Friday, May 24, 2024

AEW Rampage 5/24/2024

AEW Rampage 5/24/2024

Last week's show is here:

Pac vs Rocky Romero

RR snapmares him and side headlocks him. Pac ropebreaks then side headlock takeovers him. Pac shoulders him over. RR tries to headscissors him but Pac cartwheels out. RR flying headscissors him. They trade chops and RR is pulled over the top to the floor. Pac asai moonsaults him outside.

We go to PiP break and return. They are trading shots and Pac hits various kicks. RR rewind kicks him then hits a shiranui for 2. RR spin kicks him. Jericho says to call Big Bill "Redwood" on commentary. RR tornado ddt's Pac from the 2nd rope and Pac does a nice sell for it.

Pac rolls out holding his head. RR topes him. Pac pump kicks him in the corner then rebound germans him. Pac then puts him in the brutalizer and Pac submits him to win it.

Thoughts: It was an okay moves based match. The finish didn't have much to do with anything and it was basically a face vs face match here that was totally random.

Pac gets on the mic after with Deat Triangle behind him. He says no problem to whatever games and holes Bullet Club wants them to jump through. Pac says they woll see them at Double or Nothing for the trios titles.

Chris Jericho gets on the mic after. He says the FTW Title three way will be under FTW rules. He says The Learning Tree fights adversity at all times and says so should we. He said he can't wait to face Hook and Shibata at Double or Nothing. He said he beat Shibata and Book. Shibata then runs down the ramp and forearms Big Bill. They fight on the ramp. Hook then grabs Jericho from the crowd and punches him. Hook and Jericho fight around the arena and go to the back.

We see the elite and the Dark Order in the ring. Okada tells The Bucks to try their new Reebok shoes and Tony Schiavone says it will be a superkick party.

Hook and Katsuyori Shibata are interviewed. Hook said he's getting his FTW Title back Sunday. Samoa Joe walks in and asks if Hook is serious. Hook asks Joe if he's worried about getting his title back. Joe says heavy is the head that wears the crown. He says when it gets too heavy, he will knock it off. Joe said he thought he saw something special in Hook and sees him run into the same fire and wonder why he gets burned. Joe says this is about timing. He says he has an ally to get his title back but instead they are bumping chests. He calls Shibata "Speak and Spell" and says neither has learned a thing sitting under Jericho's Learning Tree. Shibata says he will go see Carrot Top when he wins the FTW Title through a translator and says he is funny. 

Thoughts: I don't know where Hook/Joe is going but I'm interested.The Speak and Spell line was hilarious.

Samoa Joe vs Dom Kubrick

Dom dropkicks him, Joe brushes it off and running back elbows him. Joe hits punches in the corner then chops him. Joe pele kicks him in the corner then muscle busters him. Joe then picks up the win in a short squash.

Renee interviews Deonna Purrazzo. DP has a new hairdo and looks like someone else. Renee says Thunder Rosa thinks she's avoiding her. DP says Rosa said she expected more from a Jersey girl. DP said Rosa jumped her and tried to jump the line to get a title shot. Renee says they will do when the odds are even and the lights shine the brightest. DP challenges her to a match at the DoN Buy-In and says let's start the show by ending her.

Rush vs Isiah Kassidy

Zay dances during his entrance. He takes off his jacket and gets shotgun dropkicked in the corner. Rush then corner basement dropkicks him. Rush teases pinning him with a single foot. Rush chops him outside and sends him into the rails. Rush bangs Zay's head off the rail then hits punches. Rush grabs cables and whips Zay with it. Rush wraps it around Zay's face and pulls. Rush kicks him in the corner then poses.

We go to PiP break then full break and return. Zay springboard cutters him over the top rope then topes him outside. Zay does a russian legsweep but goes back so hard that he drives himself into the mat. Zay top rope swantons him for 2. Rush headbutts him.

Rush chops him on the apron. Zay takes off his shirt and gets in his face. They trade chops and Zay hits forearms. Zay is belly to belly suplexed off the apron to the floor. Rush corner basement dropkicks him again and wins.

It was a one-sided match that went too long. It was clear Zay had no shot of winning this after a while but it kept on going.

Brian Cage, Toa and aun are interviewed. Kaun says The Mogul Embassy is dead and gone. Kaun says they set it ablaze and they will go back to their winning ways. Cage says he main evented Rampage against Bowens and beat him. He said whether it's 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3, the end result is the same and they will win. Cage puts his team over and says "Who better than The Cage of Agony?".

Willow Nightingale and Kris Statlander vs Anna Jay and Alex Windsor

This is Alex's TV debut. She's Will Ospreay's girlfriend and I'm pretty sure that's the only reason she's here.

Anna gets shots in on Kris in the corner then is thrown across the ring. Kris armdrags Alex and slams her. Kris sliding lariats her then Willow low crossbodies her for 2. Willow suplexes Alex. Willow hits a big chop, Alex gets up and forearms her. Willow pounces her then slams Anna.

Kris flipping sentons on Anna then standing moonsaults her for 2. Kris running euros Anna then backdrops her. Anna neckbreakers Kris over the middle rope. Alex kicks Kris then bangs Kris' head off the steps.

We go to PiP break and return. Alex hits kicks on Kris. Kris legsweeps her and deadlift germans her. Will hits lariats on Anna then corner hip attacks her. Willow running boots her in the chest then spinebusters her for 2. Anna jawbreakers her then Willow hits a 2nd rope stiff dropkick. Willow misses a conrer cannonball and Anna hits a running spinning high kick in the corner. Alex flying knees her for 2.

Anna and Kris trade forearms. Kris high kicks her then Willow hits a big running lariat on Alex. Willow doctor bombs Alex and wins it.

It was your usual average women's match. Nothing too special or memorable about it. In typical fashion, Alex lost in her AEW debut.

Mercedes Mone comes out after and goes after Willow. Kris then goes to do a move on Mone and Mone goes for a move on her. Mone hits punches on Willow and it is broken up by refs, Mone then holds up the TBS title.

Overall thoughts: Nothing must see here. The opener was okay and the main was your usual average's women's match. Zay/Rush was a long squash and Joe won in an actual squash. I wouldn't recommend this.

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