Sunday, April 7, 2024

WWE Wrestlemania 40 Night 1 4/6/2024

WWE Wrestlemania 40 Night 1 4/6/2024

Triple H comes out. He says welcome to a new time and a new era. He says welcome to Wrestlemania. And that's it.

I know defending Vince in any way isn't supported right now, but I can't imagine how he must feel if he sees this. His own son-in-law is basically rallying people to get excited for a Mania without him. 

WWE Women's World Title Match - Rhea Ripley (c) vs. Becky Lynch

Rhea had a band perform a song for her entrance. Both are wearing pink face paint around their eyes for some reason. BL slaps her and is slapped back. Rhea bangs BL's head off the buckles then BL bangs rhea's arm off the post. BL dropkicks her off the buckles. BL hits her off the apron and sends her back in.

Rhea drops her down body first then northern lights suplexes her. Rhea hits corner spears. BL cradles her then is suplexed. Rhea clubs on her and dropkicks her. BL armdrags her off the buckles and they trade shots. BL spin kicks her in the gut then BL tornado ddt's her. BL kicks her off the bottom rope then legdrops her as she hangs over the 2nd rope. BL exploders her into the rails.

BL top rope legdrops her over the back of the neck. BL works Rhea's arm. BL is caught off the buckles then Rhea drops her chest first on the mat. Rhea knees her for 2. BL dropkicks her in the arm from behind then armbars her. Rhea deadlift powerbombs her 3 times.

rhea headbutts her then hits a boot to the chest for 2. Rhea pounds on her and they trade chest shots. Rhea spears the post when BL moves and BL armbars her on the buckles. BL top rope legdrops her but Rhea no sells it and stretch mufflers her.

BL hits a uranage off a riptide attempt for 2. Rhea flips her over her back and hits a riptide for 2. Rhea is crotched up top. They fight up top and BL superplexes her into the armbar. Rhea eletric chairs hero ut of it, BL flips them to the outside then Rhea electric chair drops her on the floor. Rhea top rope splashes her for 2.

Rhea's arm is banged off the buckles then Rhea riptides her into the buckles. Rhea hits another riptide and wins it.

I don't like these two but it was a pretty solid match. It could have been a little faster but Becky worked the arm the whole time, going for armbars and Rhea overpowered out it, eventually winning that way.

We get a Pretty Deadly video. They say Wrestlemania isn't right without them. They talk about the ladder match and talk about each team in it.

WWE RAW Tag Team Title / WWE SmackDown Tag Team Title Six-Pack Ladder Match

Priest and Finn wore masks for their entrance. New Day wore Rocky themed attire. DIY wore DX attire. They put the two sets of titles on two different hooks which made it unlikely that one team would get both of them.  They did a triple ladder spot early and did a bad job of falling from them onto ropes. Bate did a weird spot where he did a spinning rack to Finn while Finn held a ladder.

Bate and Dunne did stereo moonsaults off ladders outside. Truth at one point begged for a tag in despite this not being a match with tags. Truth then pinned Finn despite this not being a match with pins. Waller and Theory grabbed one set of titles to become the Smackdown tag champs then Waller was powerbombed through a ladder bridge outside after grabbing the titles.

Gargano did a funny cannonball off the apron where he landed on one guy then ricochet'd onto the next behind him. Woods did an ugly elbow drop on Ciampa who was on a bridged ladder. Kofi did a coffin drop off a ladder to people outside. JD McDonaugh came out and stopped Truth from going up a ladder. JD then got thrown off a ladder through tables outside.

One of the ladders broke while Miz was on it. Priest got knocked off a ladder by Truth then took an attitude adjustment to the outside. Truth then won the Raw set of tag titles.

The match was a disaster with lots of sloppy spots and ladders breaking when they weren't supposed to. I thought the titles being split this way was poorly done and it looked hokey. I like Waller/Theory winning titles, but they weren't really groomed in any way, shape or form for it so that's not good. Truth/Miz winning titles was something I liked more as it means the feud with Judgment Day can continue.

Santos Escobar and Dominik Mysterio vs Rey Mysterio and Andrade

Rey and Santos start us off. Rey spinning headscissors him. Dom boots Rey. Andrade comes in and chops up Dom. Dom chops him back then Andrade spinning back elbows him. Rey spinning headscissors Santos out. Rey gets on Andrade's shoulders on the 2nd rope and they plancha together outside on their opponents.

Rey headscissors Dom into the post. Rey gets knocked off the apron. Santos legdrops Rey off the bottom rope and pounds on him. Santos hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for 2. Rey is put on Santos' knee and Dom slingshot swantons him.

Dom flying euros him then Rey takes a double basement dropkick for 2. Santos grabs Rey's mask up top and puts him in tree of woe. Santos then kicks him as he hangs. Rey fights back and hits a code red on Santos. Andrade comes in and hits dragon screws and a flying forearm on Dom. Andrade corner meteora's Dom then does a top rope moonsault into a moonsault. Dom neckbreakers Andrade.

Rey hits a top rope la silla on Santos then flying headscissors him int othe ropes. Dom is thrown out then Rey 619's Santos. Andrade top rope moonsaults Dom outside. Santos top rope hurricanrana's Rey for 2. Elektra Lopez gets on the apron. Vega pulls her off then 2nd rope moonsaults her. She then swings at angel. Cruz dives on Angel then Berto topes Cruz. Carlito throws the heels into each other then Wilde does his rocket launcher dive on the heels outside. Santos hits a jumping double knee on Rey then sends him shoulder first into the post.

Dom grabs chairs and two people in green Rey Mysterio masks come out. Then throw Dom in. Rey hits a double 619 on his opponents then Andrade spinning neckbreakers Dom. Rey top rope splashes Santos and wins it.

The masked guys come in to celebrate with the faces. It turns out to be two football players from The Philadelphia Eagles.

I haven't been a fan of the LWO/Legado feud. It has gone on too long and it just seems be a way to shove as many Latino people on TV as possible. They talk in Spanish half the time and it is just not that welcoming for people who aren't Latino. Having two random Philadelphia Eagles players who aren't Latino being in here really didn't make any sense. They weren't involved in this in any way and it just came off random. The match was short and nothing too special.

They did a nice video package for Uso vs Uso. I didn't like them using their real names though as it breaks kayfabe.

Jimmy Uso vs Jey Uso

Lil Wayne did a terrible rap for Jey. Jey jumps Jimmy as he enters and bangs his head off the post. Jey lariats him over the top then topes him. Jey top rope crossbodies him then Jimmy pop-up samoan drops him. Jimmy running hip attacks him in the corner. Jey comes off the top and takes an uppercut. Jimmy superkicks him multiple times.

Jimmy comes off the top, gets nothing and is superkicked. They trade shots and Jimmy spinning enzugiri's him. Jey does it back to him. They trade superkicks and Jey hits multiple superkicks in a row. Jey jumping kicks him.

Jimmy begs for forgiveness and then superkicks him. Jimmy hits a top rope splash for 2. Jey spears him and hits a top rope splash. Jey thi wins it.

This one really got ripped to shreds online. I didn't think it was that great but not as bad as some others said. I really thought Jey should have beaten the crap out of Jimmy. Jimmy then should have done the begging for forgiveness thing, then they could have done the finish the same. But all they did here were superkicks and they showed little hatred and anger which really didn't do the storyline justice at all.

Bianca Belair, Jade Cargill & Naomi vs. Damage CTRL (Asuka, Dakota Kai & Kairi Sane)

Damage Ctrl had geisha's for their entrance. Jade's team were lowered down from a lift. Jade had a white line drawn down her face and body for some reason.

Damage Ctrl early. They beat up on the faces then Jade got the hot tag in. Her offense looked real sloppy and dangerous then she ended up beating Kai with the jade end/double chickenwing bomb.

It wasn't too great and certainly not anyone's best work. The match didn't really feel like it got enough time for what they were doing.

Sami Zayn talked to his wife and kid in the back and said he didn't want them see this. Chad Gable asked if he was ready. Sami asked him to go do this and Chad said he won't come down with him. He said Sami will owe him a favor after tonight. Kevin Owens then hugged him and told him to go do it.

WWE Intercontinental Title Match - Gunther (c) vs. Sami Zayn

They start off slow and Sami is backed up int othe corner. Gunther piefaces him and is chopped. Sami hits chops back and corner punches. Sami hits more chops and germans him off a back springboard. Gunther hits chops and kicks then slams him. Gunther hits chops. Sami fights back and takes a corner lariat.

Gunther chops him while he's laying on the top then Gunther foot chokes him. Gunther drops him with a euro and we see Sami's wife cheer him on. Gunther chops him then takes a big lariat. Gunther hits more chops and Sami hits a punch flurry. Sami half and half suplexes him then is flipped with a lariat.

Sami hits chops and walks up the buckles for a tornado ddt. Gunther sleepers him. Sami gets out then Gunther grounded sleepers him. Gunther germans him. Sami corner exploders him then runs into a dropkick. Gunther powerbombs him for 2.

Gunther running face kicks him but really does miss it. Sami then does it back and also misses it. Sami gets a 2 count then runs into a lariat. Gunther double powerbombs him for 2. Gunther makes remarks at Sami's wife then chops Sami. Gunther stomps on him. Gunther lariats him then hits a powerbomb. Gunther laughs about it and wastes time. Gunther hits a top rope splash, wastes more time and does another.

Gunther talks to Sami's wife and Sami tries to get up. Gunther gets hit up top and Sami brainbusters him on the top rope. Sami hits two helluva kicks and wins it. 

Sami beat Gunther here in an insane upset. I really can't believe they did this one. Gunther was doing well with the title and if anyone should have taken the title from Gunther, it should have been Gable. It's really hard to get why Sami won this over Gable considering Gable needed it more and longterm, this doesn't do much for Sami. This was dumb too because WWE is going to be in Germany for a PLE soon and one would think they'd want Gunther as a champ for it. I have a bad feeling Gable's getting turned heel soon to feud with Sami over the title. I've turned on long undefeated streaks because it usually doesn't help the person who breaks the streak that much and it often leaves the person who lost the streak without anything to do. At this point, I can't say I liked this move.

The match was fine with Gunther beating the crap out of Sami for a long time and then Sami making his comeback and winning it. I would have liked to have seen more offense from Sami though as he got little in before the finish.

Cody Rhodes & Seth Rollins vs. The Bloodline (Roman Reigns & The Rock)

If Cody's team wins, there's no Bloodline interference in the match tomorrow. If Bloodline wins, it's under Bloodline Rules. Seth a dress for his entrance with a rose on it. All four stare down before it starts.

Seth and Roman lock up. Roman shoulders him off, rolling him backwards. Seth leapfrogs Roman and superkicks him in the gut. Roman lariats Cody in the corner. Cody side headlocks him and Roman backs off from a double team.

Seth gets pushed back by Rock when they lock up. Seth pushes rock from behind and poses. Rock boots him and hits punches. Rock hits a corner lariat and calls for Cody to come in. They trade shots and Cody does a drop down into an uppercut. Cody bangs Rock's head off the buckles and hits boots and punches in the corner.

Rock takes boots from both opponents in the corner then a double back elbow. Cody drops down and hits shots on Roman then Seth sling blades Roman. The four pair off and fight, then all of them go outside. Seth bangs Rock's head off the Prime drink hydration station. He then spits some of it at him.

Rock bangs Seth's head off the steps. Rock says the f-word on TV and tells the ref he gets fired if he counts them out. Roman's head is banged off the ramp and Seth throws Rock over the rail. Seth and Rock fight near what looks like a table. They fight in the sets and Cody suplexes Roman on the stage. Rock hits Seth with a trash can.

Rock spits a drink at him then Seth double axe handles him off the rails. Seth is hit in the legs while on the apron. Rock beats up Cody on the ramp. Rock bangs Seth's knee off the mat. Seth's knee is banged off the post. Seth's knee is worked on. Roman single leg crabs Seth. Seth lariats him over the top and Rock sends Seth into the steps.

Seth is thrown hard into the corner. Roman hits a lariat flurry on him in the corner then running face kicks him. Roman takes a superman punch off a neckbreaker attempt.  Rock hits Seth low then falls over and goes into the buckles himself. Seth and Rock trade then Seth enzugiri's him.

Seth goes to tag Cody in but Cody is pulled down off the apron. Rock sharpshooters Seth then Cody breaks it up with a slap on Rock. Seth superkicks and curb stomps Rock.

Roman and Cody fight. Cody hits a flying forearm then a powerslam. Cody hits a disaster kick on Roman then Cody hits a cody cutter for 2. Cody goes for a disaster kick and is superman punched by Roman. Roman's nose is busted open. Cody sunset flips him off a spear attempt then Cody back springboards onto Roman. Seth hits a top rope splash for 2.

Roman powerbombs Seth and is kicked off a spear attempt. Cody and Seth superkick Roman then double superkick him. Seth curbstomps Roman then Cody hits a cross rhodes on Roman. Cody goes for the pin and Rock pulls the ref out. Rock throws Seth into the rails and Roman low blows Cody. Roman spears Cody for 2.

Roman pounds on Cody then guillotine chokes Cody. Rock holds Cody's legs while Roman keeps the hold on. Seth then does a reverse curbstomp on Roman while he has the hold on. Rock grabs his belt and talks to Cody's Mama. Rock punches Cody in the ring then Cody hits punches back. Cody hits a bionic elbow then Rock spinebusters him.

Cody stomps a people's elbow with a cody cutter. Cody takes a superman punch while going for cross rhodes. Roman spears Rock on accident then the faces do a stereo pedigree spot on both opponents for 2. Seth dives on Roman outside. Rock spits water at Cody. they fight on the spanish announce table and Cody rock bottoms him through the English announce table. Roman spears Seth through the rails.

Roman hits shots on Cody. They trade and Cody hits a cross rhodes. Rock hits Cody with the belt and Roman spears Cody. Rock hits a rock bottom on Cody then hits a people's elbow. Rock then pins Cody.

It was a long match at probably 44 minutes. This match could have had half the time it had. It wasn't a great match but it was okay. I would have liked one or two more interesting spots here. I figured Bloodline was winning here as Bloodline being involved in tomorrow's match will make it more interesting. It also maybe opens the door to a Rock/Cody match down the line, it maybe gives Seth a reason to turn on Cody or other things, but it depends on where they want to go with it. 

The Rock carried a title with his logo on it after.

Overall thoughts: I liked the women's title match. The tag team ladder match was a disaster and I thought the way they split the belts up was silly. The LWO vs Santos/Dom tag was nothing special. The Uso vs Uso match was not the big match they should have been able to do and was essentially treated like any other match. The women's trios match was short and Jade looked bad, hitting a lot of sloppy offense. I didn't like Gunther losing his title to Sami over Gable, but the match was fine. The main was okay but it went twice as long as it needed to and was just not a classic.

Like most two day wrestling shows, it would have been better as one 3-4 hour show. There was a lot of wasted time here with commercials and announcer's talking, dragging this thing to 4 hours. The advertisements all over the LED rails were very distracting and annoying to look at for several hours. There was also tons of subtle and less than subtle promotion of Logan Paul's Prime drink. The announcers were annoying at times, getting into petty arguments over stupid things. They also didn't put a ton of effort into the stage here or some of the other theatrics to really put this over as a special event.

I would give this one a 6 out of 10 overall. Yeah, it's Mania, so you kind of have to see it, but I would never watch this one again.

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