Tuesday, April 9, 2024

WWE NXT 4/9/2024

WWE NXT 4/9/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/04/wwe-nxt-422024.html

We see the back area of NXT before the show starts.

Roxanne Perez comes out. She said Stand and Deliver was justice for a woman who went without a year for her title. She said all is right in the world and said Lyra knew her arm wasn't 100%. She said Lyra's stupid and said regardless of the way she did it, she's a 2x NXT champ. She said there's nothing anyone can do to take the title from her. She said the only way the title gets taken from her is when she goes to Raw or SD in The WWE Draft.

Lyra Valkyria comes out. She said RP has been champ for 2 days and is packing her bags. Lyra's in a sling. She said RP thinks she's too good for NXT now and said the NXT Title will stay here will her. She said she wants her championship rematch tonight. RP said she's not medically cleared.

Tatum comes over to Lyra. Lyra said she's sorry for what she said and she's good now. Tatum asks if she is good then throws her into the steps. Tatum grabs her by the face and says something then the refs pull her away. RP says she's sorry, not sorry, we won't see a title match tonight.

Natalya then comes out. She said she thinks these people want a championship match. She said she didn't forget how rude she was and said she's forgotten more about wrestling than she has learned. She said they should wrestle for the title tonight.

Ava Raine comes out. She said we are in a new era. She said it will be Perez vs Natalya for the NXT Title tonight. Perez swings at Nat then Nat goes for the sharpshooter. Perez then slides out. 

We see Trick arrive earlier and we see Baron and Bron walk the parking lot.

We see Frazer and Axiom talk to Ava begging for a title match. Frazer said they know they can do it. Ava agrees through a tweet.

Nathan Frazer and Axiom are interviewed. NF said they were that close to winning. He said it has to be different tonight as they don't get another title shot if they lose. Ax said he saw that they belonged at the top at Stand and Deliver. NF said they will go their separate ways if they don't win tonight.

We go to Chase U. Kelani and Fallon are there. Chase thanks them for their help at Stand and Deliver and gives them honorary Chase U degrees. Thea Hail runs in then Jacy and Nyx walk in. Jacy said she's not here to fight, she asks if Chase will tell Thea the real reason she had to bail Chase U out of debut. Jacy said the package Rizzo delivered said it all. Jacy said Chase bet on Thea's title match and lost the bet when he threw the towel in on her. Jacy said this whole time Thea ended up being the problem.  Chase says it's true when Thea asks. Chase said he shouldn't have bet on her but he will bet on Thea every single time over The University. Thea then leaves in anger. 

I'm not real sure if I understand the big problem with this one. I mean, I would hope Chase bet on Thea. 

Kiana James and Izzi Dame vs Fallon Henley and Kelani Jordan

The faces get hit while posing. Izzi takes a double shoulderblock. Kiana flips over Kelani while she's seated then Kelani headscissors her off the ropes. Izzi shoulders Kelani over.

Izzi stops a double team then Fallon hits a big forearm on her. Fallon dragon screws Kiana then Fallon pops up Kelani into a la silla on Izzi. Fallon baseball slides Kiana then Kelani tornillo plancha's out. Kelani low crossbodies Izzi. Kelani is laid on the top rope and Izzi flings her off.

Kiana stomps Kelani then backbreakers her for 2. Izzi hits forearms on Kelani then throws her across the ring. Izzi elbow drops Kelani for 2. Kiana flips Kelani then stomps on her in the corner. Kiana backflips and hits a nice corner spear. Izzi flapjacks Kelani for 2 then puts her in la swastika.

Kelani reverses it and is thrown off. Kiana slams Kelani for 2. Fallon gets the hot tag in and hits shots on Kiana. She bangs Kiana's head off her knee then Fallon kicks Izzi from the side. Fallon swinging facebusters Izzi then does a cool tornado suplex.

Fallon saves Kelani then takes a 401k from Kiana. Kiana gets the win.

It was an okay tag here. Nothing too crazy or anything but no botches. 

Je'Von Evans introduces himself. This was maybe on Stand and Deliver as I saw it already. He said he's coming and will see us tonight.

OTM isn't happy about Evans saying he's the Young OG. Scrypts talks trash then OTM head out.

Charlie Dempsey talks about getting the win at Bloodsport with the NQCC. Drew Gulak isn't here. Luca, Stacks and Rizzo walk in. They talk about some kind of deal they have and Stacks said the NQCC don't want to get their hands dirty. They end up setting up a match over this.

Je'Von Evans vs Scrypts

Evans takes a side headlock takeover. Evans leapfrogs and Scrypts flips over him as he rolls. Scryptskips up and Evans springboards off the bottom rope into a roll-up on him. Evans seated springboard hurricanrana's him then dropkicks him for 2.

Evans is knocked down on the ropes when Scrypts runs into them. Scryps throws Evans back then does a running SSP. Scrypts armlocks him then back elbows him. Evan's head is banged off the buckles then foot chokes him. Evans takes him down and hits mounted shots. Evans hits forearms then bounces off the ropes with a spinning enzugiri. Evans hits an os cutter for 2.

Evans springboard lariats Scrypts then OTM pulls Scrypts out. Evans then suicide dives OTM and Scrupts. Scrypts flips out of a lariat then germans him. Evans kicks him out of the corner then double jump tornillo splashes him for the win.

It was okay with Evans getting to show off a bit. It wasn't the best match they could have had though.

Karmen Petrovic hugs Natalya in the back.

We see Ridge Holland hitting Joe Gacy with a chair at the S&D pre-show.

Kelly asks Ridge what's going on. Ridge said he needs to apologize to Joe as he lost it. Joe pops up out of the curtain. He said he understands it as he went from being a superstar on Mania to a panelist. He says he gets it. Ridge then runs into Wild and Cruz. They say they aren't buying this apology tour and he's not fooling them. Ridge slams the door and Cruz's hand gets slammed on accident. Wilde questions whether it was an accident or not.

NXT Women's Title - Roxanne Perez (c) vs Natalya

RP pushes her then Nat rolls her up. Nat side headlock takeovers her twice. RP headscissors her then Nat does it again. Nat armlocks her then RP slaps her. Nat slaps her back then lariats her on the floor. We go to PiP break and return.

Nat surfboards her then spinning lariats her. Nat is sent into the steps outside then suplexed on the floor. Nat's head is banged off the announcer's table and RP chokes her on the ropes. RP bodyscissors Nat then guillotines her.

Nat slams her and hits punches. Nat germans her, takes an armdrag and spinning lariats her. RP crossfaces her then spin kicks her in the gut. Nat fights off poprocks then sharpshooters her. They go out and Lola Vice kicks Nat. RP then hits pop rocks and wins it.

I didn't think it was anything too special and was just an average match. Lola's little run in didn't look good as she just hit one leg kick.

Baron goes up to Bron in the back and asks how he feels. They said Ax and NF couldn't get it done on Saturday and won't get it done here. Bron says Baron loves hanging out with him. Baron tells Bron to admit their partnership is a good thing. Bron says he won't because Baron wants him to.

Lola Vice said she attacked Nat because she could. She's sick of waiting for opportunities and made her own. Nat then hits her from behind and pounds on her.

No Quarter Catch Crew (Myles Borne and Damon Kemp) vs The D'Angelo Family (Stacks and Luca Crusifino) 

Drew Gulak's name was missing from the NQCC tron and it seems he's gone. Kemp side headlocks Luca then fireman's carry takeovers him. Borne slams Luca down then is suplexed. Stacks hits knees on Borne then running kicks him. Luca clotheslines Borne. The Crew go down together and Stacks hits a hard cannonball. Dempsey pulls Borne away from one, sending Stacks into the bottom buckle.

Kemp reverse suplexes Borne for 2. Stacks takes a dropkick into a german. Stacks boots Borne out of the corner then Luca hits forearms on both opponents. Luca flying shoulders Borne then does a hiptoss neckbreaker on Kemp. Dempsey gets on the apron then Luca back rolls Borne. Luca goes throat first into the ropes then takes a neckbreaker.

Kemp is sent into Borne then Luca hiptosses Dempsey in. Kemp then takes a 3D codebreaker and is pinned.

It was a shorter one here. It was average for the most part without anything too wild happening.

Oba Femi comes out. He says some things in life are inevitable. He said he knew he would retain his title at S&D. He said 17,000 people witnessed his power and he stayed N-A champ. He said that's not going to change for a long time.

Ivar comes out in a leather vest and normal clothes. He said Oba didn't foretell he'd be here tonight. Ivar said he loved the chaos of Oba's match. He said that's the type of fight he likes and lives for. Ivar said he felt jealous as he wanted to be in the right. He said he knows he's the man that can chop him down and take the title. Oba said we shall see. Oba goes to walk away and Ivar stops him. Ivar said we'll see. Oba headbutts him then Ivar springboard corkscrew crossbodies him. 

Meta-Four talk in the back and were happy about Stand and Deliver. Dar asks Oro why he has a long face. Oro talks about not getting a Slammy award this weekend. Dijak comes in and said Meta's skit of him was awesome. He asks whose idea it was. Dar says it was his and he sees why Dijak is so miserable all the time. Dar said he needs more sunshine and tells him to knock next time. Dijak said to consider this a warning. He said everyone gets one and he won't get another.

Jaida Parker vs Brinley Reece

They lock up and Brin has a new and more revealing outfit. Brin rolls and kips up out of a wristlock. JP hits chops then buttpresses her down on the ropes. We go to PiP break and return.

JP armlocks her and they trade armlocks. JP is thrown into the corner then blocksbusters her off the 2nd rope. Brin hits elbows to the gut then JP clubs on her. Brin shoulders her over then slams her. Brin forward cartwheel lariats her for 2.

Brin spinebusters her for 2. JP knees and forearms her then does a nice running hip attack. JP then gets the win.

It was a shorter match here. I liked JP's new running hip attack finisher. 

Arianna Grace talks to Sol Ruca in the back. She said she was trying to tell Georgina she needs to beautiful at all times. Grace said she was pretty at the s&D panel. She said she was the best kept secret of Wrestlemania Weekend.

They talk about the Women's North American Title then Grace said she has to go. Lola Vice is mad in the back and yelling. Sol said she gets that she is mad but she should of known Nat was coming back for payback. Lola said she doesn't know which beach hole she came out of but she should go back there. Sol just says "whatever dude".

WWE NXT Tag Titles - The Wolf Dogs vs Nathan Frazer and Axiom

Bron and Ax start us off. Bron takes him down and wristlocks him. Ax rolls and headflips out of it. Ax armdrags him off the ropes then Bron runs the ropes fast and shoulders Ax over. NF flying kicks Bron then side headlocks Baron. Baron crackerjacks him and NF takes a great bump for it.

Baron takes corner attacks and Bron is thrown out. Ax topes Baron and NF topes Bron. Ax and NF then hit more topes. Ax springboard moonsaults Bron and Baron outside. We go to PiP break and return.

Bron suplexes Ax then Ax is catapuled into a Baron powerslam. Ax fights of a double team then NF springboard double dropkicks in. NF is gorilla pressed but hits a ddt out of it. Ax frogsplashes Bron then NF springboard 450's Bron. Ax comes off the buckles on Bron and is slammed down. Baron sleepers NF during this. Bron does a gorilla press into a powerslam on Ax for 2.

Ax hurricanrana's Baron who runs into Bron on the buckles. NF dropkicks Bron while he's up top. Baron spinning backdrops Ax then NF takes an electric chair bulldog (the Steiner's finisher) for 2. NF enzugiri's Baron then dropkicks him in the knee. NF topes Baron but is caught and thrown into the steps.

Baron death valley drivers Ax then Ax hits a golden ratio kick on Bron. Baron lariats Ax over then NF superkicks Baron. Bron rolls into a jumping knee on NF. NF leapfrogs over a spear and Bron nearly hits Baron. NF knocks Bron into Baron. Ax golden ratio kicks Baron then NF hits a phoenix splash off the top onto Baron and wins it.

It was a good match and much better than their Stand and Deliver match which really makes no sense. Maybe they took it easy at S&D because they knew they were doing this? I didn't like Bron and Baron losing because they had been doing good together but if they are going to continue this feud then I can accept it. AX and NF pretty much had to win this on the 3rd attempt.  It was real fast paced and Bron had some creative offense as usual.

The Final Testament come out after. AOP nail NF and Ax from behind then hit a super collider.

I'm up for AOP vs Ax and NF but I'd also really like to see them vs Corbin and Bron.

The Final Testament pose after.

Trick Williams comes out to talk. He said NXT is breaking records.

He said he doesn't agree with Carmelo Hayes but says Melo is him. He talks about Cody finishing his story and said he thought about what's next for him. He said if he wants to be the man here, he needs to slay the mad dragon for the NXT Title. He tells Ilja Dragunov to come out. Ilja comes out.

Ilja said he's proud of the superstar Trick has become and said he has Trick Willy charisma. He said Trick is what the brand needs. Trick said this brand needs him vs Ilja for the NXT Title. Ilja said Trick is feeling it and full of himself.

Ilja says no to Trick's challenge for a title shot. Ilja said Trick had his chance and failed. He said it's time for someone else to get a shot. Trick said no one will stop him. Ilja said he knows Trick is a risk taker. Ilja then agrees to give him a shot in 2 weeks at NXT Spring Breakin. He said Trick leaves NXT if he loses though. Trick said if he can't beat him, he doesn't belong here. He then accepts his challenge.

Melo then nails Trick from behind and Trick knocks Ilja over. Trick takes a big codebreaker then Melo pounds and stomps on Trick. Melo then grabs the title and said Trick won't make it to Spring Breakin. Melo said she will beat Trick's @ss in a cage match next week.

I don't really know what to make of this one. These guys have been tied to each other for a long time now. It makes for a good story but it's starting to become a revolving door between Trick/Melo/Ilja. I worry it's limiting someone like Trick who needs more experience doing different things. It's also hard to predict what happens with The 2024 Draft as any of the three could be moved up. I would not have Trick win the title just yet, but I also wouldn't have him get moved up yet. Maybe we will see some shenanigans and all of this will be a moot point. I do think there is something in Trick eventually beating Ilja though.

Overall thoughts: It was a longer show with no commercial breaks for the first 30 minutes plus the usual overrun after. They said Spring Breakin is two weeks away and they better get moving on that one. The big notes here were Bron/Baron losing the tag titles, Melo and Trick having a cage match next week, Drew Gulak being out of the NQCC, Tatum turning on Lyra and The AOP returning. Nothing was bad here on this one but I only really liked the tag title match. I wouldn't really recommend it but it probably will prove to be an important episode as we get closer to Spring Breakin and the show that comes after it.

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