Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Mid-States Wrestling 4/5/2024 Season 2, Episode 3

Mid-States Wrestling 4/5/2024 Season 2, Episode 3

Last week's show is here: 

David McBee and Jason Jones are on commentary here.

Toxic Masculinity are interviewed. Cannonball Matthews comes in and says Toxic cheated his team in their match. Cannonball Matthews said they have a lawsuit coming their way. Toxic then challenges Cannonball Matthews to a singles match tonight.

This wasn't real believable with CM getting too silly here.

Cannonball Matthews vs Johnny Lightning


CM backs him up and slaps him in the corner. Johnny side headlocks him then CM backdrops him out of it. CM misses a shot in the corner and is slapped for it. Johnny hits corner punches then pulls CM over the top. Johnny plancha's him off the top then CM drives Johnny's back into the post.

CM snapmares him then chinlocks him. Johnny hits a jawbreaker then takes a stiff lariat. They call CM "a vending machine with arms" then he belly to belly suplexes Johnny. CM gutwrench suplexes him.

Johnny is put on the 2nd rope and he dropkicks CM. CM neckbreakers him then chokes him on the ropes. Johnny has his sunset flip blocked then Johnny kicks him. CM eye rakes him and Johnny escapes a powerbomb. Johnny superkicks him and gets the win.

It was okay with CM using his size against Johnny and Johnny escaping him. The finish was nice and we got a rare dive in this match.

Judy Azul is interviewed. She says she's not the one with the attitude when the announcer asks her about her new attitude. She said at least she isn't facing Kelsey Magnolia here as she is facing Muy Macho. The announcer asks if she can win with her bad attitude and she said of course she will win. 

Judie Azul vs Muy Macho 

Macho poses on the ropes and is hit from behind. Azul unlaces Macho's mask then boots him in the gut. Azul facebusters him for 2. Azul hits forearms then flying lariats him. Azul hits an attitude adjustment then hits another one. Muy Macho switches places with another guy dressed as Muy Macho. This Macho crossbodies Azul then rolls Azul up off a knee. This Macho then unmasks and is Kelsey Magnolia.

I don't really know what to make of this. I'm not sure why Mangolia needed to wear a mask to fight Azul as they didn't fully explain it. What we got here was not that good.

Overall thoughts: The first match was good. They had a girl pretend to be a male wrestler under a mask in the second match to get one over on the heel, Judie Azul. However, they didn't explain why she had to do this and the match wasn't that good. I wouldn't recommend this.

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