Tuesday, May 28, 2024

NWA Powerrr 5/28/2024

NWA Powerrr 5/28/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/05/nwa-powerrr-5212024.html

Thom Latimer vs Jake Sterling

Thom wristlocks him. Jake headflips out of a wristlock and poses. Jake wristlocks him and Thom headflips out. They shove each other. Jake side headlocks him and shoulders him over. Thom blocks a hiptoss and Jake pulls him by the hair. Thom backslides him for 2 then crucifixes him. Thom trips him and slaps him in the back of the head. Thom teases a punch, Jake begs off and double throat thrusts him. Jake spinebusters Thom for 2.

Jake drops him with punches and clubs his back. Jake chinlocks him. Thom hits elbows to the gut then Jake pop-up forearms him out. Jake chinlocks him again then Thom chinbreakers him. Thom atomic drops him and lariats him. Thom hits shots in the corner then backdrops him. Jake hits back elbows and Thom hits a ddt.

Thom pop-up powerbombs him and wins with a crossface.

It was an okay opener here. Jake looked pretty solid and they gave us enough before going home.

Thom Latimer is interviewed after. He says Zyon ain't no joke but he is not a champion like Thom is. Thom says Zyon is a monster and a killer but he's not him. Thom says he will walk in the National Champ and leave the National Champ.

The Kidz and The Savages of Samoa are both interviewed. Jackson Drake calls the crowd good for nothing scumbags and said they made their first impression by imposing their will on The Immortals, yet are still second fiddles. Lev says they are the truth and says he is your messiah. Alofa says he doesn't have to tell people who they are. He says they were here to take The Crockett Cup.

The Crockett Cup First Round - The Stew Crew (Dylan and Zach Stewart) vs Daisy Kill and Talos

Vampiro is with Daisy and Talos. Dylan slams Daisy early. Dylan is thrown into Daisy's gut then Zach slams Daisy. Daisy is thrown then takes a side slam. Zach slingshot swantons Daisy. Dylan is worked on and takes a kick to the body.

Dylan is put on Daisy's knees and he footpresses him down to the mat. Talos side slams Dylan down. Talos corner splashes Dylan. Daisy pounds on Dylan then neckbreakers him.

Zach gets in and beats up the heels. He does his dropkick + samoan drop combo. Daisy gets Zach's back and sleepers him. Daisy takes a lariat + german combo. Vampiro puts Daisy's leg on the ropes. Talos facekicks Zach then chokeslams Dylan. Daisy then pins Dylan.

Thoughts: It's not a good look to have your tag champs lose in the first round as that's what happened as The Stew Crew are the NWA JCP tag champs. It was a shorter one here. There was nothing wrong with it just it was just average.

Vampiro, Daisy Kill and Talos are interviewed. Kyle Davis asks what is going on with Vampiro and them. Daisy says Vampiro knows what he is doing and says it's more than wins and victories and more than we will ever understand.

Tiffany Nieves, Reka Tehaka, Joe Alonzo and Billy Corgan are interviewed. Joe tells Billy he's the most valuable asset the NWA has to offer. He says he's wasting time fighting Alex Taylor. He says the people don't want to see him get hurt, they want to see a Joe Alonzo celebration over a match. He says Billy can't risk him getting hurt. Billy says let the ladies talk.

Tiffany says she is the #1 contender and the hottest wrestler here. She says she needs us to stop staring at her. Billy says Tiffany's win was sus. He says he has something for her and Reka. He says it will be Tiff and Reka vs Ruthie and La Rosa Negra. He says the winner faces The King Bee's for the tag titles the same night. Tiffany says that sounds bueno.

Joe shoves Tiff aside. Billy says Joe disgusts and repulses him and makes him wish he was dead so he could haunt him. He says Joe is the NWA Jr. Heavyweight Champ. He says Joe whines and cries. He says he will face Alex Taylor at The Crockett Cup and says it wouldn't hurt him too bad if The Southern Six beat Joe. Joe says it's fixed and Billy says it's not. Joe says he's a tough guy and says he's a 10+ year vet. Billy said he didn't know who he was before he signed him. Billy said he couldn't sell out a bingo hall and needs to go to the Southside where he belongs. He says he will take care of him later.

Thoughts: Billy's not exactly the best on-screen personality. I didn't like him saying Joe can't draw and saying he was a nobody before he signed him. Tiff did good here like she usually does.

We go to Cooking With Carson. Carson Drake is here with Zyon. Austin Idol, Taylor Rising and another female wrestler. He sanitizes Austin's armpits. Taylor asked if he seasoned the chicken and he says he doesn't season anything. Taylor says something stinks and he says that's her attitude and what else do you expect from a woman. Taylor cracks and egg on Carson's head. Caron says like most women, he ruins men's lives.

The Crockett Cup First Round - The Slimeballz (Sage Chantz and Tommy Rant) vs The Southern Six (Kerry Morton and Silas Mason)

Kerry throws Sage back then Sage armdrags him. Sage 2nd rope hurricanrana's Kerry. Sage tries a dropkick on Silas that doesn't work. Rant gets in and shakes his head and tongue at Silas. Silas is confused, grabs him by the tongue and hits him. Silas shoulders Rant over and bangs his head off the buckles.

Rant hits back elbows on Silas. Silas misses a corner charge. Silas blocks a double suplex and hits one of his own. Sage is chopped down by Silas. Sage's head is banged off of Kerry's boot. Sage back elbows Kerry, comes off the 2nd rope and is powerbombed down.

Kerry slingshot suplexes Sage then fist drops him. Kerry leg lariats Sage on the ropes then goofs around with Silas. Rant backdrops Kerry. Rant crossbodies Silas and just backs him up with it. Silas running lariats him. Sage is caught off the top by Silas then gorilla press slammed onto the outside onto Rant.

Sage is sent into the seats. Silas hits a black hole slam on Rant and wins it.

Thoughts: It was a mostly a one sided match with The Slime's being an underdog here. They were beaten as expect. Sage took a nasty fall to the outside.

The Southern Six are interviewed with Alex Taylor. Alex says there's something on his mind and in his soul. He says there's nothing he despises more than a liar and says that's what Joe Alonzo is. He says Joe can lie to people and himself. He says he's wearing a belt that says he's the best junior in the world. Alex says he will expose him and take the belt from him. He says they will light Dallas up like a house on fire.

Jax Dane talks about Tim Storm putting the iron claw on Natalya Markova and getting them DQ'd. Jax says he was acting crazy and it was a side of him he never saw. He said Tim went to the doctor's post-match and says Tim has been diagnosed with a condition where he doesn't know who he is all the time. He says Tim knows who he is when wrestling though. He says we can't startle him or call him Tim Storm anymore. Jax says he has been been medically cleared to wrestle. Jax says Tim thinks he's Baron Von Storm when entering the building. Jax says not to call him Tim Storm anymore because he feels he is Baron Von Storm. Jax says he was told to play along and says it could be days, months or years.

Thoughts: Yeah, this doesn't sound promising.

There was an intergender match after that I won't be covering.

Overall thoughts: The three matches I saw were acceptable though I didn't see the main as it was intergender wrestling. Nothing was too great here. Tim Storm's new gimmick sounds really bad. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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