Sunday, May 26, 2024

Continental Championship Wrestling Surge 5/10/2024

Continental Championship Wrestling Surge 5/10/2024

Last week's show is here: 

They have a graphic that says a man travels around the world to find out what he needs and returns home to find it. The graphic then says that Landon Crews is coming home.

Kevin Kantrell vs CJ Lionheart


This is CJ Lionheart's debut. Kevin is the CCW champ. They lock up and Kevin wristlocks him. Kevin armlocks him and yanks the arm. Kevin waistlock takedowns him. CJ front facelocks him on the mat then Kevin pulls the hair. Kevin throws CJ so hard into the buckles that he falls over.

Kevin chops CJ then corner lariats him. Kevin hits chops and corner spears. CJ hits high kicks then Kevin germans him. CJ clubs his back and hits chops. Kevin then flurries on him with clubs and stomps. Kevin suplexes him for 2.

CJ is put up top and chopped. Kevin argues with the ref and CJ tries to lariat him off the 2nd rope but slips. CJ dropkicks him then flying lariats him. CJ sliding lariats him for 2. Kevin blue thunder bombs him for 2. Kevin snapmares him, misses a boot and is rolled up. CJ superkicks him and running knees him for 2.

CJ chops Kevin hard in the back then hits forearms to the back of the neck. Kevin perfectplexes him and gets the win.

Thoughts: It was an underdog vs favorite match here with a rookie taking on the champ. I don't know if this was CJ's actual debut or just his CCW debut here. He didn't do bad though. He showed some force in his moves and did a decent job as a fiery face. He did sadly miss his one big spot here though. Kevin played the vet role and beat him up good. A few minutes could have been cut off from it but it wasn't a bad effort.

Overall thoughts: There was only one match here. It was fine as a underdog vs vet debut match but wasn't must see.

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