Sunday, May 26, 2024

Marigold 5/26/2024 Grand Opening Wars 2024 Day 1 Night Show

Marigold 5/26/2024 Grand Opening Wars 2024 Day 1 Night Show

Misa Matsui vs. Nao Ishikawa

They lock up. Nao rolls out of a wristlock then Misa does the same. Misa hammerlocks her then is headlocked. Misa side headlock takeovers her, is headscissored and they stand off. Misa steps on Nao's foot then knees her in the head. Misa hair throws her bulldogs her. Misa camel clutches her and pulls on her nostrils. 

Misa basement dropkicks her then Nao slams her. Nao corner lariats her then shoulders her over. Nao crabs her and turns it into a single leg crab. Misa rolls her into a double stomp for 2. Nao cradles her then flying nekbreakers her for 2. Misa bridges out and flying knees her for 2. Misa stomps on Nao.

They trade chest forearms and Nao knocks her over. Nao backdrops her for 2 then Misa flying knees her. Nao crucifixes her for 2 then hits forearms. Misa rolls her up for 2 then turns it into a stretch muffler.

Misa crossbodies her against the bottom rope. Misa fisherman suplexes her for 2. Misa rolls her up then Nao cartwheels into a headscissors roll-up on her. Nao and Misa both go for blackslides and Nao drops her off of it. Nao double underhook suplexes her for 2. Nao then does an angel's wings for 2.

Misa rolls her up then bridge pins her to win it.

Thoughts: It was an okay opener here with Nao stepping up her game a bit. Not great or anything but they didn't blow anything and seemed to work okay together.

Nao yells on the mic after and seems quite upset about losing. 

Mai Sakurai vs. Myla Grace

They lock up. Myla escape a wristlock and gives her one of her own. Myla goes between the legs to escape a wristlock. They trade side beadlocks. Mai goes for the armbar and is rolled up. Myla basement dropkicks her then takes a facekick. Mai corner facekicks her then bulldogs her. Mai armbars her and Myla ropebreaks.

Mai wraps Myla's arm around the middle rope and kicks it. Mai rolls her and does a paradise lock move on her. Mai then poses on her. Mai basement dropkicks her to break thehold. Myla goes under her legs, trips her and superkicks her in the side of the head. Myla spinning legdrops her for 2.

Mai axe kicks her then basement dropkicks her for 2. Mai STF's her. Mai running facekicks Myla. They trade chest forearms and Myla lariats her. Myla spinning neckbreakers her.

Myla top rope la silla's Mai for 2. Mai does a neat backdrop on Myla for 2 then Myla rolls her up for 2 twice. Mai flying pump kicks Myla then Myla euros her. Myla backdrops her for 2. Mai flying kicks Myla then crucifix bombs her. Mai gordbusters her and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was a decent match here with Myla doing some creative moves and the two working well together.

Mai tells Myla to get out of her ring after. They shove each other and Mai sends Myla out. She then says "bye bye".

Miku Aono vs. Zayda Steel

They lock up. Zay side headlocks her. Miku wristlocks her  then Zay wristlocks her back. Zay kicks her in the leg and boots her. Miku rolls over her drop down and misses a dropkick. Zay double stomps Miku's back then bow and arrows her.

Miku dropkicks her in the corner twice then kicks her in the back. Zay hits forearms and takes kicks. They go onto the apron and trade forearms. Zay pulls on Miku's leg over the top rope then codebreakers her on the apron. Zay then does push-ups in the ring.

Zay topes Miku. Miku hits chest forearms then kicks her in the back. Miku's face is banged off the apron then Zay running facekicks her. Zay codebreakers her over the 2nd rope for 2. Zay step up knees her in the corner then rolls into a basement dropkick. Miku kips up and does a weird spinning slam on her. Miku armlocks Zay.

Miku lariats her on the ropes then Zay step up enzugiri's her. Zay rolling bombs her from the side then Miku lariats her for 2. Miku hits a styles clash and wins it.

It was a decent match here with Zay having a good showing and Miku more being along for the ride here. Zay spent a lot of the match adjusting her outfit.

CHIAKI & MIRAI vs. Bozilla & Nagisa Nozaki

Boz and Mirai lock up. Boz backs her up and blocks her slam attempts. Boz falls on her when she tries to slam her. Boz shoulders her over. Boz ends up outside and Mirai top rope plancha's her. Boz catches her and slams her on the floor.

Mirai's up and over is blocked. She's dropped on her chest then Boz walks on her back. NN curbstomps Mirai then hits boots to the gut. Mirai dropkicks her. Chi corner spears NN then facewash kicks her.

NN forearms and facekicks her. Chi hits forearms and a dropkick. NN facekicks Chi thne Chi rolling spears her. Mirai top rope dropkicks NN then NN facekicks her out. NN facekicks her on the ropes and hits her pendulum kick for 2.

Mirai corner lariats NN. Mirai then 2nd rope corkscrew elbow drops her for 2. NN backrolls her into a dragon sleeper then grounds her with it. Chi baseball slides her to break it. NN basement single leg dropkicks Mirai for 2.

Boz gets in. She running shoulders Mirai over then nodowa otoshi's her for 2. Mirai rolls her up for 2 then sliding flatliners her. Mirai ocotopuses her in the air and is back body dropped over. Boz sentons her for 2. Miri rolling armbars Boz then pulls both of her arms back.

Boz takes a double dropkick. Chi running face kicks Boz on the ropes then Boz hits back elbows. Chi trips her and cartwheel double knees her for 2. Boz corner splashes her, throws her and hits a running back elbow. Boz shoulders her over for 2.

Chi bites Boz's arm and NN breaks up Chi's arm on her. Boz headbutts Chi then 2nd rope vader bombs her. Boz trows NN into a dropkick on Mirai. Chi rolls up Boz off the powerbomb. Chi is caught up top and superplexed by Boz. Boz powerbombs her and picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was okay with Chiaki and Mirai being the underdogs here trying to take down Boz. Nagisa wasn't in this much at all and this didn't do much for her.

Mirai goes after Boz after and is chokeslammed down.

Natsumi Showzuki & Victoria Yuzuki vs. Kouki Amarei & Utami Hayashishita

NS and Kouki lock up. Kouki shoulders her over. NS dropkicks her and armdrags her. Kouki chest kicks her. Utami and Yuz get in. They go for leg locks on the other and Yuz side headlocks her. Utami side headlocks her then Yuz side headlocks her back. Yuz hits dropkicks and chest forearms. 

Utami basement dropkicks Yuz then Yuz takes a double shoulderblock. Utami slams Yuz for 2. Kouki throws Yuz into the ropes and rebounds her down. Kouki crabs Yuz and Yuz ropebreaks. Yuz headscissors her then low dropkicks her.

NS gets in and springboard double knee drops Kouki for 2. NS hits knees to the gut and fujiwara armbars her. NS does an octopus on Kouki. Kouki running facekicks NS on the ropes  then slams her. Kouki falling splashes NS for 2 then NS sunset flips her off the dominator attempt. NS hits kicks then Kouki powerslams her for 2.

Utami shoulders NS over. Utami running back elbows NS in the corner. NS throws her off the buckles then dropkicks her against the ropes. NS running knees her. Utami is tripped into a baseball slide from Yuz.

NS step up enzugiri's Utami then ddt's her for 2. Yuz dropkicks Utami several times then hits forearms to the chest. Utami dropkicks Yuz then torture racks her. Yzu and Utami trade chest forearms. Yuz is knocked over with forearms twice.

Utami takes a meteora then a low dropkick for 2. Yuz runs the buckles with Utmai's armand kind of facebusters her down. Yuz then northern lights suplexes Utami. Utami side slams Yuz then  lariats her for 2. Yuz rolls up Utami into another roll-up for 2.

Kouki pulls NS and Yuz into each other then swings Utami at Yuz. Yuz and NS get slammed. Utami 2nd rope dropkicks Yuz then Kouki 180 splashes NS off the buckles. Utami air raid crashes Yuz for 2. Utami germans Yuz with a little snap on it and wins it.

Thoughts: It was fine but not a great or real memorable main. Yuzuki did good in the main not looking much out of place. Kouki added nothing to this. It could have been a little shorter and definitely could have used some bigger moves or spots to add some excitement.

Overall thoughts: Every match was fine or okay but nothing was must see here. The midcard girls delivered when they needed to on this one. I don't know if I'd recommend it as it is not the best Marigold has to offer, but they did a better job than expected on this one.

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