Friday, May 24, 2024

Mid-States Wrestling 5/24/2024 Season 2, Episode 10

Mid-States Wrestling 5/24/2024 Season 2, Episode 10

Last week's show is here:

Stephen E. goes up to Scott Hansen in the back. He says it's about time they had a talk.

Warren Adams vs Colton Theron Vaught

Adams takes him down and rides his back. Adams lets CTV put a side headlock on. CTV pump kicks him, release germans him the running knees him. CTV then picks up the win.

It was a short match here. Adams was doing well and I would have liked to have seen it go longer. CTV did good here as usual.

The Fraternity do a promo. They said everyone knows they belong at the top of the mountain in MSW. They say the tag belts belong to them and say they will do anything it takes to claim them. Cannonball Matthews said they stole the belts and they will do anything to earn the belts. Cannonball says they will break their backs and climb over their bodies to reach the peak of the mountain. They say they are smarter, stronger and better than Toxic Masculinity.

Toxic Masculinity does a promo. They say The Fraternity are the best tag team here except for them. Toxic says they built the tag division here and says earn the belts if they want them.

Mid-States Wrestling Tag Titles - Toxic Masculinity (Johnny Dynamite and Johnny Lightning) (c) vs The Fraternity (Alan Jefferson and Cannonball Matthews)


CM = Cannonball Matthews

Lightning has the lighter beard, Dynamite has the darker beard. Alan slaps Lightning then is put in a headlock. Lightning pulls him by the hair. Alan tries to walk up the ropes with him in a headlock, is thrown off then Alan ducks a superkick.

Dynamite and CM forearm flurry each other then forearm each other at the same time. Dynamite hits a nice punch to the face and chest slaps him. They collide heads and tag out. Alan is chopped by Lightning. Alan takes a chop from both and Dynamite hits more nice punches. Dynamite drops down and punches Alan into Lightning's neckbreaker.

Alan is powerbombed on Lightning's knees. Dynamite slams Alan then Alan takes a double electric chair drop. Alan is thrown out. CM olympic slams Lightning off the 2nd rope. CM flips Lightning with a lariat and we go to break.

We return and Lightning is double clubbed on. Lighting is choked on the ropes and takes a leg lariat on the ropes. Lightning takes a double backbreaker. CM belly to belly suplexes Lightning. Alan is catapulted into a lariat on Lightning.

Lightning corner lariats Alan. Lightning is pushed off the top into Alan's codebreaker. CM slams Alan onto Lightning. Lightning headbutts CM on the ropes then top rope elbow drops him.

Dynamite is tagged in and he germans both opponents. Alan is superkicked into a german. Lightning superkicks Dynamite on accident then Alan moves. Alan grabs the contract and tries to hit Lightning with it. Lightning blocks it and gives it backto him, pretending he hit him. Lightning then rolls up Alan for 2. Lightning hits the ref on acccident then Alan hits Lightning with the contract for 2.

CM powerbombs Dynamite on the apron then Alan runs up the buckles and bulldogs Lightning. Alan goes up top and CM is pushed into him. Lightning is pushe dinto the post shoulder first. Alan hits Lightning with the contract against the post. Lightning takes a doomsday device and is pinned. The Fraternity win the MSW Tag Titles!

Thoughts: This was a really good tag here. They just did everything well and we got a lot of good stuff here with false finishes, the heels cheating, the heels nearly getting caught by their own tricks, double teams and a hot crowd. It was a real exciting match and you couldn't tell who was going to win. They gotta run this one back again.

Overall thoughts: Only two matches here for this one but both did what they were supposed to. As usual, there weren't any real storylines or stuff for next week built up. The main was a strong tag match with a little bit of everything and it was one of the better matches I've seen from MSW. This is not a bad way to spend 30 minutes.

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