Sunday, May 26, 2024

Continental Championship Wrestling Surge 5/3/2024

Continental Championship Wrestling Surge 5/3/2024

Last week's show is here:

Demarcus Green vs Isaac Cross

They lock up and Cross throws him. Cross throws him into the corner then Green side headlocks him. Cross shoulders him over and stomps on him. Green hits dropkicks then step up enzugiri's him. Green springboards and is caught in the air with a lariat.

Cross stomps on him then slams him twice. Cross elbow drops him. Green hits shots to the gut then is clubbed. Cross clubs on him then torture racks him. Green trips to sunset flip him out of it. Cross suplexes him twice.

Cross hits corner spears then drops him with a punch. Cross corner lariats Green then Green enzugiri's him in the corner. Green hits a flying back elbow and snapmares him. Green kicks him in the chest and asai moonsaults him for 2. Green tries to springboard but is caught. Cross guillotines him then spins him with the guillotine. Cross won't let go of the hold and the ref disqualifies Cross. Cross then ddt's Green.

Thoughts: It was a one-sided match here with Cross getting in almost all off the offense. Green's little offense he did get in looked good though. Cross has a great look but needs to work on making his stomps a bit more lethal looking.

Prince Cito does a promo. He says he's been here a year and said he has faced many challenges. He said Cody Knight didn't stop him and he pinned him straight in the ring. He said he did everything he said he would do. He said the heights are bigger than ever in his 2nd year and he will continue to conquer every challenge put in his way for the fans at home.

Alexander Pressley vs Dusty Williams

They lock up. Alex side headlocks him then bangs Dusty's arm off his shoulder. Alex hammerlocks him and calls him worthless. Dusty elbows him in the gut then Alex shoulders him over. Dusty hits something like a jumping face kick then Dusty running back elbows him. Alex foot chokes him in the corner and running back elbows him.

Alex hits boots to the gut then lariats him. Alex back elbows him for 2. Alex hits another running back elbow then hits more back elbows. Dusty goes up and over then falcon arrows him for 2. Dusty misses a senton and is stomped for it. Alex hits back elbows then lariats him. Alex atomic drops him then running lariats him for 2.

Dusty hits a spear then a druid comes out with some kind of hourglass. Alex back elbows Dusty then jumping flatliners him. Alex then wins it.

Thoughts: It was a very one sided match here. Alex really spammed the back elbow a lot here. I don't know what Dusty's gimmick is but he wrestles with nerdy glasses.  We'll have to see what the hourglass thing was about.

Overall thoughts: Only 2 new matches here as usual and a promo. Both were rather one sided affairs and not worth seeing.

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