Tuesday, May 28, 2024

CMLL 5/27/2024 Arena Puebla

CMLL 5/27/2024 Arena Puebla

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/05/cmll-5202024-arena-puebla.html

CMLL aired the Top 4 matches and a fan fancammed the 2nd match.

Arkalis, Pegasso, Rey Samuray vs Crixus, Difunto, Raider 

2nd Fall - The rudos triple team Rey then Rey rolls up possibly Crixus to win the fall.

3rd Fall - The rudos beat up the faces. Crix basment dropkicks Ark then lariats him. Ark takes a triple boot and goes out. Peg is triple teamed, takes corner attacks then a triple basement dropkick. Rey is triple teamed and takes corner attacks. Crix euros Rey then Rey is held in the air for a Dif top rope double stomp.

Raider springboard dropkicks a face in the butt then Ark is powerslammed for 2. Ark gets triple stomped by the heels. Ark is double suplexed then Crix legdrops him for 2. The faces are stomped on then do triple dives to the outside. The heels hit back elbows on the faces. The faces are all thrown into each other and rolled up for 2. The face take basement dropkicks in the corner for 2. The faces take a triple super collider but hurricanrana out and pin all 3 rudos at the same time to win the fall.

The rudos get on the mic and beat up the faces after, unmasking them and taking the whooping to the ramp.

Thoughts: No rating on this one. We didn't see enough of it and I'm not sure how much was missed. It's a shame because the crowd seemed into it.

Skadi, Lady Metal and Lluvia vs La Catalina, Lady Amazona and Tessa Blanchard

L = Lluvia, Ama = Lady Amazona, Cat = La Catalina

1st Fall - Cat and Metal start us off. Cat headlock takeovers her and Metal headscissors her. Cat side headlocks her then Metal armdrags her. Cat armbars her and gets her legs tied up. Cat armdrags her and headlock takeovers her. Metal headscissors her and they leg sweep each other. Skadi and Ama get in. They chop each other and Ama shoulders her over. Skadi kicks her.

Tess gets in and is backbreakered by Skadi for 2. Tess superkicks and backbreakers Skadi for 2. L gets in. L spinning headscissors Tess. L sunset flips her and L's team does triple pins to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Cat and Metal go at it. Metal springboard armdrags her then dropkicks her. Cat basement dropkicks her and Metal armdrags Cat while on her shoulders. Cat sliding knees her for 2. Metal headbutts her from the apron then top rope crossbodies her. Tess superkicks Metal then Metal is triple teamed. Metal is bridged on the 2nd rope and Ama legdrops her off the buckles.

Skadi takes a triple team. L takes corner attacks and Tess hammerlock ddt's L to win the fall.

3rd Fall - Metal offers a handshake and Tess kicks her. Metal is thrown out. L takes a 3v1 and a double lariat. Tess superkicks L out. Skadi takes a triple team then a triple stomp. Skadi crossbodies Ama for 2 then Skadi kicks Ama in the crotch. Cat is 3v1'd then Ama is 3v1'd.

Metal bulldogs Ama and L kicks the rope into Tess' crotch. L and Metal hit a double hiptoss then Tess is lifted for a triple team bulldog. Skadi basement dropkicks Ama for 2. Metal lariats Cat when they get in then iconoclasm's her for 2. Tess cutters Metal for 2. L bangs Tess' head off the buckles then Tess low topes L while she sits on the ramp. Skadi and Metal hit wastelands on opponents. They go up to the buckles, Skadi is powebombed down and Metal takes a spinning electric chair drop. Both are pinned. Tessa's team wins the fall and match.

Thoughts: There were no major botches but it was very average all around with few highlights.

Lightning Match - Esfinge vs Barbaro Cavernario


ES = Esfinge, Barb = Barbaro Cavernario

ES armdrags him. Barb waistlocks him, ES goes up and over and Barb ends up running into a superkick. Barb does the worm to get up and is dropkicked from behind. Barb kicks ES outside. ES has his head dropped on the apron.

ES hits shots then takes an ushigoroshi for 2. ES kicks him then Barb holds him in the air and wristclutch suplexes him. Barb misses a springboard splash then takes a springboard dropkick. ES topes him outside.

Back in the ring, ES corkscrew kicks Barb off an up and over for 2. ES 2nd rope diving codebreakers him for 2. Barb pop up kicks him hen ES superkicks him for 2. They trade running corner attacks and Barb pump kicks him. ES trips him into a leglock. ES ties up Barb's leg and does a bridge pin to win. Barb seems to kick out but the ref doesn't care.

Thoughts: This is a lightning match. It's supposed to be fast paced and exciting. This was very boring and neither guys put a ton of effort into this. Barb in particular wasn't having a good night. The finish also seemed to be botched here.

Rugido, Stigma, Villano III Jr. vs Averno, Kojima, Okumura 


1st Fall - The other Villano was supposed to be in this but Rugido replaced him. Stig armdrags Ave. Stig armdrags him and spinning headcsissors him. Oku and V3 get in. Oku takes him down and V3 armdrags him. They end up doing a stand off. They trade kicks and V3 superkicks him. V3 handsprings and poses then Koji shoulders him over.

Koji and Rug go at it. Rug takes a double team then takes corner attacks. Oku tries to take off Rug's mask on the ropes and Koji rips at V3's mask. Oku back body drops V3 while Ave tries to take off Rug's mask. Rug is triple stomped then Oku running back elbows Rug. Rug is whipped into a Koji lariat and pinned. Ave angel's wings Stig and pins him.

2nd Fall - V3 takes a double foot to start the fall. Ave kicks Stig over. Oku boots Stig and Koji bites the back of Stig's head. Sig flying headscissors Ave then Oku boots him over. Rug throws Oku down and pounds on him until he is stopped. Koji hits punches and boots on V3.

Ave bangs V3's head off the arena wall then Oku tilt-a-whirl backbreakers V3. Stig is triple teamed. The heels hit Koji when Stig moves then Rug topes Koji into the seats. Stig pins Ave then V3 does his handstand seated moonsault move on Oku to pin him and win the fall.

3rd Fall - Koji is held for a boot from Rug. Koji's legs are split in the corner and Stig dropkicks him in the crotch. Rug dropkicks Oku in the crotch then V3 dropkicks Ave in the crotch. Oku and Stig go at it. Oku knees him in the gut then Stig dropkicks Koji. Stig back body drops Oku then dragon screws Koji and Oku. Stig headscissors Ave off of his shoulders.

Stig boots Oku then V3 springboard crossbodies Oku. V3 dropkicks Oku. V3 armdrags out of a double tilt-a-whirl then Oku sentons V3'd back. Koji is tripped into the 2nd rope for a V3 kick. Rgu and Koji trade chest chops and forearms. They shoulder each other then Rug flying shoulders Koji over. Rug armdrags Oku then flying headlock takeovers him. Rug dropkicks Oku then Rug headscissors Ave out. Rug then tope con hilos outside. Koji and Oku 2nd rope cutter V3 and Stig then pin them to win the fall.

Oku and Rug get on the mic after then Rug takes a triple beatdown.

Thoughts: It wasn't that great but Kojima started to figure out how to work as a rudo during this. That was kind of interesting. Rugido also definitely tried some strong style stuff with Koji. The heels tried here despite their limitations and the faces were more like tweeners here.

Gran Guerrero, Místico, Último Guerrero vs Ángel de Oro, Hechicero, Soberano Jr.

1st Fall - UG and Hech start us off. Hech is taken down and Ug grabs the leg. Hech crawls around and tries to trip UG. UG trips Hech, flips him over then armdrags him. Hech backrolls and they stand off. Sob and Gran go at it. Gran flips Sob and Sob armdrags him. They trip each other and stand off.

Sob flying snapmares him and headlock takeovers him out. Mistico gets in and is hit form behind then 2v1'd. Mist takes a double back elbow then is popped-up into a double kick. Hech puts the boots to UG. Gran is held for punches then Hech kicks him in the leg. Oro takes most of Mist's mask off then Sob also goes for Mist's mask.

Mist takes corner lariats from Oro and Hech then is pump kicked by Sob. Oro pins Mist to win the fall.

2nd Fall - Oro goes for Mist's mask and Hech hits a punch flurry on Gran. Sob poses on Gran while he's getting punched then Hech crossbodies Gran against the ropes. Mist is triple stomped then Mist hits a double armdrag off a double hiptoss. Mist misses some springboard move then flying headscissors Oro out. Mist diving headscissors Oro outside. Gran package piledrivers Sob then UG rolls Hech into a leg submission to win the fall.

3rd Fall - Sob is in the crowd and a fan is cooling him off with a hand fan. Mist is popped up on the ramp into a butt drop on Hech. Gran is then popped up into a butt drop on Oro. Hech's team goes out to regroup. Gran sunset flips Oro and Hech/Sob double basement dropkick Oro on accident. Gran chokeslams Hech then Sob is gordbustered onto Hech from the 2nd rope.

UG is double teamed. UG superkicks Hech then baseball slides Oro out to the floor. Sob stomps on Mist then kicks hislegs out from under him. Mist handspring back elbows him then springboard diving hurricanrana's him. Mist is popped up into a hurricanrana on Hech then hurricanrana's Oro. Mist topes Oro. Sob flying headcissors Gran out then fosbury flops him. Mist springboard twisting crossbodies Oro then is popped up and kicked in the crotch. Oro then pins Mist to win the match.

Thoughts: It died off a little in the 3rd which hurt it some. It was interesting see Mistico team up with The Guerrero's here and do some of their trademark spots. I wanted to see more Hechicero vs Ultimo Guerrero in this one. Soberano did very little here and wasn't involved in this one much at all.

Overall thoughts: There was nothing must see here. It was kind of fun to see Kojima work rudo and to see Mistico team with The Guerrero's, but nothing was on this show. It was an average show.

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