Sunday, April 14, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 9/22/1990

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 9/22/1990

Last week's show is here:

Next week's show is here:

Vince McMahon says Piper is joining him in Candyland and can sweet talk his way in or out of anything. He says he knows the truth of why Warrior ran from Sherri after she slapped him. Piper says Warrior was looking for Mr. Goodbar, as all of the people around ringside would snicker. Piper then explains this as a chocolate pun.

Demolition vs Ron Cumberledge, Mike Morgan and Ross Lindsey

Ross Lindsey is Ross Hart, Bret Hart's brother. Ax clubs on Ross to start then throws him out. Crush clubs on Ross outside then gorilla presses him over the top rope and into the ring. Mike is lariated by Ax then is double axe handled by Smash. Demolition do an inset promo. Ax says the LOD is in the middle of a hornet's nest. Smash asks if LOD is willing to pay the price for costing them their belts.

Smash drops down then Ax lariats Mike. Crush top tope double axe handles Mike's back then hits a nice dropkick. Ron comes in and takes a nodowa otoshi. Smash lariats Ron then stun guns him. Crush hits the demolition decapitation on Ron and picks up the win.

It was a quick squash here with Demolition getting the win as expected. Crush's dropkick was nice here.

WWF Update with Mean Gene Okerlund

Gene talks about the Sherri/Ultimate Warrior incident. He says Warrior would never lay a finger on a woman. We see Warrior run off after Macho after. He grabs and throws down someone then knocks down drapes. He then pounds on jobbers and throws Duane Gill into rails. Warrior knocks over boxes then flips a stretcher. Warrior flips a table looking for Savage. He then goes up to Jim Brunzell, asking where Macho is. He punches Brunzell and bangs his head off the wall then knocks down a camera man.

I'm really surprised they aired this as it made Warrior look bad.

Macho King Randy Savage and Sensational Sherri do a promo. Macho says if you look in the right place, he's not really hard to find at all.

Akeem vs Sonny Blaze

We see fans try to do Akeem's dance. Piper compares Akeem's dance to Dusty Rhodes' dance. Slick and Akeem do an inset promo. Slick asks who Saba Simba is. He says he's an imposter. Akeem says he's the only real African around here and says bring it on brother.

Akeem elbows Sonny's neck then Akeem slams him. Akeem elbow drops him then does a big splash for the win.

It was a real quick squash here with Akeem probably doing less than 10 things.

Akeem dances after and Piper says "that's rhythm, huh?". 

Nikolai Volkoff vs "Iron" Mike Sharpe

Mike gets some quick shots on him. Nik cartwheels off the ropes and does a bad spin kick to the gut. Nik boots him then knees him in the gut. Nik rolling sentons him. They do an inset with the fans talking about Nik. Mike fights back with chops then Nik hits punches and headbutts him the corner.

Nik throws him chest first into the ropes and clobbers him with a lariat to the back of the neck.

This was just a quick one here but Mike got a good bit of offense in before being put down. Nik's lariat to the back was stiff.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

October 6, 1990 is the next Boston Garden show. The British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith will be in action in his return. Rhythm and Blues do a promo. Greg says they are one hit away from being the new tag champs. Jimmy Hart says no one knows more about The Hart's than them. Honky says The Hart's will get beat. He says R&B is sweeping the nation. He said the Rhythm and Blues Tour of 1990 can't be stopped. He said they got the gold, the platinum, rhythm and blues and now they need the tag titles around their waists.

Tito Santana does a promo. He said you go against the best every time in the WWF. He said Dino is considered one of the strongest men in the world but he wants him to show him what he can do wrestling wise. He says he will show him what a wrestler is all about. 

Earthquake vs Brian Costello

Quake nearly knocks Fink over while running around. Quake clubs Brian's back then elbows his neck. Quake bangs Brian's head off the buckles then throws him out to the floor. Quake hits a powerslam then elbow drops him. Quake jumps around with his tremors then hits the butt drop. Quake then wins it.

This was a total squash with Brian getting nothing in.

Quake hits more butt drops after as the stretcher is pulled out.

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

There's a WWF Warehouse sale on September 30th, 1990. He said all kinds of merch will be available and various wrestlers will be there.

They then talk about the 10/6/90 Boston Garden show. Jimmy Hart says Tugboat has been salvaged and put back together. Quake says there will always be a weak part of him and it will be in his chest. Quake says he hears Tug wants revenge. He says he's not running from him. He says anytime, anywhere, he's got him.

The Hart Foundation do a promo. They say Rhythm and Blues gotta come get the belts if they want them. Jim said when you are coming against The Hart Foundation, you are going against the best in the world. 

Marty Jannetty vs Black Bart

They advertised The Rockers would be in action here last week, not just Marty. Shawn comes out on crutches.

Bart backs up Marty and hits shots on the ropes. Marty hits nice dropkicks and Bart begs off. Power and Glory do an inset promo. They are laughing. They say one Rocker down, one to go. Marty hiptosses Bart and Bart backs off. Bart punches and eye rakes Marty.

Marty hiptosses him then does a flying headscissors. Marty back elbows him then hits a slam. Marty top rope fist drops Bart and wins it.

It was short. Marty looked good here with his flying and Bart knew how to work with him here.

The Brother Love Show

Vince says he hopes Love doesn't make it to Wrestlemania. Rick Martel sprays Arrogance. Love says he loves it. Rick says Arrogance is a way of life and said who needs confidence when you can have arrogance instead? Love thanks Sgt Slaughter for the medal he gave him at Summerslam. He says it's a great honor and then brings him out.

Sarge tells Love looks fantastic with the medal. He tells him to keep up the good work. Sarge said he's been saying the people need a leader and someone to tell them what to do. He said he's the man that can do that. He said he will tell you when to get up, eat and go back to sleep. He said he will say when to breathe. Sarge said he needs a leader too and needs someone to take orders from.

Sarge says there's always a chain of command. He then says he will introduce someone who he respects and takes orders from. He says it's a great military mind from a country of great military power - Iraq. He says on your feet for General Adnan. 

General Adnan comes out. Piper says this is ridiculous and garbage. Sarge salutes Adnan. Love is shocked and and said he resembles Saddam Hussein. Sarge said we now have the two greatest minds and leaders of all time. Adnan talks in his language. Sarge translates and says together they will kick Voloff's butt and that's an order.

It was a pretty weird angle. Sarge was always pro-USA up to this point and it's hard to believe he'd suddenly come under Iraqi influence. 

The Texas Tornado vs Barry O

They lock up and Barry is pushed back. Tornado trips him and elbow drops his leg. They say Barry calls himself The High Roller and says he's from Vegas where there's lots of high rollers. Tornado slams and hits armdrags on Barry. Bobby Heenan and Mr. Perfect do an inset promo. Perfect said Tornado stole the IC Title. He said the weather is changing and Perfect is coming back to take the IC title back.

Barry hits punches then gets punched back. Tornado hits knees to the gut then does a discus punch for the win.

It was a quick squash here. It was nice to see Barry O get some push here with them talking about his gimmick.

We see Ted Dibiase having his money ironed by Sapphire at a laundromat. He says the money is pocket change and talks about Dusty's humiliation. He said Sapphire is his now and says Sapphire is ironing the money he used to buy her. He said everybody has a price for The Million Dollar Money. Piper calls it laundering money.

Rhythm and Blues vs Duane Gill and Barry Hardy

Honky and Greg dance. The Hart Foundation do an inset. Jim says they want something and The Hart's got it. Bret said they would take on everyone and want to prove that they are the best. Barry hammerlocks Greg, who is wearing blue.  Greg throws him down by the arm and hits a big chop.

Honky back elbows Barry then fist drops him. Greg chops Barry. They say Gill is Barry's brother. Honky nails Gill from behind then Greg stomps Gill. Greg hits a double underhook suplex then Gill takes a double back elbow. Gill takes a nasty double backdrop and is pinned.

It was a quick squash here. Greg looked so weird in blue. Gill took a pretty good whooping.

Rhythm and Blues sing Hunka Hunka Honky Love after. 

WWF Event Center with Sean Mooney

They hype the 10/6/90 Boston Garden show. We see clips of Ted Dibiase's and Dusty Rhodes' confrontation from Summerslam 1990, which we usually don't see in these things. Dusty Rhodes does a promo. He said the preaching is over between them. He said Ted got the first jab in but says all of us can't be bought. He said it's time to start paying the dues. He says he will be all over him.

Vince McMahon and Roddy Piper close the show and hype up next week's show. Vince says Tugboat will have a big surprise for us next week. Piper says we should take Slaughter, tie him to a tank, take him to Baghdad and use Adnan's headcover as a bodybag for the both of them.

Overall thoughts: The big news here is Sgt. Slaughter gaining General Adnan as his manager. I imagine fans seeing this live must have been real surprised. That was rather important as it plays a big role for the title scene. There wasn't a ton else here. There was more focus on Dusty/Dibiase, the beginning of a Simba/Akeem feud which I don't know how much we will see of and more push for The Hart Foundation vs Rhythm and Blues. As usual, it was all squashes so I wouldn't recommend it though I did enjoy it.

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