Sunday, April 7, 2024

WWE NXT Stand and Deliver 2024 4/6/2024

WWE NXT Stand and Deliver 2024 4/6/2024

 Meta-Four do their entrance then we see them at Tony D's restaurant. Oro said he sees why Tony loves this place. Dar said it must be nice to be The Don of NXT. Jakara talks about whacking someone and Lash stops her. They toast The Dar and The Don. We then see Meta-Four pretending to be Chase U. They talk about the friendship between Jacy and Thea. Dar interrupts and Lash tells him to shut the f*ck up, mimicking Chase. Jakara says the battle lines in that match is a teachable moment.

We see Oro Mensah in an ambulance pretending to be Lyra Valkyria needing revived. Dar's crew go to Dijak's little area backstage. We see them play with a night stick and talk about Dijak's match. They then go to Trick and Melo's barber shop and talk about their match.

Meta-Four then welcome us to the show, live at the arena.

WWE NXT Tag Team Title Match - Baron Corbin & Bron Breakker (c) vs. Axiom & Nathan Frazer

Baron and Bron get dived on before they enter and nobody had a special entrance here. Ax top rope moonsaults outside. Ax top rope crossbodies Bron then takes dropkicks. NF lifts Ax into a dropkick on Baron. NF then tornado ddt's him.

Baron gets the edge on NF then is enzugiri'd. Baron takes a double superkick then Ax take a death valley driver. Baron brainbusters him for 2. Bron running lariats Ax then knees him in the gut. Bron back elbows him then does Scott Steiner push-ups when Ax kicks out of it. Ax chops Bron then standing spanish flies him.

NF springboard dropkicks Baron then asai moonsaults into a reverse ddt. NF running SSP's him for 2. Baron spinning blue thunders NF then powerbombs Ax. Ax golden ratio kicks Bron right in the face for 2. Ax is sitting on the top rope, Bron hits a jumping knee and looks injured. Bron walks up the buckles and hurricanrana's Ax off the top.

Ax rebound germans Bron then Baron uranage's Ax into the buckles. Bron fireman's carry gutbusters NF. Ax top rope spanish flies Bron then NF springboard 450's Bron. Bron doesn't fully hit his backdrop into a cutter off the buckles then Baron top rope splashes NF for 2. Bron spears the steps outside when NF moves.

NF and Ax are sent over the table at the same time then do stereo dives on Baron. Ax golden ratio kicks Baron then NF top rope pheonix splashes Baron for 2. Ax hits kicks on Bron then takes an end of days. Bron spears NF and Baron picks up the win.

Sadly, this was not as good as their match on TV. It wasn't awful but they just weren't really allowed to go all out and they didn't have enough time for the match they were doing. I didn't like the top rope spanish fly happening in the middle of the match and not meaning anything either. It was okay overall but not memorable.

Meta-Four are wearing Dalls Cowboys gear and talking in front of Oba Femi's locker room. It seems Dar is trying to get Oro Mensah to interview Oba Femi. Oro talks then Oba knocks him over when he opens the door, ending the segment.

They have Knuckles from Sonic the Hedgehog behind the commentary table.

WWE NXT North American Title Triple Threat Match - Oba Femi (c) vs. Dijak vs. Josh Briggs

No special entrances here either. Oba pushes Briggs over the top. Oba gets double teamed and flips both guys, with Briggs landing on his neck. Oba takes a sandwich face kick then takes criss-cross shoulders from both. Oba is then shouldered into the ropes and pushed out. Dijak superkicks Briggs on the apron and plancha's Oba. Oba catches him, Briggs jumps onto them but Dijak is banged into him.

Dijak is dropped onto Briggs by Oba. Oba is put in a chair and Dijak punches him. Dijak superkicks him back into the chair. Dijak goes up top, Briggs then throws him off the top onto Oba, who is in the chair. Briggs running face kicks Oba. Briggs comes off the top and is hit by Oba.

Oba takes a double chokeslam then is clubbed on by both. Oba then hits a double spinebuster on them. Oba is backdropped on the apron then Briggs face kicks Dijak off a springboard. Briggs and Oba are on the 2nd rope and Oba is superkicked. Briggs lariats Dijak while both are up top, Dijak does a big flip and of course it's only good for a 2 count.

Briggs and Oba trade. Dijak chops both then Oba chops both at the same time. Dijak superkicks Briggs, Briggs face kicks him twice and Dijak superkicks Oba. Oba is lariated over the top and Dijak spinning face kicks Briggs for 2. Dijak chops up Briggs. Briggs chop flurries him then takes a sitout chokeslam. 

Dijak canadian destroyers Briggs. Dijak puts Briggs on his shoulders and walks up the buckles. Oba electric chairs Dijak while he does this. Briggs ends up taking a 2 story death valley driver while Dijak takes an electric chair drop. Dijak face kicks Oba then hits a GTH. Briggs moonsaults and nails Oba when Dijak moves.

Dijak hits another GTH/feast your eyes. Briggs pulls hte ref out on the pin attempt. Dijak tope con hilos Briggs over the ref on the apron. Briggs running shoulders Oba through the rails then Briggs takes a feast your eyes outside. Dijak hits another feast your eyes on Briggs. Oba grabs him by the throat and powerbombs him onto Briggs. Oba then wins it.

They did too much as is customary with Dijak matches. It was better than I expected as I didn't think it would work. The canadian destroyer and top rope lariat should not have been kicked out of. Oba looked good here for being so inexperienced and his spot where he lifted both guys was awesome. I also liked the dive onto Oba while he was in the chair. I think it had some positives to it but it also had its fair share of negatives with it basically being a moves match that had a lack of selling. 

We see Tony getting ready in the back.

Meta-Four are in bed robes and try to interview Chase U, Kelani, Fallon and Thea at the ame time. Dar asks Thea is she really thought Jacy was her friend. Thea hammerlocks him, everyone screams and Thea freaks out.

Izzi Dame, Jacy Jayne & Kiana James vs. Fallon Henley, Kelani Jordan & Thea Hail

No special entrances for this. Fallon is thrown into the rails and the faces all end up down before this even starts. The ref stupidly starts the match with Fallon selling being hurt. Izzi backbreakers Fallon then Kiana running boots Fallon.

Kelani saves Fallon from a double suplex. The faces get some offernse in and Thea top rope crossbodies Izzi. Kelani tornillo plancha's outside then Thea misses a coffin drop outside, nailing Riley Osborne. Jacy pounds on Thea then hits corner spears. Thea fights from the corner and chinbreakers Izzi. Kelani hits lariats on Jacy then cartwheels into a back elbow. Kelani spinning heel kicks Jacy.

Kelani dropkicks Izzi out then handsprings into a flatliner on Jacy. Kelani is pushed off the top then she has her head banged off the mat. Kelani is catapulted into the 2nd rope then Jacy cannonballs her in the corner. Kiana cobra trwists Kelani. Kelani's head is banged off of Izzi's foot.

Kelani 2nd rope twisting crossbodies, Izzi catches her and backbreakers her. Fallon gets the hot tag in, hits lariats then makes Kiana throw her into a dropkick on Izzi. Fallon swinging facebusters Jacy then kicks Izzi in the side of the head. Fallon is pulled off the top in a suplex position and ends up hitting her own suplex.

Fallon chops Izzi down. Kelani top rope spanish flies Fallon. Izzi flapjacks Fallon then Fallon takes a 401k.  Jacy pumping knees Fallon. Thea spinning ddt's Kiana. Izzi throws Thea out but Duke catches Thea. Kelani top rope moonsaults outside then Jazmyn Nyx spinning heel kicks Kelani.

Thea and Jacy get in the ring. Jacy tries to tag out but can't as no one is there. They hockey fight and trade forearms. Thea thez presses Jacy and hits punches then exploders her. Kiana helps out Jacy then Thea kimuras izzi and wins it.

The finish was not that exciting here and didn't work. Thea beating Izzi, who is vaguely involved with this didn't really solve anything either. I thought it was longer than it needed to be as well.

Ava Raine talks about why that tag match proved they have the best women's division in wrestling. Ava said they will soon crown the first NXT Women's North American champion.

I'm not opposed to this idea. NXT has over 28 girls on the roster, so they have enough girls for it. My concern is that NXT only has 2.5 hours a week and there may just not be enough time.

They show Giulia, formerly of Stardom, in the crowd along with Willian Regal and Rossy Ogawa (also formerly of Stardom). They say she's an international star and this means she is signed with NXT.

I'm not a Giulia fan. She screwed over Ice Ribbon, which I'm a big fan of and kickstarted what has been a 4 year highway to hell for the promotion. Stardom pushed her to the moon and I have just never been a big fan of work, though she does have a cool look. I don't think she's going to work that great in WWE. I don't believe her English is that good. WWE also has a bunch of joshi's who are better than her but outside of Asuka, they haven't gotten the best out of them either.

WWE NXT Women's Title Match - Lyra Valkyria (c) vs. Roxanne Perez

They lock up then shove each other. Lyra throws her down twice and side headlocks her. Lyra misses a high kick and they regroup. RP grabs Lyra's arm then RP shoulders her over. RP flying headscissors her and Lyra cartwheels out. Lyra hiptosses her then back elbows her. RP hammerlocks her then is thrown out off of it. Lyra dropkicks her through the ropes. Lyra shotgun dropkicks her.

RP russian legsweeps her then works her arm/hand. RP pulls her backwards then is rolled up for 2. RP trips her then cranks her arm. RP northern lights suplexes her and pulls on her arm. RP throws her shoulder first into the buckles then RP is thrown into the buckles. Lyra twisting crossbodies her off the 2nd rope.

Lyra back body drops her then they crossbody each other in mid-air. Lyra his leg kicks and lariats her. Lyra northern lights suplexes her for 2. Lyra fisherman busters her for 2. They slap each other on the ropes. Lyra sitout powerbombs her for 2. Lyra goes for a tope and is hit. RP then topes her into a tornado ddt. RP hits pop rocks for 2. 

Lyra throws her into the post shoulder first. RP pounds on her. Tatum Paxley appears on the apron and RP knocks her off. RP is pulled into the post. Lyra and Tatum is knocked into each other then Lyra's arm is sent into the post. RP bangs Lyra's arm off the post.

RP la mistica's her into a crossface. Lyra spinning heel kicksher. Lyra misses a top rope splash and is put in the crossface. Lyra germans RP then RP poisonrana's her. RP hits poprocks and puts her in a crossface. RP then taps her out.

They didn't have a great match but it made sense with the arm being worked on. I don't like Lyra losing clean here. She won the title not that long ago and really didn't get to do a ton with it before losing here. Tatum wasn't even involved which could have saved her from a clean loss somehow. Title reigns are kind of supposed to help wrestlers grow and Lyra didn't get a lot of chances to grow with it. I've always felt that WWE unfairly favored Perez since she arrived and this is starting to feel like another Roman Reigns forced push.

WWE NXT Title Match - Ilja Dragunov (c) vs. Tony D'Angelo

No big entrance for either guy other than Ilja getting some smoke blown.

They trade shots to start and Tony hits punches to the gut. Tony is suplexed over the top and brings Ilja with him. Tony then throws him over and goes with him. They lariat each other at the same time then trade forearms. Ilja germans him.

Tony grabs him by the hand and gets slapped. Ilja tries to hold himself up with his hand and his is hurt off of it. Ilja tries to do a tiger feint but can't due to the hand. Tony hits a karelin's lift. They fight up top and both fall down to the floor.

Tony is rammed into the post then Ilja chops the post when Tony moves. Ilja's back is rammed into the post. Tony is then death valley drivered onto the floor. Ilja germans him inside. Ilja enzugiri's him then running knees him. Ilja running lariats him.

Ilja running powerbombs him. Tony pushes him off with his feet. Stacks gives tony brass knucks but Tony tells him he doesn't want to do it. Ilja hits Tony then stomps Stacks' hand with the knucks. Ilja hits chops then ddt's him off a spinebuster attempt. Ilja hits forearms to the back of the neck. 

He has Tony by the hair and tells Stacks to do something about it. Stacks gets on the apron and Tony tells him no. Ilja kisses tony and Tony headbutts him in anger. Tony pounds on him then hits mounted shots. Ilja jumping kicks him then takes a belly to belly. Tony belly to belly suplexes him again then Ilja high kicks him.

Ilja runs the ropes and takes a big lariat. Tony germans him then really throws him on an overhead belly to belly off the buckles. They both go out and clear off the commentary table together. They trade forearms outside and Ilja hits an h-bomb. Ilja then jumps off the rail and h-bombs him through the table. Ilja top rope sentons him for 2.

Ilja goes for another top rope senton and is powerbombed down. Tony does a uranage for 2. Ilja slaps him then cradles him. Ilja hits a torpedo moscow. Ilja hits a top rope h-bomb and wins it.

Tony's only so-so as a worker so it wasn't the greatest match ever. I liked them doing more of the high impact moves with each other and I didn't think they made the most they could have of Ilja's hand injury. It was acceptable but not great. I don't know how they can explain it storyline wise, but I think they could have a better match if they did it again and I think it would help Tony out. I don't know where this one leaves Tony now as he was getting close to being lost in the shuffle and is now without a direction again. Ilja's mouth got busted open during this.

Tatum talks to Lyra in the back. She said she's sorry. Lyra gets mad and sad this isn't the time.

Je'von Evans does a video. He says he's 19 and ready to run. We see some highlights and he says the young OG is coming. Evans seemed very high here.

Meta-Four are in the ring. Dar said they broke the NXT all-time attendance record with 16,545 fans. It's probably a worked number though. Dar then says "We are NXT".

Carmelo Hayes vs. Trick Williams

They have Trick's name on a jersey, doing Melo's adding jerseys into the rafters thing. We see Trick walking in the back and heading to the ring.

Melo takes him down and taunts him. Melo armdrags him and rolls over his back. Melo slaps him then Trick hits punches. Trick is thrown out then pulls Melo out with him. Trick bangs Melo's head off the apron and rail. Melo is lariated over the rails and they go into the crowd to fight. Melo's head is banged off the hockey boards then Melo jumps off them onto Trick.

Melo knocks the hat off of one of Trick's family members. Trick hits him then Melo is back body dropped to the floor. Melo springboard twisting lariats him. Trick is knocked off the buckles and goes stomach first on the rope connector. Melo then stomps him.  

Melo blocks an uppercut then Trick uppercuts him. Trick back elbows him then dropkicks him while he's in the air. They trade forearms on their knees. Trick hits more punches then hits jumping side kicks. Trick flapjacks him then Melo la mistica drops him.

Trick jumping neckbreakers him then spinning face kicks him for 2. Melo throat thrusts him outside then springboard crossbodies him outside. Melo top rope splashes him for 2. Trick lariats him. Trick jumps at him and takes a codebreaker for 2. Trick splashes the ref when Melo moves. Melo clips him.

Melo brings a chair in. Trick gets in and hits him with it several times. Another ref comes in and takes the chair from Trick. Melo low blows Trick for 2 then pumping knees the ref on accident. Melo hits nothing but net off the top for 2. The ref takes a chair from Melo then Trick flying knees Melo to win it.

This was an average match with the ref getting too involved, messing up the finish. I expected some big hate filled match here and we just didn't get it. Nobody bled or anything and they didn't even do anything that crazy. This was a real disappointment.

Overall thoughts: I was disappointed by this show. The tag title match didn't get enough time and it was more toned down than their TV match was. They did too much in the triple threat but it was still better than I expected. I didn't like the finish of Thea beating Izzi in the women's match and the finish of that was just not that good. I wasn't a fan of Perez beating Lyra but the match made sense. Tony/Ilja had some signs of promise and was okay but not memorable. The main was just an average match with a weak finish and a real lack of hatred. We got no big entrances here which really hurt the show and it was just not NXT's best work.

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