Sunday, April 14, 2024

WOW Women of Wrestling 4/13/2024 Season 4, Episode 31

WOW Women of Wrestling 4/13/2024 Season 4, Episode 31

Last week's show is here: 

David McLane and Nigel Zane are the hosts.

Abilene Maverick comes out and they show clips of her history with The Beast. They say the wrestler Ab has lined up for her title defense will be revealed tonight.

The Beast vs Goldie Collins

Beast has words for Ab on commentary then Goldie boots Beast outside from behind. Goldie stomps her inside then Beast shoulders her over. Beast hits corner lariats then throws her by the hair. Goldie takes a nice bump for it and goes out. Beast dangerously rams her backwards into the post then Beast is sent into the post face first.

Goldie bang Beast's head off the apron then suplexes her inside for 2. Goldie works Beast's arm on the ropes then Beast short arm lariats her. Beast suplexes her then Goldie trips her. Beast hits a spear then Beast sitout powerbombs her. Beast gets the win.

It was okay here with Goldie cheating earlier then Beast making her comeback and destroying Goldie.

Ab waves at Beast after as Beast points at her.

Stephy Slays vs Genesis

Exile is not with Gen today. Gen does a nunchuk demonstration during her entrance.

Gen takes Steph down before it starts and pounds on her. Steph rolls her up into a pin attempt and hits armdrags. Steph flying shoulders her for 2 then hits corner spears. Steph kicks her in the gut from the apron then crossbodies her for 2. Gen uses the ropes to kick her then pulls her neck down over the top rope.

Gen foot chokes her over the bottom rope then chokes her over the top rope with her leg. Gen pulls Steph's arms back then throws her backwards. Gen knee drops her. Steph blocks a spin kick and lariats Gen. Steph hits flying chops then monkey flips her. Gen drives her into the corner then uses the ropes to pin her. Genesis wins.

It was average but okay with clear faces and heels here. Gen used the ropes to win so Steph saved some credibility.

Genesis gets on the mic after and mocks the fans. Ge says she has been with Exile for a long time and put her efforts into this team so they would be WOW tag champs. She said it seems all she has been doing is carrying dead weight. She says she can be better on her own and says this might just be her new Genesis moving forward.

Well, it sucks if its the end of Exile. Not that it's the greatest faction ever but it works. 

Santana Garrett and Americana talk in the locker room. Abilene Maverick comes in and said she has papers for her. Santana says it's for a title match but it has Americana's name on it. Americana is surprised. 

Chainsaw vs Chantilly Chella

We haven't seen a lot of Chainsaw this season which sucks as she's one of my favs. Chella dances her way to the ring and seems hyped up.

Chain throws her off on a waistlock attempt then clubs Chella's back. Chella is thrown out and Chain poses. Chella flips over her using the ropes then dropkicks her.

Chella springboard twisting crossbodies off the ropes and is caught. Chain goes for a chokeslam and is dropkicked. Chella jumps at her, gets caught then has her head banged off the buckles. Chain hits corner spears then foot chokes her.

Chain bangs Chella's head off the buckles then throws her into the corner. Chain chokes her then throws her off the buckles. Chain misses a splash. Chella boots her from the corner then hits a jumping knee and snapmare. Angelica Dante (who is with Chainsaw) grabs Chella's foot. Chella's cutter is blocked and Chain full nelson's her.

Chella breaks the full nelson and somehow Chain kind of hits Dante when she gets pushed into the corner. Chella cutters her and pins her.

The finishing stretch wasn't done too well here and Chain had some issues catching Chella.

Chain grabs Chella after. Foxxy Fierce comes to help Chella then Chainsaw chokeslams both. Holidead comes in and fights with Chain. The lights go out as they fight then Siren the Voodoo Doll nails Holidead with antlers. Chain slams Holidead. Dante and Siren hold Holidead so Chain can splash her.

Siren cuts a promo after. She says she's back, back where she belongs. She said Holidead made her bed and now she lies in it. She said Holidead betrayed her, her sisters and cousins. Siren says if she undoes her mistake, she will be welcome back with open arms. She said if she stays wit those laughing, dancing and smiling idiots, her fate will be the same as theirs.

This was a good promo and it's good to see Siren back. I like this team and it's cool to see Chainsaw get to do some storyline work. I'm not sure Holidead will work out a as a face though.

Ariel Sky goes up to Coach Campanelli. She said all she wanted to do was make her proud. She said she knows Team Spirit is a B-Team but they had something good going. Sky says if she gives her a shot in Top Tier, she will keep working hard for her. Coach tells her that she has to sweeten the pot if she wants to get in her good graces. Coach said if Sky beats her, she can be in Top Tier. If she loses, she has to be their water girl. Sky questions it and Coach said she said she would do anything. Sky agrees and Coach tells her to shut the door on her way out.

I don't get this one. I hope it's some kind of trick or something. It makes Team Spirit look bad after already being ditched like losers. This also obviously doesn't fit what they are doing with Sky.

Americana is nervous about the match tonight. Santana said it's just another match. Ameri tells her she needs her with her tonight. Santana said she will be in the back.

We get some clips of The Dojo Defenders losing last week against Miami's Sweet Heat. They do a promo. They said they never lose, it's only a learning lesson. They said they just got a little taste of what WOW is like and said we will see more of The Dojo Defenders.

GI Jane, The Brat Pack, The Classmaster and BK Rhythm will be on next week's show.

WOW Title - Abilene Maverick (c) vs Americana

Ab hits a knee to the gut and wristlocks her. Ameri flips out of a hiptoss then takes a forearm. Ab goes for a corner spear but is sunset flipped out of the corner. American handspring backflip back elbows her then low crossbodies her while she's seated.

Ab backdrops her then bangs her head off the buckles. Ab rakes Ameri's face on the top rope then Ab foot chokes her. Ab stands on her against the bottom rope. Ab dragon sleepers her and elbows her chest. Ameri elbows her way out then Ameri dropkicks her. Ameri hits a high kick and springboard twisting double axe handles her. Ameri climbs the top rope and Jessie Jones pulls Ameri down. Ameri tries to climb in but can't as Jessie is holding her. Ameri then gets counted out.

Ameri didn't hit all of her offense here clean which hurt things. The finish was lame here, but Jessie and Americana have a long history so it's not out of nowhere.

Santana comes to help out Ameri after. The Beast then comes out and spears Ab. The Beast holds up the title belt after.

Overall thoughts: The finish to the main was lame and I'm not liking Ariel Sky trying to get back with Coach. I hope that's a trick. I like Chainsaw getting to do something here and I like that Siren is back. The Beast isn't one of my favorites, but they are doing a good job with her and Ab, which will likely lead to them fighting again somewhere down the line. I liked the show overall, but some things could have been done better here.

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