Wednesday, April 10, 2024

WWE NXT Level Up 4/5/2024

WWE NXT Level Up 4/5/2024

Last week's show is here:

I have no idea when or where this aired. I tried to watch it live but The Hall of Fame was on instead.

Drake Morreaux vs Dante Chen

Drake takes him down with a waistlock and Chen yanks his arm. Chen yanks his arm off the 2nd rope and walks the top rope with Drake's arm Hakushi-style. Drake blocks a hiptoss then throws him on a slam. Drake hits a big lariat then boots him in the corner.

Drake slams and splashes him for 2. Drake blocks a hiptoss and falls down on him on it. Drake backbreakers him for 2.  Drake misses a splash then Chen running forearms him. Chen hits a palm strike flurry and hits lariats. Chen pump kicks him then hits a hiptoss. Chen double chops him and wins it.

It was a real simple one here. Drake is still green and doing textbook versions of various moves. He's not botching stuff though so that's good. Chen walked the ropes here which was new.

We see Je'Von Evans talk to OTM in the gym. They go up to him and surround him. Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe walk in  to help out Evans and the two sides argue.

Tatum Paxley vs Brinley Reece


They lock up, Tatum slides her and poses. Brin armlocks her and Tatum kips up. Tatum says something in her ear and is armlocked again. Brin forward cartwheels over a drop down then armdrags her. Brin hits a corner spear then misses a dropkick. Tatum step-up splashes Brin's back.

Brin is pushed into the buckles then Tatum crossbodies her in the corner. Tatum does a camel clutch varation. Brin throws her over then splashes her. Brin shoulders Tatum over several times then slams her. Brin forward cartwheel lariats her. Tatum hits a tequila shot which they call the psycho trap and Tatum wins it.

It was a short one and it wasn't anything of note. Brin didn't get a ton in here before being beaten. Tatum had a new corner crossbody move here.

Je'Von Evans and Tyriek Igwe vs Out The Mud (Scrypts, Lucien Price and Bronco Nima)


Evans and Scrypts go at it. Evans does a seated hurricanrana on the ropes and Scrypts flips out of it. Scrypts then flips forward and backward through lariats. They run at each other and Scrypts kips down. Evans dropkicks him.

Price and Igwe fight. Igwe shoulders him over. Price takes a forearms and a running boot from Igwe. Dupont hits a big splash on Price for 2. Dupont jumps at Price in the corner and Price footpresses him down. You could only see this through PiP. Dupont takes a double back elbow and a splash.

Dupont's head is banged off the buckles. He running euros Nima then splashes him. Igwe flying dropkicks Nima. Nima knee presses Igwe down. Price lariats Igwe from behind then Scrypts pounds on Igwe. Nima hits shots on Igwe. Scrypts is double yanked into an elbow on Igwe.

Evans hits shots on Nima then uses him to do a seated springboard hurricanrana. Evans hits a big os cutter then suicide dives outside.

Evans springboard lariats Price then Price takes a double team backdrop for 2. Jaida Parker distracts Dupont on the apron then Price superkicks Dupont. Dupont takes a double team spinebuster and is pinned.

It was a fun tag with the power guys and the lighter guys. There were some small misses here but they got the logic and idea of this one down. 

Overall thoughts: Nothing must see but it was an okay 30 minutes of wrestling. The main was by far the best thing on the show.

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