Friday, April 5, 2024

AEW Rampage 4/5/2024

AEW Rampage 4/5/2024

Last week's show is here: 

Malakai Black vs Christopher Daniels

Black waistlocks him then takes a wristlock. Black armlocks him then shoulders him over. Daniels headlock takeovers him and is legscissored then armbarred. Daniels armdrags him and armlocks him.

Black hits shots on him then knees him in the face. Daniels goes down and is push kicked out. Buddy Matthews throws Daniels into the rails outside. Black chinlocks him  then back elbows him. Black chest kicks him. We go to PiP break and return.

Buddy pulls Daniels out then Daniels sends Buddy into the post. Daniels flatliners Black then germans him. Daniels hits an STO for 2 then he is armdragged. Daniels death valley drivers him on his neck. Black legsweeps him then spinning back elbows him. Black hits a high kick for 2. Daniels rolls him for 2 then rolls him up. Black spinning high kicks him and picks up the win.

It went longer than it needed to with the outcome never really in doubt. Black hit some nice strikes here and this was only his 2nd or 3rd singles match total in the last year. 

Roderick Strong vs London Lightning

Strong says this is the first ever Roderick Strong International Challenge. He interviews London Lightning. Strong asks him why he was named after a place where nobody accomplished anything ever. He asks him what he thinks his chances are and London says his odds are better than him with the support of the fans and his family. The Undisputed Kingdom laugh. Strong said he thought he was stupid but now knows he is stupid.

Strong wristlocks him and messes with his hair. Strong side headlocks him and Nigel said London teams with "Toronto Thunder". Strong wristlocks him and side headlocks him. Strong shoulders him over then London flying knees him.

Strong does a neat olympic slam variation, dropping him on his chest. Strong chops him then backbreakers him for 2. Strong pulls both of London's arms back. London rolls him up for 2 then does it again. London atomic drops him and hits lariats. London gator rolls him and suplexes him.

Strong rolls out and London hits shots on him outside. London plancha's Taven when Taven tries to grab him.
Wardlow then runs down and hits a nasty lariat on London. Strong then puts London in a texas cloverleaf and wins it.

The outcome was never really in doubt here. The crowd liked London. Wardlow hit a real nasty lariat on him on the outside and I think the heels did an okay job of getting some heat with him as they had me mad at the finish. I was surprised to see Wardlow here.

Leyla Hirsch is interviewed, making her first TV appearance in a very long time. She said she's been in ROH, producing one of the best records. She said she fell short and is here to face the best. She said she wants an open house challenge against Julia Hart on Rampage next week.

Serena Deeb vs Trish Adora

Deeb slides out of a hold then puts her in a paradise lock. Deeb basement dropkicks her out of it then she rolls up Trish. Deeb wristlocks her then Trish slams her over her knee.

We go to PiP break and retun. Deeb hits punches, slaps her and dragon screws her. Deeb hits a corner lariat the neckbreakers her over the 2nd rope. Deeb spinning neckbreakers her and spinning back elbows her. Deeb dragon screws her then Trish blocks one. They try pin attempts and Trish bubba bombs her for 2.

They trade forearms and Deeb hits a nice lariat. Trish hits a stiff back elbow then is german suplexed. Deeb half crabs her and wins it.

The finish was real weak here. People get dropped on their heads regularly and don't get beaten yet all it took was single leg crab here. I liked some of the stiffness but it was a slower match that went longer than needed.

Julia Hart said she respects Leyla Hirsch. She said she will accept her challenge but hopes she understands it won't go as she plans. She said the house always wins.

Saraya, Zak Knight and Harley Cameron are interviewed. Saraya calls Alex Marvez "Stephen" and kicks him out. Saraya asks how Ruby could do this and said she broke her heart. Harley says she has the biggest heart and grabs her chest, saying it's so big. Zak said he will take everything from Angelo Parker next week.

Final Four Elimination Match - Action Andretti vs Daniel Garcia vs Bryan Keith vs Komander

DG hits shots on Bryan and sends him out. AA gets armdragged by Kom but lands on his feet. AA headscissors Kom and Kom flips through it. They try to dropkick each other at the same time then stare down.

Bryan chops AA. AA takes a double gutbuster. Kom shotgun dropkicks Bryan in the corner. DG hits corner punches on Bryan then humps his face. AA springboards and is lariated by DG. Bryan knees DG in the chest. 

Bryan tries to hurricanrana Kom, but Kom pins him off of it and eliminates him. We go to PiP break and return. AA death valley drivers him on the apron then seated moonsaults him outside. Kom flying kicks AA off the apron then asai moonsaults him. AA catches a back springboard from Kom and does a torture rack neckbreaker to eliminate him.

AA superkicks him then DG spears his knee. DG works the knee. AA cradles him then neckbreakers him. AA running ssp's him then is caught with an ankle lock. AA handspring kicks him off the apron then plancha's him. AA top rope diving lariats him. They grab each other by the arm and forearm each other. AA deadlift falcon arrows him for 2. AA handsprings and is caught with a leglock. AA taps out.

It was a four way. Not awful and it was less indy than I expected but still not exactly my favorite match ever. I thought it was kind of obvious Garcia was winning this. I don't know if he really did enough legwork here to justify winning with a leglock.

Overall thoughts: It was a predictable show with a weak card. It was pretty obvious who was winning and losing here. The first three matches all went longer than they needed to. I wouldn't recommend it but it wasn't the worst show ever as nothing was truly awful.

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