Monday, May 20, 2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 5/20/2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 5/20/2024

Last week's show is here:

We see Lyra Valkyria and Iyo Sky arrive. Then we see Jey Uso arrive and we see Gunther/Kaiser walk around. 

Sami Zayn comes out to talk. He says we are 5 days away from the PLE. He says he's doing the three way because he has two issues and wants to handle them at the same time. He says Gable doesn't suplex a man in front of his wife and his hometown fans and not expect anything to happen to him. He said Gable has an @ss kicking coming his way. He says it's not personal with Bronson Reed and says Reed just wants his title.  He said it's the mind vs the body vs the soul in three way. He says he's betting on soul (himself) in that fight. He says that's why he will walk out of the PLE as the IC champ.

Chad Gable comes out. He said he doesn't like being called manipulative and says his problem is that he's too nice. He said he's been too nice to Sami and the clowns behind him. He said Maxxine should be in QOTR but she blew her opportunity. Chad said Tozawa did 0% of the damage he asked him to do against Red and said he's a failure. He said Otis proved why he is the biggest disappointment on the planet.

Sami asks Alpha Academy how long he will deal with Gable's crap. Gable accuses him of trying to drive a wedge between them. Gable says he's sick and tired of hearing Sami talk about his heart and soul. He said he doesn't have to pin Sami to win the title, but he will. He said he's not just taking his title but his soul. Sami said he doesn't want to wait 5 daays and said since they are both ready, they should fight now.

Sami Zayn vs Chad Gable

Sami knocks him down and bangs his head off the buckles. Sami elbows him off the 2nd rope in the head. Sami lariats him over the top. We go to break and return. Chad hits crossface punches and suplexes him. Chad misses a top rope headbutt. Sami hits punches, back springboards and lariats him. Chad exploders him then chokes him on the ropes. Maxxine goes to slap Sami but can't do it. Chad yells at her for not doing it.

Sami hits corner punches and Chad uses Maxxine as a shield. Chad footchokes him inside. Chad trie to get Tozawa to punch Sami but he doesn't. Chad then ejects Maxxine and Tozawa out. Sami blue thunders Chad for 2.

We go to another break and return. Chad germans him twice then Sami hits some germans. Sami michinoku drivers him. Chad rolls and ankle locks him then Sami ropebreaks. Sami is thorwn out and Otis is thinking about hitting him but doesn't. Chad yells at him outside then slaps him. Chad grabs the IC title and brings it in. Sami exploders Chad. Otis gets on the apron and lariats Sami. Chad then does a chaos theory german and wins it.

It being non-title should have been a clue that Chad was winning here. It was a little slow and longer than it needed to be. Otis lariating Sami changes the story up a little and we will have to see where it goes.

Iyo Sky does a video. She said she dominated everyone in her was and was champ of the world. She said she's ready for her crown. She says when she is queen, no one will have a choice but to bow down, especially Lyra. She says Lyra has flown too close to the sky and she will go down. Iyo says she's the genius of the sky and soon to be Queen of the Ring.

Alpha Academy is interviewed. Something falls over and then we see The LWO running after something. Cruz is holding his wrist and they ask if Carlito did it.  

Bron Breakker vs Kale Dixon

I don't think Kale has made the main NXT show yet, having really only appeared on NXT Level Up. Bron complains to himself about not being in KOTR. He then spears Kale. Kale is thorwn out over the top. Bron then does a hard running spear outside. Kale is out of it and the ref says he can't continue. The ref stops the match. Bron isn't pleased.

The ref helps up Kale then Bron runs the ropes fast and spears Kale again. Bron grabs the steps outside but various officials stop him. Bron then grabs a chain and chairs something of Kale's into the steps. Kale is then stretchered out during the break. Kiana James asks Adam Pearce if she can help. Pearce then yells at Bron. He asks him what he is thinking. Bron says its on him for not putting him in King of the Ring.

Thoughts: It was a little too over the top for me.

Becky Lynch talks to Lyra in the back. She said she sacrificed a lot for this and worked hard. She says to show them the hard work was worth it. Lyra says she got this.

Queen of The Ring Semifinals - Lyra Valkyria vs Iyo Sky

Iyo armdrags her and backflips using the ropes. Iyo side headlocks her then Lyra la magistrals her. Lyra rolls her up  then 2nd rope twisting crossbodies her. They stand off and we go to break. We return and Lyra waistlocks her. Iyo slides through the ropes and Lyra's throat goes into it.

Iyo stomps on her in the corner and pendulum double knees her there. Iyo knees her in the gut then double underhook backbreakers her for 2. Iyo straightjacket chokes her then Lyra germans her.

Lyra hits a kick combo and step up enzugiri's her. Lyra top rope crossbodies her then fisherman suplexes her. Iyo meteora's her for 2. Lyra rocking chairs her then Iyo crossfaces her. Iyo uppercuts her then springboard dropkicks her. Iyo double knees her against the ropes then Iyo asai moonsaults her outside. 

We go to break and return. Lyra hits forearms then Iyo rolls her into a double stomp for 2. Lyra tornado ddt's her then fisherman's busters her for 2. Lyra germans her. Iyo corner meteoras her then powerbombs her. Iyo gets a move blocked and Lyra pins her.

Thoughts: It was a longer and slower match. The crowd wasn't that into it but it was okay. I think they are pushing Lyra too hard and it's ultimately doomed to fail. She never really did get her personality figured out in NXT and it's even less likely that she will be able to figure it out here on the main roster and get somewhere with it.

Jackie interviews Lyra. Iyo interrupts and says something. Lyra said she could never imagine being where she is today. She said you don't always have to know how you will get the job done as long as you believe you can.

R-Truth talks to New Catch Republic about the hokey pokey then Miz interrupts. Bate says he hopes he will see them down the line, hopefully for the tag titles. Miz says they need to focus as Judgment Day uses numbers. Truth said he talked to Andre the Giant and said he will have their backs. Miz told him Andre died 30 years ago and Truth says trust me. Miz looks up at the sky and says they could use him in spirit. Truth then looks up and says "they say I'm the one that's crazy".

Ilja Dragunov is interviewed. He says he's frustrated but there's no shame in losing to who he lost to. Ricochet comes in. He said they set the bar high. Ric says just because he got the best of him once, doesn't mean it's over. Bron Breakker then surprise spears Ric into boxes.  

Ric is in the trainer's room in the back. Adam Pearce doesn't look happy.

Gunther talks in an empty arena. He said he made fun of Jey Uso and said Jey made himself into the hottest thing on Raw. He said everyone will be chanting his name later and filling him with hope and illusion. He says he is in the business of taking hope away and dragging them down to reality. He says it's not about who is the most exciting act, it's about who is the better wrestler. He says Jey may be the most exciting showman but Gunther is superior to him in the ring. Gunther says everyone will embrace him and is soon to KOTR.

Judgment Day talks in the back. Priest asks JD and Finn if they were ready to bring the titles back. Finn says they will bring them back where they belong. Priest says he heard Cruz will be out for a while and says LWO will be after him. He says the LWO will be after him so he struck first. He says he wants to lay low until the heat dies down. Priest says this isn't the APA and says they are not his protection agency.

Finn says he can't help but think if it was him and Priest out there tonight. Carlito says something and Priest asks what's wrong with him.

World Tag Titles - Awesome Truth vs Judgment Day (JD McDonaugh and Finn Balor)

Finn wristlocks Miz. Miz cartwheels out of it. JD stomps on Miz in the corner. Miz knees JD in the gut then running boots him. Truth legdrops JD and Miz hits chest kicks on JD. Miz corner lariats JD. Dominik Mysterio distracts the ref on the apron and Finn hits Miz on the apron.

We go to break and return. JD has Miz in front facelock. JD lariats Miz. Miz and JD tag out. Truth hits forearms on Finn then blue thunders him. Truth STF's Finn. JD throws Miz out then Truth throws JD out. Finn slingblades Truth. Truth and Miz do bad blue thunders then do stereo five knuckle shuffles. Carlito comes out. Miz plancha's Finn outside then JD rolls up Truth for 2.

Truth flatliners JD and Carlito puts JD's foot on the ropes. Braun Strowman then comes out. Carlito is thrown into the rails by Braun. Braun goes after JD. Truth attitude adjustments JD and wins it.

Thoughts: It was a short and okay enough tag. There was nothing too special but about it but they did okay on the nearfalls and at least this gets Braun back into things storyline wise. I thought for sure they'd have Carlito help the heels win.

Becky Lynch congratulates Lyra Valkyria in the back. Liv Morgan does too. She makes a remark about how she's surprised Becky didn't sneak attack her. Liv makes Lyra look the other way then punches her.

Bronson Reed and Sami Zayn talk in the back. Reed says Sami doesn't have to be concerned about Gable and his games. Reed says he is soul less and only cares about business. He says he will use his body as a weapon and get his biggest payday yet at the PPV. Otis appears behind Sami. Sami says he's the guy who cost him his match. He said he expected better from him and said he thought he was better than that. Sami asks if he's proud of himself and says he shouldn't be. Otis says he's sorry. Sami says he knows he is because he's a good guy. He says Chad Gable is not a good guy. He says he's been in his shoes and the sooner he stops listening to him and listens to the crowd, he will be better off.

Becky Lynch comes out to talk. She says they are dealing with a different Liv Morgan who is hitting people from behind and bailing on fights. Liv Morgan comes out. Liv says Becky punched in the face, she comes out to retaliate and is the bad guy. She said she doesn't care about other women Becky is involved with, she just cares about completing The Liv Morgan Revenge Tour.

Becky said she wanted to break glass ceilings and main event Wrestlemania. She said she wants to make sure she leaves this place better than she found it. Liv says she's embarrassed for her and says she's the most selfish person in the company. She says she wants to be on top of the division as the world champ. Becky says the fans know she does everything for them. Becky says to come down and fight her if she thinks she is worthy of being champ. Liv heads down then backs off. Liv says she will fight her Saturday and become the new women's champ.

The Judgment Day talk in the back. Priest wants to know what happened. He says Carlito needs to earn his keep around here. Dom says he thought JD was handling Braun. Priest tells JD to ask Pearce for a match with Braun next week. Priest says he doesn't recognize this anymore. Finn says the wheels are falling off and says JD needs to talk to Pearce now. 

Xavier Woods is cleared to go in the back. Kofi is with him and says they can get back to doing what they do. Kofi says he will talk to Pearce. Karrion Kross and Scarlet go up to Woods. He wants to know if he's cleared. Kross offers his support and says there's always more time to turn things around. Woods is confused.

#1 Contender to the Women's Tag Titles - Zoey Stark and Shayna Baszler vs Ivy Nile and Maxxine Dupri vs Damage Ctrl (Kairi Sane and Zoey Stark) vs Kayden Carter and Katana Chance

SB = Shayna Baszler

Sane and Ivy start us off or try to, but are stopped. Sane takes a pumping knee then SD is ddt'd when Max is forearmed from Sane. Ivy suplexes Sane after getting double suplexed. Chance is keg stand flipped onto the girls outside by Carter.

We go to break and return. Ivy release germans Kai on her neck and Kai looks hurt. Max jumping knees and spinning high kicks Sane. Max release fisherman suplexes Sane then poses. Max facebusters Sane then is bulldogged. Max throws Chance out. Carter flatliners Max then Max takes a 450 + neckbreaker combo. Kai throws Chance out and tries to pin Max.

5 of the girls fight. SB takes a double superplex then Zoey takes a super hurricanrana off of Carter's shoulders and lands on her partner. Max throws Carter into the rails. Max reverse worm elbow drops Kai for 2. Max ankle locks Kai then Sane top rope elbow drops Max.

Max rolls up Zoey and is superkicked. Max is alley ooped into an SB knee and is pinned.

Thoughts: It wasn't long enough for everyone who was involved but they kept it moving and did some cool spots here. As has been the case lately, they really keep trying to push that Max has improved.

Ludwig Kaiser is interviewed. He talks about Sheamus and says he's nothing but a keyboard warrior. He says Sheamus' career will either stay home and protect his legacy or come back just so Kaiser can put him down.

Drew McIntyre walks in. He said he doesn't know what he's doing here and says he isn't being used here. He calls Priest a paper champ. He says Priest didn't get one over on him and no one does. He says Priest is spreading himself too thin with the tag titles and Carlito, saying it's Seth Rollins all over again. He says to focus on the title as they will have a match again and will beat him then. 

The Creed Brothers talk to Chad Gable in the back (it's been rumored they will join him). Chad is telling them stories. Otis comes in. He said he apologized to Sammy. Chad says he sees what he's doing - he's tugging at his heart strings and softening him up. Chad asks if he's ready for Saudi Arabia. Otis says he is and Otis agrees that he will help Chad win his IC Title. Chad tells him he wants to hear him say it and has to talk him into it.

Jey Uso does a promo. He says tonight is the night. He says him and Gunther have unfinished business. He says he finishes the job tonight. He says Gun will catch a yeetdown and he will catch a crown. We see Jey walk backstage towards the ring and claps. 

King of the Ring Semifinals - Jey Uso vs Gunther

They lock up and roll on the ropes. Gun chops him and grabs him by the throat while doing it. Jey hits forearms back then uppercuts him. Jey hits corner punches then drops him with punches. Gunther is sent into the rails.

Jey is sent into the post shoulder first then sent into the steps shoulder first. Jey is then sent into the rails shoulder first. Gunther drops his arm on the barricade and Jey has a big red mark on his chest. We go to break and return.

Gunther works the arm. Gunther is stuck up top and kimura's Jey up there. Jey samoan drops him off the buckles then top rope crossbodies him for 2. Jey is dropped with chops and fights back with forearms. Jey spinning enzugiri's him then superkicks him for 2.

Jey superkicks him again then stomps on him in the corner. Gunther flying dropkicks him then powerbombs him for 2. Gunther armbars him. Gunther goes for a sleeper but Jey turns it into a pin. Gunther germans him then top rope splashes him for 2. Gunther hits a big lariat for 2. Gunther hits chops. Jey slaps him then Gunther chop flurries him in the corner.

Gunther talks to the ref. Jey spears Gunther into the ref then Jey top rope splashes Gunther. Gunther puts a choke on Jey with the arm and the ref stops it. The show then immediately ends.

It was a solid match with Gunther working the arm and eventually winning with an arm choke. It would have used a little more though as Jey didn't quite give it back to him as much as he should have. That's kind of been the complaint about Jey all along though as he has limited offense.

Overall thoughts: It was okay but not a super exciting episode as has been the case lately. It was a heavy in-ring focused show here with the two tournament matches being longer affairs here. King and Queen of the Ring is this weekend but like Backlash, the build up to it just hasn't been that great. I don't know if they are just focusing on the wrong people, if plans got screwed up, if they are de-emphasizing PPV's or if they are just giving away too much but that's another show where the excitement just isn't there. It feels like we are at least a few weeks away from being ready yet the show is this week. I wouldn't really recommend this one due to the length but it was watchable and non-offensive.

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