Friday, April 5, 2024

Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling 4/5/2024 TJPW Live in Philly

Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling 4/5/2024 TJPW Live in Philly

Miu and Raku perform Upper Kick to start the show. Miu takes the camera lens off a cam on accident.

Yuki Aino & Zara Zakher vs. Arisu Endo & Suzume

Suzu and Yuki Aino go at it. Aino shoulders her over. Endo rolls ZZ then takes a pop-up forearm. Suzu grabs ZZ on the ropes then Daisy Money hit stereo roll-ups and dropkicks. ZZ slams Endo then Aino chinlocks Endo. ZZ forearms Endo in the corner then basement dropkicks her back.

Endo dropkicks ZZ then ZZ shoulders over Suzu. Aino vader bomb style elbow drops Suzu. Suzu rolls up Endo then Suzu bulldogs her while planting on the top rope. Suzu is popped-up into a facebuster on Aino for 2. Endo leg lariats Aino on the ropes then splashes her for 2.

Aino sits on the top rope and Endo springboard dropkicks her. Endo forearms Aino off the apron then they trade forearms out there. Aino is sent in the ring then Aino 2nd rope gutwrench suplexes her. Suzu dropkicks ZZ then takes a step up enzugiri. ZZ misses a handspring back elbow and Suzu sleepers ZZ.

Suzu bulldogs ZZ. She goes for a top rope crossbody then gets caught and takes a rough fallaway slam. ZZ spinebusters her for 2. Suzu top rope crossbodies ZZ then ZZ takes a double pin for 2. Suzu and Aino trade forearms then Endo lariats Aino. Aino reverse ddt's Endo. ZZ flips out of a lariat and hits a cutter. Suzu rolls up ZZ for 2 multiple times and finally wins it.

It was an okay opener but I did kind of come to see TJPW. It could have been a little shorter. I liked Zara's backflip out of a lariat into a cutter.

Hyper Misao vs Billie Starkz

Misao hides her spray under the ring and has some kind of orange helmet. Athena comes out with Billie. Misao greets the crowd and says she's a superhero. She said she will save us all. She said she has a gift for Billie and gives her the helmet looking thing. Misao then hits her with it and boots her.

Misao back elbows her and crossbodies her for 2. BS sunset flips her for 2 then upkicks her while on the ground. Misao uppercuts her. Misao puts her in the rocking chair, banging her head off the bottom buckle. BS kicks her from the ropes then spin kicks her. BS germans her for 2.

BS hits boots to the face. BS is tripped into the 2nd rope then takes a knee to the back of the neck. Misao puts on Billie's mouse head entrance gear and Athena hits Misao while she does it. BS hits an attitude adjustment over the knee on Misao. BS swantons her for 2.

Misao rolls her up then hits a bad final cut for 2. Athena puts the leg of BS on the ropes. Misao sprays Athena in the eyes with her spray then BS topes Misao. BS top rope swantons her and gets the win.

It was a short match with a fun cameo from Athena. Not great or anything but it was okay for what it was.

Raku and Trish Adora vs Viva Van and Yuki Kamifuku

Raku and Van start us off. Raku trips her and is shouldered over. Raku his her with a pillow. Trisk comes in and slams Yuki next to her. Then they do the oyasumi express but Van's team kicks out. Van slingshot flips over Raku and bowls her over with a spinning heel kick. Van then throws the pillow into the crowd.

Yuki eye rakes Raku then Raku takes the tarantula on the ropes from Van. Van axe kicks Raku for 2. Raku swingingfacebusters Van then Trish hits double axe handles  on Van. Trish crossbodies her then hits a full-nelson bomb for 2.

Trish sits on Van's neck and gets a 2 count. Van forearms Trish then she forearms her back. Van flying headscissors Trish then Van step up enzugiri's Trish. Yuki running face kicks Trish then Van cannonballs Trish. Trish suplexes Yuki puts her in a submission over the knee. Yuki turns it into an octopus variation.

Yuki flying leg lariats Trish then Trish face kicks her. Raku chops Yuki then dropkicks her. Yuki hits a big face kick on Raku then Raku slingblades her. Raku guillotines Yuki then Trish thesz presses and punches Van. They fight outside then Yuki fameassers Raku for the win.

It wasn't anything too special. Van tries but she's not athletic enough for a lot of her offense. It didn't have a lot of time and we rally didn't see a ton of Raku or Yuki, which sucks since they are kind of the reason we are here.

Mizuki and Vert Vixen vs Aja Kong and Pom Harajuku

Pom and Vert start us off. Vert side headlocks her and wristlocks her. Pom distracts her then wristlocks and shin kicks her. Vert goes up and over in the corner and they stand off with Pom doing a karate pose. Kong and Miz get in.

Kong taunts her then Miz bites the arm. Kong shoulders her over with ease then misses a butt drop. Miz basement dropkicks her in the side of the head then Kong slaps her around. Kong double chops her. Kong throws Pom onto Miz for 2 then Pom's head is banged off the buckles. Vert hits shots on Pom with Pom doing some nice facials for it. Vert baseball slides Pom then Pom is stomped by both opponents.

Pom shin kicks Miz then Miz takes Pom's shoe off. She throws the shoe into the crowd. Pom is tripped then Vert running euros her for 2. Pom boots Vert with the shoe then screams in her ear. Pom back rolls into a headscissors. Kong lariats both opponents on a double team attempt then Kong backdrops Vert for 2.

Vert running high kicks Kong then Miz corner dropkicks Kong. Miz comes off the top and is hit in the gut. Miz rolls Kong into a double stomp for 2. Pom walks the ropes and armdrags Miz then Pom 2nd rope dropkicks her for 2. Miz double kneedrops Pom's back. Pom rolls into a pin attempt on Miz then facebusters her. Pom misses a step-up legdrop.

Pom shin kicks Miz then Miz takes her down with her own arm. Miz dropkicks Pom through the ropes. Pom is put on the 2nd rope and Miz top rope double stomps her. Ver rolls in with a stunner on Kong then Miz top rope double stomps Kong. Pom swings her shoe at Miz then Miz hits her over the head with it. Miz cuty specials Pom and gets the win.

It was a fun match with comedy from Pom and everyone being in the mood to work. They pretty much got the best out of everyone here and they had some fun moments without being unrealistic.

Shoko Nakajima vs Rhio

This is not AEW's Rhio, but a UK wrestler named Rhio. Rhio pulls her down out of the cobra clutch and bangs her head off the mat. Shoko headlock takeovers her then side headlocks her. Shoko rolls over her back then dropkicks her.

Rhio swinging side slams her. Rhio full nelsons her then basement dropkicks her. Rhio suplexes her then boots her out of the corner. Shoko top rope hurricanrana's her. Shoko trips her form the apron and slingshot swantons her. SN 619's her while she's outside then Shoko topes her. Rhio then topes her. Shoko the tope con hilos here through the ropes.

They trade forearms outside. Shoko dropkicks her inside and Rhio hits a running headbutt. Rhio release fisherman suplexes her then Shoko northern lights suplexes her. Shoko corner lariats her then Rhio superplexes her.

Shoko avoids a package piledriver and jack knife pins her for 2. Shoko hits forearms then takes a superkick. Rhio does a wrist clutch torture rack bomb for 2. Shoko dropkicks her in the back from the 2nd rope then 619's her over the top rope. Shoko double arm ddt's her for 2 then top rope sentons her to win it.

It was long, slow and not that good. They really didn't click that well together and the crowd was not interested in it. 

Miyu Yamashita and Maki Ito vs Miu Watanabe and Rika Tatsumi

Miu and Miyu trade holds. Miyu side headlock takeovers her. Myu trips her then takes a back elbow. Miu armdrags her then they stand off. Rika and Ito go at it. Ito side headlock takeovers her and they stand off. Rika side headlock takeovers her and gets headscissored. Rika then poses at Maki after Maki had done it to her. Ito slaps her then slams her. Ito nearly misses a falling headbutt but Miyu saves her. She holds her in place and lets Ito hit it.

Ito hits corner punches on Rika then Rika chokes her on the ropes. Rika then chokes Miyu. The igrls do bad brawling outside and rika bangs Miyu off the stage. Miu is put in a chair and Ito chops her. Rika chokes Miyu with The Ring's (boxing mag) title belt. Rika double axe handles Maki off the stage.

Miu sits on both opponents near the bar then Rika purchases a beer from the bar. Rika and Miu drink beer while headlocking their opponents. Maki and Miyu grab hold of the beer and drink it. Miyu and Ito are thrown into each other and end up spitting out beer.

Ito takes a shot from both opponents then takes a double elbow drop. Miu backbreakers Maki and stretches her over her knee. Ito and Rika trade forearms. Rika dropkicks her in the knee then dragon screws her. Rika figure fours Ito.

Miu tries to flip Rika onto Itoh but Ito moves. Ito tornado ddt's Miu. Myu chest kicks Miu then knees her in the gut. Miyu flying lariats Miu. Miu corner splashes Miyu then shoulders her over. Miu poweslams Miyu. Miyu is put in a giant swing and Rika basement dropkicks her while she is swung around. Rika hip attacks Miyu then 2nd rope hip attacks her.

Miyu kicks Rika in the back then triangle kicks her off the buckles. Rika sleepers Miyu. Ito dives off the apron and hits a tornado ddt then Miyu dives off of it as well and hits Rika. Miyu cobra clutches Rika and takes her over with it. Miyu high kicks Rika then hits an attitude adjustment on her.

Miyu hits Itoh on a missed double team. Rika hip attacks Miyu and then all 4 end up going down. Miyu and Rika trade forearms then Miyu drops her with one. Rika dragon screws her then Miu throws Rika into a hip attack on Miyu. Maki breaks up a double team. Rika is held up for a diving Maki ddt then Miyyu wheelbarrow germans Rika. Miyu spinning high kicks Rika and wins it.

It went on longer than it needed to and just wasn't that great. They goofed around and slowed things down early with the brawling outside and that made it hard to get super invested into the more serious second part of the match. There were also some sloppy moments in this.

Overall thoughts: It was disappointing that more of the TJPW roster couldn't make it over. There obviously had to be some limitations due to how expensive it is to bring people in, but a lot of the fans there will probably never get to see TJPW in person and what's a TJPW show without TJPW wrestlers? The semi-main didn't work and the main was longer and slower and kind of needed more TJPW fun in it. I suppose it was okay enough overall, but it wasn't a home run of a show.

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