Wednesday, May 8, 2024

WWE Speed 5/8/2024

WWE Speed 5/8/2024

The last show is here:

#1 Contenders Tournament 1st Round - Apollo Crew vs Ivar

Ivar knocks away a dropkick and hits a spinning high kick. Ivar hits back elbows in the corner then spinning slams Crews. Ivar corner lariats him then misses a bronco buster. Crews germans him then standing moonsaults him for 2. Crews leapfrogs him and Ivar goes out.

Crews moonsaults him off the apron on the outside then top rope crossbodies him. Ivar butt drops him in the corner then hits a top rope moonsault. Ivar gets the win at 1:56.

It was a quick 1:56 match. They filled it with as much action as they could and we got a couple of flips out of it. There wasn't a lot else they could do here with the short time frame.

Ivar says the speed title just isn't for the weak, it's for the thick. He says he's coming for Ricochet.  

Overall Thoughts: Only one short match as usual here. They did the best they could with the 1:56, but it wasn't must see.

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