Saturday, May 4, 2024

TNA Under Siege 2024 5/3/2024

TNA Under Siege 2024 5/3/2024

Frankie Kazarian & Steve Maclin vs. Eric Young & Josh Alexander

Kaz runs away from EY and tags in Steve. Steve shoulders him over then is dropicked. Josh and Steve stare down and Josh tells him to come on. Josh and Kaz go at it. Josh shoulders him over and armdrags him. Kaz uses the ropes to flip out of a wristlock then Josh hiptosses him and Steve. Josh finlay rolls Kaz then chops him.

Steve trips Josh then Kaz springboard dropkicks Josh. Kaz hits mounted shots on Josh. Kaz russian legsweeps him then Steve stomps on Josh. Steve uranage backbreakers Josh then Kaz backstabbers Josh. Kaz suplexes Josh then hits mounted punches on him.

Steve boots Josh then kneedrops Josh's back. Josh takes a double suplex for 2. Kaz is thrown out by Josh then EY goes after Kaz outside. EY grabs him and Kaz boots him away. Steve lariats Ey on the floor. Kaz punches Josh. Kaz is up top and Josh walks up the buckles to belly to belly suplex Kaz. EY and Steve go at it.

EY hits some lariats, shoulders him in the gut then death valley drivers him. EY gets his hands on Kaz and Steve knocks him out of the ring while he has Kaz's throat. Josh germans Steve then half-nelson suplexes him. Kaz guillotine legdrops Josh over the 2nd rope then slingshot ddt's him. EY flying neckbreakers Kaz then EY slams Steve. EY is crotched up top then put in tree of woe. Steve spears EY in that position for 2.

Steve and EY fight up top. Josh powerbomb backbreakers Steve for 2. Steve olympic slams Josh then EY top rope elbow drops Steve. EY and Kaz finally get in togther. EY hits a thesz press and mounted punches. EY pounds on Kaz. EY throws him off then Josh punches Kaz, causing EY to sunset flip him.

Steve back body drops EY then flying knees Kaz on accident. Josh does his crossbody onto the back of Kaz on the apron then EY piledrivers Kaz to win it.

It was a good opener here with them pushing the story of EY wanting to get his hands on Kaz. It took him all match to do it but he finally did it and won it. I would have liked him to get a little more in though on Kaz. EY wore headgear like Josh here.  

Havok vs Ash By Elegance

George Iceman comes out and gives the usual big intro for Ash. George says the ring is possessed. He said they don't gamble with the supernatural. He said he went to the cathedral and got some holy water. He purifies the ring, throwing water on it and said he is getting rid of all the evil spirits. Ash comes out with a garlic necklace.

Havok pushes Ash back and Ash goes out. Ash dodges Havok's lunge and mocks her. Ash poses on the buckles then walks backwards into Havok. Ash slaps her then Havok misses a corner splash. Ash handsprings into her but is caught. Havok full-nelsons her and swings her head around. Havok then throws her down over her knee.

Ash stalls outside and Rosemary scares her and George. Havok catches Ash. Ash upkicks her then Havok hits a big headbutt. Havok throws her on a suplex. George gets on the apron and throws holy water at Havok. Havok goes after George, who tells her she needs help. Ash then powerbombs Havok while she stands on the 2nd rope. George throws holy water at Rosemarry. Rose drinks the water and squirts up blood in a cool spot. George runs away then Ash gets a 2 count on Havok.

Ash screams, "What? She's evil!". Ash cradles her off a suplex attempt.

This was 100x more entertaining than it had any right to be. I really liked this. The stuff with the holy water was a lot of fun and I loved the bloodspitting spot. It was pure entertainment but they did it right.

Ash chokes Havoc with the garlic necklace and pounds on her after. Ash chairs Havok then swantons a chair into Havok's back. Ash then ddt's her onto the ramp.

Gia Miller interviews Matt Hardy, Trent Seven and Mike Bailey.

Mike says he isn't sure how he feels tonight. He slaps himself and said he feels broken. Trent says Mike needs to pull himself together. He says they reach their peak - the main event of Under Siege. They say they are House Hardy tonight. Matt says The System will find themselves under siege. Matt says he is with family with House Hardy. He then gives them robes and says the deities will keep them safe tonight. Matt says they will render them obsolete. 

Joe Hendry vs. Zachary Wentz

Joe gets on the mic. He says wrestling is all about "who did he ever beat?". He said the locker room has beaten Undertaker, Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Kurt Angle and Bushwhacker Luke. He said it's a who's who of the industry and said he beat some big names himself. He said he beat Beyonce, Miley Cyrus and Post Malone by topping the music charts in multiple countries. He says he's currently #6 in music sales and the crowd chants "#6". He says the crowd is chanting we believe and said they believe in Joe Hendry.

Zach flying dropkicks him in the corner then hits punches to the gut. Zach jumping knees him out then topes him. Zach says "We believe in Zachary Wentz". Zach PK's Joe for 2 then bites his head. Zach pushes on his arm and chin. Joe catches Zach's tope and walks up the ring steps with him, then drops hims off inside.

Joe catches a crossbody then fallaway slams him. Zach hits shots to the body and double stomps his back. Zach top rope swantons him for 2. Zach goes for the UFO cutter and is thrown off. Joe then hits his standing ovation and wins it.

I liked Joe's promo before the match. It was a one sided match here but it was okay with Joe dominating. I'm shocked they didn't have First Class come down here and can't really understand the logic behind that.

TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Title Match - Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat) (c) vs. Alisha Edwards & Masha Slamovich

Lars Frederiksen joins commentary and poses with Spitfire on the ramp.

Dani and Masha go at it. Dani waistlocks her then Masha wristlocks her. Dani wristlocks her. Masha rolls through, cartwheels and headflips. Masha takes a double team ending in a sliding lariat and low crossbody. Masha takes a delayed double suplex.

Alisha pulls Dani's neck over the top rope and Masha springboard double stomps Dani's gut. Alisha piefaces Dani then Dani drops her with a forearm. Masha lariats Dani from behind. Masha snapmares her and hits a PK for 2. Dani takes a double team flapjack, a low dropkick and a senton from Alisha for 2. Dani lariats Alisha hard.

Jody gets in. Alisha knows she is caught and is lariated over multiple times. Jody michinoku drivers Alisha for 2. Jody pump kicks Masha then double knees her on the ropes. Jody release germans Mash then Dani germans Masha for 2.

Dani blocks a kendo stick shot from Alisha. Masha throws Dani into the post then Alisha hits Jody with the kendo stick. Masha gutwrench sitout powerbombs Jody then Alisha pedigrees Jody. Alisha then picks up the win Jody to win it.

The match wasn't that special and didn't get enough time on top of having a dirty finish.

Edwards and Myers come down to celebrate with Alisha after. Alisha hugs Masha.

First Class do a promo. AJ said they arrived, thinking they were going to move on from Joe Hendry. AJ said the plan was for Rich to beat Laredo Kid and get a shot at the digital media title. AJ said they were then told Rich is facing Jake Something. They aren't happy about this. I'm not either as Jake vs Hammer would have been good. Hammer was pulled due to not being medically cleared.

Rich Swann vs Jake Something

Rich evades Jake early then enzugiri's him. Jake shoulders him over while running the ropes the bodyblocks Swann while Swann leapfrogs. Jake goes for a tope but AJ gets in the way. AJ tries to get in and Swann dropkicks Jake out from behind. AJ then shoulders Jake over outside.

Swann kicks Jake from the apron. Jake grabs him by the throat and is eye raked. Swann hits chest kicks on Jake then eye rakes him. Swann dropkicks him in the knee then eye rakes him. Swann leg lariats him on the ropes then stands on his back on the 2nd rope. AJ hits Jake with a forearm then eye rakes him with his feet.

Swann sunet flips Jake but Jake blocks it. Swann eye rakes him then hits a buzzsaw kick for 2.  Swann running lariats him then is flipped with a running lariat. Jake misses a corner charge and is enzugiri'd in the back of the head. Jake drives Swann's head into the mat then torture rack backbreaker drops him.

Swann spin kicks Jake and hurricanrana's him into the ropes. Swann comes off the buckles and is forearmed. AJ pulls the ropes down, sending Jake out. The ref sees AJ grabbing Jake outside and then Deaner comes out. Deaner gets on the mic and says he talked to Santino. He said instead of throwing this out, there's another choice - the people's choice. Deaner says they could end the match now with a DQ or he can come down and chop that dollar tree. The crowd chants dollar tree and Deaner takes that as the answer.

Jake Something and Deaner vs First Class

Deaner runs down and forearm flurries AJ. AJ chokeslams him on the apron. AJ talks trash into the camera then Jake suicide dives AJ. Swann then tope con hilos onto Jake. Swann hits a lethal injection then top rope frogsplashes Jake to win it.

This was just a mess. Swann vs Jake wasn't bad with Swann using heel tactics to offset the size differences, but then it was made a tag match. The tag match ended without AJ or Deaner really ever getting in. I don't really know what they were going for here and I'm shocked Hendry didn't get involved.

Jonathan Gresham vs. KUSHIDA

JG has a Great Muta style mask and is being called "The Octopus". I think it's an improvement and something he needed.

They lock up. JG is backed up in the corner. He starts coughing and headlock taekvers him. JG headflips up and is coughing still. Kush wristlock takedowns him, JG takes him down and rolls through a wristlock. Kush rolls him into a surfboard.

They trade chops then JG bites Kush's arm. JG stomps Kush's foot then chops him down. JG the stomps Kush's knee. JG atomic drops and legsweeps him. JG then boston crabs him. Kush ropebreaks.

Kush hits legsweep kicks then handspring back elbows him. Kush shotei's him in the corner then hiptosses him in a cartwheel dropkick. JG rolls him up and Kush goes for the hoverboard lock. Kush shoulders him over, JG leapfrogs. Kush rolls him up off of his hurricanrana. Kush hiptosses him and sweeping kicks him in the back.

They trade forearms. Kush high kicks him then hits a big punch. JG gets black stuff on his hand and puts it in Kush's face. JD then clubs Kush's back and cobra twists him. JG puts more of the black stuff/ink in Kush's face. He then puts his hand on Kush's nose and mouth and pins him that way.

The announcer's say they are at a loss for words and I agree with them. I don't really know what to make of this. It had a weird finish to it and I don't know if it worked. I would have liked to have seen some new offense from JG to put over the new character. 

Kush starts spitting up ink after when the ref checks on him.  

I won't be covering the intergender match. Grace ended up pinning Steph in it.

TNA X-Division Title Match - Mustafa Ali (c) vs. Ace Austin

Ali side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Ace flying shoulders him. Ali backslides him then Ace rolls him up into a bridge. They trade armdrags and do headflips up together. Ali headbutts him and slides out. Ace nearly dies on a fosbury flop on him. Ace is thrown out then Ali topes him, going into the rails.

They fight on the floor. Ali's head is banged off the apron then Ali 2nd rope tornado ddt's him on the floor. Ali chokes Ace with the ring skirt. Ali enzugiri's him from the apron and rolls in to neckbreaker him. Ace flips Ali with a lariat then drives his head into the mat. Ace back springboard ddt's Ali.

Ace legdrops him then is sent into the post shoulder first. Ace is crossfaced around the post. Ace slams him with one arm then throws Ali's arm into the buckles. Ace legdrops the arm off the top. Ace grabs him by the hair on the outside then Ali germans him while he's seated on the apron to the floor.

Ace belly to belly suplexes Ali into the buckles. Ali hits a headbutt and they trade chops and forearms. They face kick each other and Ali spinning heel kicks him. Ace high kicks him and kicks him from the apron. Ace stands on the ringskirt on the apron and Ali pulls the ringskirt. Ali sharpshooters him.

Ace hits a powerbomb then has to fight off Ali's guards. Ace hits his twisting headhunter called "the fold" then Ali's guard pullls him out on the pin attempt. Ace punches out one of the guards. Ali grabs the title belt, the ref takes it away and Ali is rolled up for 2. They botch a move in the corner and Ace is swept from the buckles, falling on the title belt. Ali hits a 450 and wins it.

I didn't like it at all. They did body part work that went nowhere. There was shenanigans with weapons and interference and the match was all over the place.

Matt Hardy & Speedball Mountain (Mike Bailey & Trent Seven) vs. The System (Brian Myers, Eddie Edwards & Moose)

Matt wants Moose but he gets Eddie instead. Eddie chops him then Matt bites Eddie's fingers. Eddie eye pokes him. Matt spears him on the ropes then catapults his neck into the ropes. Eddie takes a double back elbow then Trent is corkscrew flipped onto him.

Brian hits punches on Mike then Mike chops him. Eddie elbows Brian in the corner on accident then Mike jumps off of Matt's back and leg lariats Eddie and Brian in the corner. The faces hit stereo corner punches as Matt stares down Moose. Mike trips Brian then misses a moonsault double knee. Moose deadlift uranage's Mike for 2.

Moose rakes Mike's face. Eddie corner lariats Mike then short arm lariats him. Brian chinlocks Mike then back elbows him. Alisha chokes Mike on the bottom rope. Mike hits kicks on Moose and takes a uranage. Mike suplexes Eddie. Eddie blocks his tag and drives him into the corner. 

Moose rakes Mike's face on the ropes. Mike rolls Moose and tags Trent in. Trent back body drops Eddie and ddt's Moose. Trent misses a corkscrew swanton off the top then fights off a 1v2. Eddie blue thunders Trent for 2. Eddie tries to corner spear Trent but ends up hitting the post and going out. Trent goes for the tag and his partners are pulled off the apron.

Trent hits a seven star lariat on Brian. Matt gets the hot tag in and cleans house. He sends Brian into Eddie and double clotheslines them. Eddie's head is banged off the buckles then Brian gets it too. Matt hits a side effect on Eddie for 2.

Moose and Matt stare down. They trade punches then hockey fight. Moose face kicks Matt then walks up the buckles and is caught with a cutter on his way down. Matt 2nd rope elbow drops Moose for 2. Mike top rope dropkicks Brian then corkscrew kicks Brian. Mike comes off the 2nd rope and is speared in mid-air by Brian for 2.

The System go for a triple stereo move then get stopped. The faces hit triple twists of fate. Moose is lariated over the top and The System are sent with him. Trent topes out and Mike hits an asai moonsault at the same time.

Moose powerbombs Mike on the apron edge then does the same to Trent. Moose knees Matt in the face and clears a table off.  Moose tries to powerbomb Matt through a table but instead takes a twist of fate on the floor. Matt goes up top and legdrops Moose through a table outside. Eddie takes a spin kick into a dragon suplex for 2.

Mike legsweeps Brian on the apron then does a moonsault double knee there. Trent hits a burning hammer on Eddie and Alisha pulls Trent out on the pin. Mike goes after Alisha outside and is flipped with a lariat from Brian. Trent takes a low blow then a backpack stunner + top rope elbow drop. Trent is pinned.

It was a long but good trios tag. We had some hot tags, there was solid heel vs face work and we got a big table spot here. Not a classic but it was a good main event as expected. There was no way this was going to be awful, just the question was how good it was going to be. These are not hard matches to do and they did a good job here.

Overall thoughts: The opener was good. Havok vs Ash was good. Hendry/Wentz was okay. The women's tag match wasn't that good. I don't know what Swann/Something was about and Gresham's return was different. The main was good. It was about a somewhat good show overall but not great.

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