Sunday, May 26, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 12/29/1990

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 12/29/1990 

Last week's show is here:

Vince McMahon, Roddy Piper and Honky Tonk Man are our hosts. Piper and Honky are wearing New Year's hats and throwing confetti. They take shots at each other and blow those birthday party things at each other.

The Nasty Boys make their Superstars debut today.

Mr. Perfect vs Rico Federico

George Steinbrenner is in the front row and Vince says he saw Mr. Fuji talking to him.

Perfect shoves Rico back and chops him. Rico does a nice leapfrog and dropkick, sending Perfect out. Perfect hits knees to the gut and takes a lariat. Perfect kicks a bent over Rico then stomps on him. Perfect chops him. Mr. Perfect does an inset promo. He says 1991 will be the Perfect year and will start off with a perfect win at The Royal Rumble.

Perfect chokes Rico on the ropes then kicks him in the gut. Perfect standing dropkicks him. Perfect hits a big back body drop then hits a perfectplex to win it.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash here. Rico got a little in and was put over some en route to defeat. They made a big deal of George Steinbrenner being there.

WWF Update with Mean Gene Okerlund

Gene talks about last week's Brother Love Show with Dusty and Dustin. The Million Dollar Man reacts to it. Ted is getting a massage from Virgil. He says The Rumble is 3 weeks away and they got the father and son team of Dusty and Dustin. Ted says blood may be thicker than water. He says there's a bond thicker than blood and it's cold hard cash. He says it's the thing Virgil wants and what everyone wants. He says that's the bond that will lead him to victory at The Rumble. He says that gives him so much confidence. He says Virgil will do what he tells him to do as he pays him to do it. Ted tells Virgil to massage his feet and Virgil does so. Ted says Dustin and Dusty will pay the biggest price at The Rumble.

Tugboat vs Bob Bradley

Bob hits Tug from behind then hits punches. Bob chokes Tug on the ropes. Bob tries to shoulder him over but Tug doesn't move. Tug catches Bob's crossbody and fallaway slams him. Tug misses an elbow drop and Bob clubs on Tug. Tugboat does an inset promo. He talks about The Royal Rumble. He says he apologizes as it's everyone for themselves. Tug hits a big lariat on Bob then slams him. Tug hits a big splash and gets in the win.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash here but Bob got a decent bit in and put up a fight.

They announce Andre The Giant was injured on a Japanese tour and will not be at The Rumble. Honky says Andre's not injured but afraid.

The Nasty Boys vs Jim Evans and Sonny Blaze

This is the Superstars debut of The Nasty Boys. They have a different theme with Knobs singing but it's hard to make most out of it. It sounds like a rap version.

Vince calls Saggs "Scaggs", as does Piper. Knobbs hits forearms on Jim then bangs his head off of Saggs' boot. Saggs kicks Jim then pumphandle slams him. Jim is thrown out. Jimmy Hart and The Nasty Boys do an inset promo. Hart says they are hot and nasty, they are The Nasty Boys. The Nasties say they are bad, mean, tough, unctrollable, nasty and they're here.

Saggs throws Jim. Honky says Scagg's name is actually "Saggs" and corrects Vince. Sonny takes a double suplex. Knobbs slams and elbow drops Jim. Knobbs headbutt drops Sonny and Hart says "oh that's nasty baby". Saggs bangs Sonny's head off the buckles then whips Knobbs into a corner splash on Sonny. Knobbs powerslams Sonny then Saggs top rope elbow drops Sonny. Saggs picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was The Nasty Boys' debut here. It was a quick one with the jobbers getting nothing in. The Nasty's were lighter here than they would be later and had a lot of energy here. I liked Sagg's flying elbow. Them not knowing Saggs' correct name was pretty bad.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

Sean hypes the 1/12/90 Boston Garden Show. Rick Martel does a promo on his opponent for it, Jake Roberts. Rick says Jake is excited and upset at the same time. Rick says Jake is a suffering a vision impairment and brain damage. He says Jake can't see him too well and he's gonna have fun with him. Rick says even with Jake having 20/20 eyesight, his abilities can't compare. Rick said he gave him a white cane once and might give him a wheelchair.

Jimmy Snuka does a promo on Ted Dibiase. He says Ted has another thing coming if he thinks he will stick his money in his mouth. He then makes various noises.

Jake Roberts vs Kent Carlson

Kent hits corner spears and Jake kneelifts him. Jake hits a big slam and stomps him. Rick Martel does an inset promo. He says he's not concerned about Jake's improving vision. He says in 1991, Jake will be in total darkness. Jake snapmares Kent and chinlocks him.

Jake hits a short arm lariat then ddt's Kent. Jake then picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was a quick one here with Kent being put down easy. Jake's not selling the eye as much anymore now.

Jake grabs Damien after and puts him on Kent. 

Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Sgt. Slaughter and General Adnan in a special interview on the stage. Gene talks about Iraq invading Kuwait. Sarge tells Gene to shut his mouth. He says Saddam Hussein didn't invade Kuwait, he conquered it. He said overnight, Saddam's name became famous. Adnan talks in his language. Sarge says it's nice of Saddam to take the time to send him a special gift.

Sarge opens the gift, which is wrapped in newspaper. Sarge then shots off Iron Shiek boots with a hooked toe on them. Sarge says he hopes his career will follow Saddam's standards. He says he will wear Saddam's boots and conquer The Ultimate Warrior at the Royal Rumble. Sarge then says he will go over to Baghdad and ride down the streets in a parade of celebration with Saddam. He says it's two heroes taking their rightful place in history.

The Big Boss Man vs Pete Sanchez

Boss knees him and back elbows him. Boss hits an uppercut then leg lariats him on the ropes. Boss hits a nice punch and does an inset promo. Boss says he's been after Heenan Family member after Heenan Family member. He says none of them will stop him from getting his hands around Heenan's neck.

Pete is thrown hard into the buckles and drops him with another punch. Boss hits a nice big boot then slams him. Boss sidewalk slams him and wins it.

Thoughts: It was a quick squash here with Boss looking good and roughing Pete up.

Pete's handcuffed to the ball and chain after. Boss then drops the ball on Pete's gut. Boss was legit a terrible face, always beating up jobbers for no real reason.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

Sean hypes the 1/12/90 Boston Garden Show. He says he has comments from Dino Bravo and Earthquake from a Boston Garden house show. Quake says it was a big victory and says to bring it on in regards to Tug and Hulk's tag challenge. Dino says they don't stand a chance. Dino calls Tug a fat man. He says they will get them both down and tells the camera man to "get the hell out of here".

The Hart Foundation do a promo on Power and Glory. Anvil says new kids, get off the block. He says he will take more brains and skills to beat them than what they showed last time. Bret says Paul Roma's bad attitude wasn't enough and Herc wasn't strong enough. Bret says they are ready to roll and says P&G will find out what it's all about.

The Royal Rumble Report

Mean Gene Okerlund hypes up The Royal Rumble. Gene says never has another wrestler faced two challengers as he talks about Macho breathing down Warrior's neck. The Ultimate Warrior does a promo. He calls Sarge a broken down sergeant and a lost soldier. He says he doesn't know how a care package reached him. He says he received the boots from the creator of evil, Sgt. Slaughter. He said he doesn't walk as a sergeant or a lieutenant, he's a 5 star general and the commander in chief. He says he will make Sarge believe in the power of The Warrior and says that's an order.

We see clips from The 1989 Royal Rumble and we see Demolition fight each other for a few seconds. LOD Hawk does a promo. He says The Rumble is a night of no friends, just enemies. He says "oh what a rush" to eliminating 28 other people and seeing Animal left.

Macho King Randy Savage does a promo with Queen Sherri. He says it's up to everyone else to prove themselves to him and says royalty will prevail in The Royal Rumble. 

Hulk Hogan does a promo. He said we will find out who the real king of the hill is in 3 weeks at The Rumble. He says instinct is the key and says he's got it better than anyone else. He says he will fight for all of his Hulkamaniacs.

Kane the Undertaker vs Terry Davis

Taker clubs on Terry then boots him in the corner. Brother Love and Taker do an inset promo. Love says the new year is almost upon them. Taker says they will need to dig a big hole for all the people they bury in 1991.

Taker bangs Terry's head off the buckles and chokes him. Taker slams Terry then hits a nice jumping elbow drop. Taker throws Terry down by the throat and chokes him. Taker hits a big dropkick then flying lariats him. Taker walks the top rope and clubs down on Terry. Taker tombstones Terry and picks up the win.

Thoughts: It was a one-sided squash like all of Taker's squashes had been. Taker looked good though as usual.

Taker crushes a rose and throws it down on Terry after.

We get a Bodybuilding Lifestyles magazine ad. Honky says he gets his bodybuilding theories from it and will start posing for it. This magazine would eventually become a WBF magazine and is our first Superstars mention of the the future WBF.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

Sean hypes the 1/12/90 Boston Garden Show. Mr. Perfect and Bobby Heenan do a promo. They tell Roddy Piper to call it fair and to be careful in the match with Texas Tornado. Perfect said he would take the IC Title back and he did. He said Tornado is a dummy and tells Piper to stay clear of him if he wants to survive the match. Texas Tornado does a promo. He said Perfect stole the title from him on TV. He said everyone knows he calls himself Mr. Perfect and asks how he can call himself a champion after what he pulled. Tornado says Piper will call it down the middle and says the belt will come home with him.

Vince, Piper and Honky close the show. Piper and Honky are blowing the party whistles. Piper says his new years resolution is when wearing a kilt, to stay out of the draft. Honky says his is "don't be cruel". Vince then says Happy New Year.

Overall thoughts: The Nasty Boys debuted here with Vince messing up Saggs' name. We got our first hint at the WBF here. Andre is out of The Royal Rumble and we are running out of time for Macho to get a title shot at Warrior. The matches were all squashes here and weren't that great and we didn't get a lot of new storyline developments. I wouldn't recommend this one.

It is our final episode of the 1990 season. It took me way too long to get it done but I'm happy I was finally able to complete this. You can kind of see why the WWF went downhill this year. Hulk wasn't featured for a portion of the year. Warrior is champ and is never on the show. Macho hasn't been featured much. Jesse's gone and his replacement Roddy Piper is nowhere near on his level, though Honky Tonk Man isn't bad. Andre's done. The original Demolition is done. Tugboat doesn't get over as a top face. Sgt Slaughter turned Iraqi in an angle that didn't really work as well as it was supposed to. The Tugboat/Hogan vs Earthquake/Dino feud never ends as Vince runs out of top heels for Hogan to beat. The Gobbledy Gooker was hyped up for months and meant nothing. Both Summerslam and Survivor Series were bad PPV's where you didn't get payoffs to various programs. We also seemingly said goodbye to Rhythm and Blues, who I liked. We did get some new editions in The Legion of Doom, Texas Tornado, The Undertaker and Power and Glory though. We'll have to see what 1991 holds in store.

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