuka is double hiptossed into the ropes to splash Dark. Brill is sat on his opponents knees then Rey spears him. Fug takes corner lariats then takes a triple team doomsday device. Dark is stomped on. V3 chops him then Dark rushes V3 and pounds on him.

Dark does a double facebuster then headscissors Rey out. Dark plancha's Rey. Fug and Brill hit stereo hurricanrana's for 2. Fug htis an enzugiri on Stuka in the corner. Stuka and V3 then are hurricanrana'd down from the ropes for 2. Brill hits a pop-up dorpkick then Fug does a pop-up hurricanrana. Fug and Brill then do stereo tornillo dives outside. Dark corner lariats Rey then double springboard dropkicks him. Dark pins Rey to win the fall and match.

Thoughts: It was a good match here with some good heel triple teams on the faces and the faces doing a lot of flying.

Blue Panther, Valiente & Volador Jr. vs. Mephisto, Soberano Jr. & Stuka Jr.

1st Fall - Blue and Stuka start us off. Stuka trips him, Blue gets back up and Stuka is mad. Blue trips Stuka and headscissors him on the mat. Meph breaks it up. Stuka headscissors Blue. Blue headflips and headstands to get out. The rudos break things up. Vol takes kicks to the leg. Sob pump kicks him then the heels bite Vol's feet. Blue tries to fight off the 3v1 but is stomped on.

Blue is tripped and stomped on. Blue then is pinned. Val is snapmared and put in a head and arm submission. Val takes corner lariats and a pump kick then is pinned. Rudos win the first fall.

2nd Fall - Meph chinlocks Val and lets him go. Sob uses the ropes outside to 619 Vol. Blue and Val are thrown into each other then Sob bangs Blue's head off the buckles. Vol counters a double team with a handspring double back elbow. Vol flying headscissors Sob out then slingshots out and hurricanrana's him. Val and Blue then do stereo pins.

3rd Fall - Vol rolls up Sob then unlaces his mask. The rudos triple stomp Vol. Val avoids lariats and dropkicks Sob in the knee. Val springboard armdrags Meph then tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Stuka. BLue is lifted into a headscissors on Meph. Stuka boots Blue oer then Stuka jerry bumps to the floor. Val topes out side and Blue runs the apron for a crossbody outside.

Vol superkicks Sob. Sob goes into the ref and takes his own mask off, pretending Vol took it off. The ref then disqualifies Vol and Soberano's team wins.

Thoughts: Mailed in isn't even the word for this one. This was a super lazy effort from everyone except Blue Panther and it had an awful finish.

Sob and Vol tease doing a match after. Vol headscissors him out and Sob runs.

Overall thoughts: I liked the opener and the semi-main. The main event was beyond lazy with a bad finish. The women's match wasn't that good and the 4th match was filled with stalling and posing. I don't recommend this one.

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