Monday, April 22, 2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 4/22/2024

WWE Monday Night Raw 4/22/2024

Last week's show is here:

We are in Columbus, Ohio.

Michael Cole and Pat McAfee are in the ring. Cole says there's a big fight feel tonight. He says we will crown a new women's champ in a battle royale.

We see Liv Morgan and Becky Lynch arrive earlier in the day.

Jey Uso comes out to talk. He says Backlash is in two weeks. and says he has a lot to prove. He says he has to beat Damian Priest.

Damian Priest comes out. He says Jey's whole presentation suits him. He says they went to war last year. He say Jey whooped him so bad that he went up to him in the locker room and told him that he earned his respect. That's why he wanted him in The Judgment Day. He said he then told him drinks are on him. He said he paid the bill but doesn't remember much else. He said Jey told him "we next, Uce". Priest said he was right and he's proud to stand there next to him. He said he was next though.

He says his title shows why he was next and is now. He says he's the first of many people the machine will feed him to make sure it looks good on him. He says he will be the first to fall and the first to lead the fans that all rise for him. He asks if he only sees him as another tag team guy and another Uso. He said Priest is only the leader of The Judgment Day as Rhea is hurt.

He said Priest is Dom Mysterio's b!tch. Jey said Priest did what he did. He said Priest is getting fed to him and says he's gonna be the next champ.

JD McDonaugh tries to jump Jey and misses. Jey superkicks Priest down.

World Tag Titles - Awesome Truth vs DIY

JG = Johnny Gargano

JG and Truth go at it. JG rolls out of a wristlock then Truth does the same. Truth armdrags him then JG armdrags him. Truth does a split and they stand off. JG takes a double hiptoss and elbow drop. JG rolls miss but doesn't get his rolling kick. Ciampa gets in and back elbows Miz. Miz figure fours Ciampa then JG slinghsot spears Miz through the ropes. JG plancha's Miz then Ciampa is limping around. We go to break and return.

Truth gordbusters Ciampa. Miz hits lariats and kicks on Ciampa then corner clotheslines him. Miz ddt's JG on the apron. Miz springboards and eats a boot from Ciampa for 2. Truth gets in and flying shoulders Ciampa. He backdrops him then runs into a JG superkick. Ciampa pedigrees Truth for 2.  JG topes Miz outside then Truth cradles Ciampa. Ciampa forearms him them pumping knees him. Truth takes a meet in the middle for 2.

Miz pulls JG out then Miz back body drops Ciampa over the rail. JG rolls up Miz then JG takes a truth crushing finale. Miz picks up the win.

It was a basic and average tag for the most part. Nothing great or memorable here. I liked the Truth/Miz finisher. It was kind of rough as both teams were faces and there wasn't a lot of storyline behind it.

JG hugs and shakes hands after but Ciampa doesn't want to.

JD McDonaugh talks to Damian Priest in the back. Priest said he never asked for JD's help. He said he got kicked n the face tonight. Santos Escobar and Dominik Mysterio come in. Dom's arm is in a sling and said he asked Santos to team with Dom tonight. Priest asked if he talked to him about it. Santos asks if it's a problem. Priest says it clearly is and asks him to handle this. Dom said he didn't know what to do. Priest says to handle your business and stay out of his business. 

Imperium come out. Gunther said he took time away to digest everything that happened. He said he elevated the IC title to heights never seen before. He said he became the greatest champ in its history. He said the weight of everyone's expectations has been lifted off his shoulders. He thanks Sami Zayn as he's not a target anymore and is the hunter over being the hunted. He said he can do anything he wants. He said his name will be embedded into the new era. He said he declares himself for King of The Ring. He then says it's up to him to decide what belt to take next. He said champions will be targeted and hunted by someone who is able to win titles and hold onto them longer than anyone else. He says he's the general of the ring and will soon be the king of the ring.

The New Day come out. Woods says to sound the alarm. Kofi said it's a new era and what better way to usher in the new era than with The New Day. Woods says he's the reigning and defending king of the ring. He said that makes Gunther a usurper and pretender to his throne.  He said he plans on becoming a 2x King of the Ring. Gunther said he will change the image of KOTR and said Woods will be remembered as the weird guy who won it by accident. Woods said Gunther used to be a champ and he and Kofi make a song out of it. Gunther says this is beneath him and tells Vinci and Kaiser to take care of it. Woods said they did this too many times but agree as they can fight Gunther at KOTR.

The New Day vs Imperium (Ludwig Kaiser and Giovanni Vinci)

Gunther is seated at ringside. Kofi monkey flips Kaiser then dropkicks him. Vinci gets shots on Kofi then Kofi chops him. Kofi springboard crossbodies Vinci then Kofi takes a double dropkick in the corner. Kofi takes a high/low then Woods is knocked off the apron.

We go to break and return. Kofi attacks Kaiser off the buckles. Woods hits lariats on Vinci then side kicks him. Woods suplexes him and trips him into the 2nd rope. Woods slides down his back and tornado ddt's him off the bottom rope for 2. Vinci hits a big lariat on Kofi for 2.

Kofi counters a doomsday device type of move with help from Woods. Woods lariats Kaiser off the apron outside. Vinci takes a backbreaker + double stomp combo and is pinned.

It was shorter TV tag match. We've seen this one a lot and it was far from the best but it was okay for what it was. Woods acknowledged that we had seen this one many times.

Gunther gets mad after and throws a chair. He then stares at Kaiser. Kaiser hugs Vinci after then throws him into the LED board ring skirt. He then kicks him and spits on him. Vinci is then thrown into the post. Kaiser kicks and chops him then throws him onto the commentary table. Kaiser asks "how many years?"  and throws him into the steps. Officials come down to save Vinci. Kaiser teases walking away then dropkicks Vinci's head into the steps.

Kaiser goes up to Gunther backstage. He says he told him he would get it done. Gunther then smiles.

Well, it was inevitable to be honest. I don't like Vinci's chances of survival on his own.

Andrade does a taped video. He says be careful when you hear about someone, you might hear it from the problem. He said he's not someone's fool. He said he didn't betray Dom and Santos, they were never loyal and didn't want to do business with him. He said they wanted a server and nobody tells him what to do. Even being taped with some subtitles, it was still hard to understand. 

Drew McIntyre comes out. He asks why the crowd chants for CM Punk every time he comes out. He asks if we ever loved someone but they didn't love them back? He says that's his relationship with wrestling. He tells the fans to say "what" if they kiss their cousins, and they do. Drew says the most complex relationships fans have had is with their right hand. He said he was attacked by the coward CM Punk and didn't get his title rematch like everyone else. He said he's gonna come out swinging and target his next prize in King of the Ring.

Sheamus comes out as Drew mentions the WWE Draft. Sheamus says he doesn't get it and says Drew is complaining about how everyone is a coward. He said all he sees is the only person here who won't take responsibilities for his own mistakes. He says that makes Drew a coward. Sheamus said all he had heard Drew talk about is how he was robbed of his Wrestlemania moment. Sheamus said Drew got his moment at Mania but then he blew it over a stupid social media spat.

He said Drew should be standing here with the title and said he threw it away over a meme and a t-shirt. He said he's his friend (well, except when they are feuding). He said they've had epic booze-ups and banger after banger. He said a one-armed CM Punk kicked Drew's arse. Drew says he doesn't care and said Sheamus knows what Punk did to him. Sheamus says this obsession is taking down Drew's career.

Drew said since Sheamus has returned it's been burger after burger, not banger after banger. Sheamus noticeably put on weight and referenced it recently on social media. Sheamus laughs and says he's getting good at the one liners. Sheamus said he can lose the weight but Drew can't lose stupid. He said to stop blaming everyone else for their mistakes. He says the wrestlers in the back called him dough boy and other names and he tried to stop him. Drew said he's Sheamus' only friend here. Drew said he only fights if it's worthwhile and this isn't worthwhile. He said he's there for him and will watch his back in his next match.

The Sheamus/Drew stuff is a lot like the Owens/Sami stuff - they feud as often as they are friends despite them saying they are always best friends. Sheamus getting involved in this is interesting and could add something new to the Drew malcontent story.

Sheamus vs Shinsuke Nakamura

SN pulls him over the top and Sheamus blocks a high kick. Sheamus gets laid on the top rope and SN flying knees him there. SN foot chokes him then Shemaus hits forearms. SN hits kicks including an axe kick. Sheamus double axe handles him then clubs SN's chest. Sheamus hits a nice pumping knee on the apron then SN high kicks Sheamus outside. Sheamus' head is banged off the commentary table and SN diving knees him off the rail as he hangs from the table.

Sheamus swinging backbreakers him as we return. Sheamus top rope lariats him. SN enzugiri's him then hits a sliding german. SN 2nd rope flying knees him for 2. Sheamus hits a 2nd rope white noise for 2. Sheamus slams him. SN rolls him up off a brogue kick attempt. Sheamus pumping knees him for 2. SN hits a pumping knee and pump kick. Sheamus brogue kicks him and wins it.

I liked what we saw here as it was hard hitting. I don't like Nakamura losing here though. He's been losing too much lately and it's not going to mean much sooner or later. 

Sami Zayn is interviewed. He said he's angry and hurt but is biting his tongue. He said he heard Gable will address what he did but he doesn't see how he will defend his actions. Bronson Reed walks up to him and tells him he has bigger problems to deal with. Sami tells him he can have a title match anytime and any place. Reed then nails him from behind and sends him into boxes. Reed says if he wants the title, he will take it. He then tells him he's looking at the new champ. Reed then splashes him against the box.

I don't know what they did here but everything Reed did really look like it hurt Sami. 

Chad Gable and Alpha Academy come out. We go to break and return. There's some static with a QR Code that teases a wrestler. Chad says Sami has had a rough couple of weeks. He said what he did was justified. He said they tore the house down in Montreal and Sami walked out as champ. He said Sami had to rub it in and place the title in his face when he was weeping. He said that wasn't enough and said Sami celebrated with the title in front of Sami's wife. Chad said that was his moment and should have been him at Wrestlemania. He said he was wasting his time training Sami and has been wasting his time training a bunch of losers.

Chad asks if Tozawa has a problem with that. He says say something, Mr. Funny Man. He says he racks up losses and dances. He says it's pathetic. He said Maxxine is pretty as a princess but dumb as a box of rocks. He said he gave her everything and got nothing in return. He said Otis has proven himself to be the biggest disappointment of them all.

He said they signed up at The Academy for honest feedback to get better. Chad says from now on we will focus on Gable. He said they will all win his IC title together. He says they will help him no matter what, right? He makes them say it and Otis says it.  

Well, Alpha Academy breaking up would be bad for Max and Tozawa right now, so this gives them more time to come up with a new angle for them and maybe gets them all over as faces with a heel leader. That could lead to some interesting stories.

Dominik Mysterio goes up to Ricochet. He said he's lucky he's not cleared tonight. Ric said he's mad he's not cleared tonight because he was looking forward to beating him. He said they have will have to settle for his homeboys. He said he will see JD on WWE Speed this well. Dom tells him to keep walking then runs into Liv Morgan. They stare down.

Nia Jax talks in the back. She talks about the battle royale. She said she's there 13 females and one monster. She says she's the one monster and will terrorize them and eliminate them one by one. She says she will be the last one standing and become the women's champ.

Ricochet and Andrade vs JD McDonaugh and Santos Escobar

Andrade hits forearms on JD. Santos gets in and back elbows Andrade. Andrade flips over his back and shoulders him over.  Santos takes a double back elbow. Ric dropkicks Santos in the corner then elbow drops him. Ric backflips and headscissors him. Ric then dropkicks him. JD running back elbows him. JD backdrops Ric. Dom trips Ric then JD knees Ric out of the ring. Santos hurricanrana's Ric onto the floor. WE go to break and return.

The heels are in control and JD suplexes Ric. JD legdrops Ric. Ric fights out of the corner and tags Andrade in. Andrade dragon screws Santos then flying forearms him. Andrade corner meteora's Santos. Ric springboard clotheslines Santos then running SSP's him. JD headbutts Andrade then Ric knees Jd in the face. Ric flying forearms Andrade.

Andrade and JD trade forearms. Andrade suplexes JD then Andrade takes a double suplex. Ric springboards and takes a flying knee from Santos. Santos top rope hurricanrana's Ric who kicks JD in the face on his way down. Andrade then hits a spinning double underhook ddt and wins it.

JD taking Ric's boot to the face off the hurricanrana was real nasty. It wasn't the best match they could have had. Andrade's character is not working right now at all.

Damian Priest comes out after and beats up the faces. Andrade gets sent into the post shoulder first then Ric takes a razor's edge. Andrade then takes a south of heaven chokeslam. priest then talks in Spanish to Dom. JD asks Dom what he said. Priest said he doesn't need anyone and they need him.

Zoey Stark does a video. She says she's been on Raw for a year. She said she was told to watch from the corner and be patient. She said no. She said she beat Becky and Trish.

Indi Hartwell and Candice LeRae are interviewed. Jackie talks about them using underhanded tactics. Candice gets mad at this. She says she's not here to defend her victories. Nia Jax and Liv then are about to go at it and officials are trying to break it up. Becky Lynch walks past and grabs the mic. She says it's chaos and says we will have the most important battle royale in Raw history. She walks past Maxxine Dupri and Ivy Nile. She tells Max that it's her first time fighting for the title and to show everyone that it won't be her last. Becky says she will be waiting for Rhea Ripley when she returns.

Women's World Title - Battle Royale

Nia and Piper get ganged up on to start and knock everyone off. They fight and then everyone pairs off. Maxxine throws LaRae out then Indi face kicks Max. Max hen throws out Indi Hartwell as well. We go to break and return. Katana is monkey flipped into opponents in the corners then she headscissors Baszler. Carter superkicks Zoey on the apron Zoey eliminates Carter and Chance. Zoey had superkicked Carter while she held Chance.

Ivy guillotines Nia then triangles her over the ropes. Nia bangs Ivy's head off the post and Ivy takes a dangerous looking bump down. Max yells at Nia then Nia pushes her over. Max hits kicks then is sent over the top and eliminated.

Nia splashes Natalya. Becky knocks Piper off the apron for the elimination. Piper pulls her under the ropes and throws her into the steps. Piper cannonballs her against the steps.  Chelsea Green hits shots on Nia inside. Piper pulls Nia out under the bottom rope and they fight. Piper is uranage'd on Becky on the table. The table doesn't break. Nia then samoan drops Piper onto Becky on the table, which again doesn't break.

Natalya eliminates Chelsea Green. The refs don't see it and Green goes back in. Nat hits shots on Green and we go to break. We return and Becky has gone through the table due to a Nia powerbomb. Nat and Green trade on the apron. Green pump kicks her hard into the post then Zoey lariats Green over the top. Baszler then kicks Nat off the apron.

Bazler pumping knees Nia. Zoey spin kicks Liv. Liv is alle ooped into a knee. Nia knocks Zoey off the apron, eliminating her. Nia pushes Baszler off the apron onto Zoey. Becky crawls in with Nia and Liv. Becky hits both then Liv headscissors Nia. Liv dropkicks Nia against the ropes. Liv's codebreaker is blocked and she is neckbreakered.

Nia samoan drops Becky and Liv. Becky hits forearms on Nia. Nia takes a double stunner over the top rope. Nia hits a double suplex. Nia ends up on the apron, taking a codebreaker and a legdrop. Nia then gets eliminated. Becky and Liv trade shots. Becky high kicks her. They fight on the apron. Liv codebreakers her then Becky uranage's her on the apron. Liv falls to the floor and Becky wins.

I was hoping for someone other than Becky to win here. It was a longer battle royale and like most battle royale's, it wasn't anything too great. The women had a hard time breaking a table as usual and Max's offense didn't look good  here. Green getting eliminated but nobody seeing it was creative. 

Overall thoughts: It wasn't that great of a show. There's only one more show before the PPV and they are not ready for it. Jey vs Priest has little heat so far. We don't know who Becky is fighting. We don't know who is in the tag title match. Imperium is broken up and Judgment Day seems not too far behind. Sami and Chad need more time to build their program as well.  Drew's not really set for anything yet either and Punk is not ready. The women's battle royale was not that good as expected here and none of the matches were truly that great.

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