Sunday, April 14, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 9/15/1990

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 9/15/1990 

Last week's show is here:

Next week's show is here:

We're in Hershey, PA, which they call Chocolate Town. Vince says Piper is a man who never sugarcoats anything. Vince gives him a giant Hershey's Kiss. Piper said he doesn't kiss on the first date, he bites.

The Hart Foundation vs The Brooklyn Brawler and Paul Perez

Bret gives his glasses to a kid as usual. Rhythm and Blues do an inset promo. Jimmy Hart says no one knows the Hart's as well as him. Greg says they will walk in and take the belts. Honky said it's time for Rhymthm and Blues to have another big hit.

Bret side headlocks Brawler then hiptosses him. Bret hits shots on Brawler. Brawler misses a corner charge and goes into the post. Brawler's head is banged off of Jim's foot. Jim hiptosses him then slams Paul (who is wearing some very colorful striped tights). Paul is dropped throat first on the top rope then Bret 2nd rope elbow drops him. Paul then takes a hart attack and is pinned.

It was a quick squash here. The Hart's had a lot of white on their gear today and won with ease as expected.

WWF Update with Mean Gene Okerlund

Gene talks about Sherri giving Warrior a contract and shows clips from that. Macho King Randy Savage and Sherri do a promo. Macho says Warrior got slapped by Sherri and did nothing about it. Macho says Warrior was backed down by a woman. Macho says he doesn't hide behind any woman's skirt.

The Warlord vs Mike Pocari

Mike fought Bad News Brown last week and gets Warlord this week. Piper wonders how Warrior would ask for a date, mocking him and saying he'd talk about lightning and thunder. Vince says Warrior respects women in general and did nothing because of it. Piper said he would have decked Sherri.

War boots Mike in the gut then flying shoulders Mike. War slams Mike then hits a nice fist drop. Piper says War needs a veterinarian, not a doctor. War hits a nice gutwrench suplex then he clubs Mike's back. Mike is thrown hard into the buckles then War lariats him. War running powerslams Mike and gets the pin.

It was a quick squash as expected here. Warlord had a nice fist drop and gutwrench suplex here. Slick talked a bunch of trash during this.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

There's a show at The Boston Garden tonight. There's a coin toss to decide which Power and Glory member fights Marty Jannetty. Sgt. Slaughter does a promo on Nikolai Volkoff. He calls Nik a slime and maggot. He said America opened it's arms and heart to Nik. Sarge said Nik then tried to embarrass him. Sarge calls Nik a pinko commie and says he will defeat him.

Marty Jannetty does a promo. He asks what the problem is with Power and Glory. He asks if it's a confidence issue and says they are running scared. Marty says one of the Power and Glory members will go down in a blaze of glory tonight.

Tugboat vs Bob Bradley

Bob's looking jacked today. Bob jumps on Tug from behind and hits some shots. Tug is choked over the top rope then Bob bites him. Bob tries to shoulder and crossbody him but just gets backbreakered. Bob then rolls out. Earthquake, Jimmy Hart and Dino Bravo do an inset promo. Bravo said it's not a question of how Tug looks now, but how he will look when they push him into Davy Jones' Locker.

Tug throws Bob in from the apron then misses an elbow drop. Bob backflips and comes off the ropes with an elbow drop. Bob chinlocks him then Tug hits a corner splash. Tug slams Bob then 2nd rope splashes Bob. Tug gets the win.

It was a decent squash here with Bob getting a little in before being put down. Tug's splash off the ropes was nice here. They said Tugboat's horn sound is really catching on.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

There's a show at The Boston Garden tonight. Demolition do a promo on Legion of Doom and Ultimate Warrior. Ax says LOD cost them their belts and said they are coming for them. Crush said LOD took what was theirs. They said they have a score to settle and will take care of them Demolition style. Smash says The Hart Foundation didn't really beat them and paid the LOD to come down. Smash says they will break their stinkin' teeth in.

Hacksaw Jim Duggan does a promo. He said he's tired and iritable. He said he doesn't want to hear Rude complain about what happened at Summerslam. He said he's 6'3, 290lbs coming at him. He said he's not out there to shake his body but to beat Rude up. He said he's going to come down stompin', snortin' and coming after him.

Mr. Perfect vs Jim McPherson

Perfect and Heenan do not look like they are in a good mood. Jim got beat by Rhythm and Blues last week.

Perfect slaps Jim and grabs him by the chin. Jim slaps his hand away and gets slapped. Jim hits a hiptoss then is tripped. Perfect drops down on Jim's knee. Piper said Texas Tornado took Jim by storm. Perfect grabs Jim by the mouth and calls him Tornado, saying he's coming for the belt.

Perfect chops Jim then toe holds him. Perfect tries to make Jim kick himself in the head with his own foot. Perfect calls out Texas Tornado then hits a perfectplex to win it.

This was all about having Perfect call out Texas Tornado here. Jim got embarrassed here en route to his loss.

Heenan helps up Jim after then Perfect lariats Jim over. Perfect then walks on Jim.  

The Brother Love Show

Rick Martel is on set and is spraying Arrogance. Rick says Arrogance isn't a right, it's a privilege and Love deserves the best.

Love brings out The Legion of Doom, saying they were responsible for Demolition losing the tag titles. Hawk says someone sprayed something out here that smells like something he did. Hawk says he's not Love's brother and he'd be dead if he were. Hawk talks but the show clips from Summerslam and we can't hear him.

Love tells Animal they are Demolition imposters. Animal says Love doesn't tell them nothing. Animal says they hide in the shadows of nobody. He asks what kind of example Demolition is setting for people beating up people 3v2. Animals says he hopes they are good at that because that's the way they like it. He said they want Demolition. Hawk says when they get in the ring with Demolition, they know one thing - "oh what a rush".

Ted Dibiase vs Ross Lindsey

Ross Lindsey is Ross Hart, Bret and Owen's brother. Sapphire and Virgil are with Dibiase. Sapphire's carrying Dibiase's Wrestling Buddy toy.

Ross side headlocks Ted then is tripped. Ross wristlocks him. Ted reverses it then side headlocks him. Ted shoulders him over then Ross backrolls him for 2. Ross dropkicks Ted then Ted rolls out. Ted blocks Ross' monkey flip then hit fist drops. Ted powerslams Ross then puts him in the million dollar dream. Ross is out and Ted picks up the win.

This was a quick one here and it was neat to see another Hart brother, though they don't mention it.

Ted puts money in the mouth of Ross after.

They say Shawn Michaels is still recovering from knee surgery thanks to Power and Glory and Summerslam.

Saba Simba vs Chris Duffy

Saba Simba is Tony Atlas. Roddy Piper immediately points this out and asks who he is trying to fool. Vince said Tony legally changed his name and Piper says it's ridiculous. He says Tony looks like a fool. Saba dances and Piper says it's him walking on hot coal. Duffy is coming off a loss to Jim Duggan two weeks ago.

Duffy hits Saba from behind and eye rakes him. Duffy boots him in the gut then Saba stomps the ring. Saba suplexes him then back elbows him. Saba samoan drops him with some stomp dancing and wins it. Saba then dances after.

This was a disaster. Piper immediately said Saba was Tony Atlas, defeating the whole purpose of the gimmick. Saba's dances were too over the top here and the outfit just looked silly. Saba also didn't seem comfortable wrestling in bare feet.

I thought about how to do this better and I think I would eliminate the dancing, the bare feet, the headdress and I would also have someone else other than Tony doing it. Tony just looked uncomfortable and humiliated. I would maybe give the person some longer tights as well and I think it would have looked better.

The Orient Express vs George Skaaland and Jim Powers

Jim drops down, Tanaka goes over him then gets slammed. Jim gets distracted and gets hit. Tanaka shoulders him over then Jim hits hiptosses. Jim armwringers Tanaka then George keeps the hold on. Tanaka nails George then Sato jumping boots George.

Sato snapmares George then George takes a double chop on the neck. The Bushwhackers do an inset promo. They said Mr. Fuji is worried about The Express losing face but Butch says they won't have any faces left to worry about when they are done with them.

Tanaka jumping headbutts George then Sato boots him off the 2nd rope. Tanaka twisting flying forearms George then Sato side kicks George. Sato sit out powerbombs George and picks up the win.

I thought George did a good job taking his lumps here against The Express. 

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

More talk about the show at The Boston Garden tonight. The LOD say them and Warrior are gunning for Demolition. Hawk says Demolition can jump off a bridge or get hit by a mack truck to avoid them. Animal says Demolition aren't the same after losing their titles. Animal asks if they are losing their edge. He says he hopes they are mad and angry. The Ultimate Warrior then appears from under LOD. Warrior says Demolition has never been the same and said they walked close to the edge and are now hanging off the edge. Warrior says they will kick them off the edge deep into the darkness. He says they will feel nothing but fear.

Warrior popping out from below was unintentionally funny.

Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper close the show. They said we will see The Rockers next week and Demolition in a six man tag. Sgt. Slaughter will be on Brother Love.

Sgt. Slaughter does a promo. He said everyone needs someone to tell them what to do. He says he tells us maggots whats to do and says to tune in next week to find out who tells him what to do. Piper asks Slaughter for fries and a chili dog, saying that's the only order Slaughter has ever taken.

Overall thoughts: This was notable for Saba Simba's debut and Ross Hart competing as Ross Lindsey.  I felt it was a little better than last week's show as we have a pretty clear direction of where things are going. Saba's debut was must see for how bad it was. I enjoyed the show but all the matches were squashes and there weren't a lot of angles or anything here. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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