Wednesday, April 3, 2024

WWE Speed 4/3/2024 Debut Episode

WWE Speed 4/3/2024 Debut Episode

This is the debut of WWE Speed on X/Twitter. The matches will all have 3 minute time limits.

There was no intro, and just a quick graphic for the people in the first match.

WWE Speed Title Tournament Round 1 - Ricochet vs Dragon Lee


Ric misses a pump kick then flips out of a headscissors. Ric flying headscissors him. Lee goes for a leapfrog but Ric drops down. Lee rolls him up

Ric gets on the apron then springboard lariats Lee. He gets a 2 count then standing moonsaults him. Lee hits elbows and a knee. Ric spinning forearms him then Ric flips out of a rebound german. Lee superkicks him then Ric back elbows him. Lee pumping knees him then poisonrana's him. Ric lariats him for 2.

Lee superkicks him while he's in a handstand on the ropes then he sitout powerbombs him for 2. Lee gets caught in a project dragon attempt then takes a single leg codebreaker. Ric wins with 3 seconds left.

It was only 2 minutes and 57 seconds long. It was rushed and they had trouble due to hurrying through so fast. What we got was just all flips and fast paced stuff here. 

About a half hour later, they aired this match:

WWE Speed Title Tournament Round 1 - Cedric Alexander vs Bronson Reed


Ced dropkicks him then Reed body blocks him. Reed misses an elbow then Ced hits kicks and a knee out of the corner. Ced asai moonsaults him and Reed rolls out. Ced tope con hilos him.

Ced handsprings and enzugiri's him off of it. Ced springboards and is caught with a death valley driver for 2. Reed lariats and sentons him. Reed then hits a top rope splash and wins is it.

This went 1:51. They definitely did a very short version of the match they would have done and they obviously didn't get enough time.

Reed says after that "Speed is made for Reed" and he said he only needs 3 minutes to make people his victims.

Overall thoughts: Both matches were under 3 minutes here. They were rushed and not particular that great, but how great can these matches really be under these conditions?

Look, we kind of knew this was made for younger people who have short attention spans and TikTok users, but this was ridiculous. I guess it did a good job of getting me to watch the full match but what does that accomplish really?  

If it were me, I'd have the show be two 5 minute matches. I'd air the show everyday, maybe live from the Performance Center or something and make sure the title is defended each show. I think it could get a few fans to watch, would be as easy to watch and might get a following. I would also not separate the matches like they did here but air them together.

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