Friday, April 5, 2024

WWE Smackdown 4/5/2024

WWE Smackdown 4/5/2024

Last week's show is here: 

The show a video of the Philly skyline with Meek Mill talking. We see The Rock, Roman, Seth and Cody stare down in a taped video. Meek says we've been showing up for 40 years and have forever to go. He says it's about to be legendary.

The Kevin Owens Show

Kevin brings out Randy Orton. He said they stand together in their dislike for Logan Paul. He asks Orton how repulsive and unlikeable he finds Logan Paul. He says it's an 11 out of 10. Logan Paul appears on the Wrestlemania stage. He calls them a couple of toddlers playing in the sandbox. He said he's in the real world building empires. KO says Logan talks a lot of trash for being a guy who is across the street. Orton says they are close and they walk out of the arena to go after him.

Grayson Waller and Austin Theory then appear from under the ring and go after them.

We go to break and return. Orton's trying to steal a car to get there then KO arrives in a golf cart. They start driving and Waller/Theory chase them. 

Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royale

Pretty Deadly tries to pick up Omos and can't. Omos throws Kit out then Elton eliminates himself to go with him. Everyone then starts fighting. Angel basically eliminates himself with Berto then they pull The LWO out to pound on them. Grimes is eliminated. Jinder is eliminated then Veer and Sanga throw out Apollo Crews. The Creeds throw out Veer and Sanga.

Omos double arm chokeslams JD. We go to break and return. Omos got eliminated during the break along with The Creeds and beats them up outside for it. Wilde is pushed off the top by Reed. Ivar eliminates Cedric Alexander with a lariat. Ivar throws Ashante the Adonis out (wonder what happened to him). Ivar, Otis and Reed stare down. Reed and Ivar trade shots then crossbody each other in the air.

Ric springboards and is caught by Reed. Ric is pulled off the apron and eliminated by JD. Akira Tozawa superkicks JD out. Akira is sandwiched with a splash between Ivar and Reed. Otis spinning back elbows Ivar then lariats Reed. Otis caterpillar elbows Reed then is thrown out by Ivar. Ivar boots Akira then Akira is thrown out onto Otis. Otis misses him and Akira takes a bad looking bump out.

Reed and Ivar trade. Ivar rolls over his back, cartwheels and face kicks him. Ivar spin kicks Reed. Ivar misses a top rope moonsault then Reed does a rolling thunder. Reed lariats Ivar out.

It was an okay battle royale. They blew threw a lot of the eliminations quick here and Akira took a horrible bump out. The big men fighting was good though. 

We see Logan Paul is in the Smackdown area while Owens and Orton look for him at the stadium.

The Final Testament do a promo. He said he targeted Lashley to teach a lesson. He said they didn't have a spot for him last year and he said they didn't want him. He said Lashley's crew is at Mania as he turned it into a must see fight. He said they will light them up at Mania.

Logan Paul comes out to talk. He calls Philly "South Jersey" and said Philly is equally as trash. He said all he sees are idiots and they are cheering for Orton and Owens. He said idiots attract each other. He said he has to wrestle 2 of the dumbest goons in the WWE. He said Owens uses his brainpower trying to digest his last meal and said that was roadkill and a rubber tire. He said he's playing 4D chess.

He said Waller and Theory are about to ambush Owens and Orton. He said there's a camera on sight. We cut to Waller and Theory who can't find Orton and Owens. Owens and Orton then appear and beat up Logan. Logan takes a stunner and an RKO.

We go to the back and Dragon Lee is down and injured. Carlito is checking on him and he tells Aldis he doesn't know what happened. I'm no fan of Lee's but I really hope he's injured if he's getting pulled like this. Because there's no explanation otherwise.

Zelina Vega vs Elektra Lopez

Vega chinbreakers Lopez then they trade forearms. Vega his lariats and bangs her head off the buckles. Vega pumping knees her then hits a corner meteora. Vega is caught off a springboard and takes a swinging side slam. Vega hits a 619 on Lopez's legs on the ropes then ddt's her. Dom gets on the apron and Vega hits him. Rey then pulls Dom off the apron.

Lopez grabs Vega and hits an an elektra shock to win it.

It was short and not that good. 

Dom and Santos beat up Rey Mysterio after. Andrade gets pushed and then he clears the heels off. He then hugs Vega.

Naomi and Bianca Belair come out to talk. Bianca said she wanted to give up against Damage Ctrl, but Naomi came back and changed her mind. Naomi talks about Bianca getting beaten up by Damage Ctrl then Bianca said Naomi got it too. Naomi said they are going to Mania and they point to the sign and pose. They talk about Jade Cargill helping them and bring her out.

Jade takes a good 2 minutes to come out. Jade said Damage Ctrl stepped up, got stepped on and got her onto Mania where she can show what she is about. Jade calls them The Big 3 and said Damage Ctrl is now in the eye of the storm.

Jey Uso talks in the back. He said he's going to whoop on Solo Sikoa tonight and Jimmy Uso tomorrow. He then says "yeet".

Zelina Vega and Andrade talk to Rey Mysterio in the back. A ref basically tells him Lee can't team with him so Andrade offers to be his partner. Carlito comes in and says Lee is out. He is then told Andrade is in. He tells them to take down Santos and Dom.

Austin Theory and Grayson Waller vs New Catch Republic

Pete flips out of a wristlock and is knocked down with a shot by Theory. Dunne dragon screws him then Bate uses Pete's shoulder to flip on Theory. Bate dropkicks him then he uses the ropes to headscissor Waller.

Bate airplane spins Waller then Dunne tries to plancha Theory but Theory forearms him. Bate tope con hilos Theory through the ropes. Waller tornado ddt's Bate over the top rope and onto the apron.

We go to break and return. Theory rolls into a headhunter on Bate. Bate delay suplexes Waller. Dunne gets the hot tag in and hits kicks/enzugiri's on his opponents. Dunne germans him then rebound germans Waller. Dunne stomps Waller's fingers then basement dropkicks him. Dunne splits Waller's fingers and Theory dropkicks him out. Waller jumping knees Bate out then slides out and punches him. Walle rolls in and is forearmed by Dunne. Waller takes a double burning hammer and is pinned.

I'm a fan of Waller and Theory losing here. They've been losing way too much and no matter how hard they try with Dunne and Bate, this team is going nowhere. They matched up well and had a fun little match though.

The Judgment Day come out and beat up Bate and Dunne. Dunne takes an elevated flatliner then Priest chokeslams Bate. Priest hits a razor's Edge on Dunne then Waller and Theory get beaten up too. Finn top rope double footstomps Theory.

We get a package on Bayley and Damage Ctrl's history.

LA Knight comes out to talk about AJ Styles. He said he's not showing up and running away. He said he will be phenomenal at getting stomped out. He said AJ has only been crying since he returned. He said he's going to boot him and said the whole world will know whose game it is at Mania.

Bobby Lashley's crew does a promo. B-Fab said it's been the same story with The Final Testament attacking them. Fab says there will be nowhere to hide at Mania and said they will finish this in a Philadelphia Street fight. He said they are taking it to the dark side and will finish him. They then do the black power salute. And that's real rich coming from Bobby.

Jey Uso vs Solo Sikoa

Jey hits punches and is pushed. He hits shots out of the corner then step up enzugiri's him. Jey pulls Solo over the top then gets hit on a tope attempt. Jey is uranage'd on the apron.

We go to break and return. Jey hits punches then takes a belly to belly suplex for 2. Solo misses a running hip attack and Jey hits punches. Jey hits a superkick then a spinning enzugiri. Jey hits a corner hip attack for 2.

Jey runs into a samoan drop from Solo. Solo goes for the samoan spike and is superkicked. Jey spears him then hits a top rope splash for 2. Jimmy Uso beats up on Jey and Jey wins the match via DQ.

It was short and nothing special. Nobody was trying to get hurt here. The finish was lame but not that surprising.

Jey is beat up 2v1 after then Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins come out. Cody hits a cody cutter on Solo and the heels are stopped. Cody hits weightlifting belt shots on Jimmy and Solo. Jey stops Jimmy from leaving. Jey takes cross rhodes then Jey to rope splashes Jimmy.

Cody gets on the mic after. He says it's been 40 years of Wrestlemania and asks if we can feel that. He says tomorrow night him and Seth will slap The Rock so hard that Rock remembers what it's like to be the people's champ. He said they will shatter the foundation of The Bloodline and says he will dethrone Roman on Sunday. He said when one good story ends, another one begins.

No Roman or Rock here of course. Roman doesn't have time to push the biggest match of the year. He's busy doing uh...who knows.

Overall thoughts: It was a lame edition of Smackdown as expected. No one was trying to get injured here and nothing major was going to happen. There was a bunch of filler here and it was a waste of time. Roman couldn't even be bothered to appear.

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