Monday, April 22, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 10/20/1990

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 10/20/1990

Last week's show is here:

Next week's show is here:

Vince and Piper open the show. They make some fishing jokes as they are near Lake Erie. Piper says to stay in school and learn how to get rowdy.

The Legion of Doom vs Brian Costello and James Saxton

The LOD jump the jobbers before the bell. Hawk hits a flying shoulder then a fist drop. One of the jobbers takes a double back elbow. Demolition does an inset promo. They said the LOD need to watch behind their shoulder as they are watching every move they make. Smash says they will have to meet them face to face, where they will kick their stinkin' teeth in down their throat.

Animal hits a corner lariat then hits a standing dropkick. Animal hits an elbow drop then Hawk hits a legdrop. Animal hits a big face kick then The LOD hit a doomsday device. The LOD win it.

The jobbers weren't named here and they got nothing in on this one before going down. 

WWF Update with Mean Gene Okerlund

Gene talks about Sherri slapping Warrior on The Brother Love Show. We then see clips of Warrior putting Love in a wig and dress. Macho King Randy Savage does a promo with Sherri. He says Warrior can put wigs and dresses on anyone he wants. He say he doesn't hide behind anyone's skirt and is too man for him to handle. He says he's taking his title back.

Shane Douglas vs "Pistol" Pez Whatley

This is Shane's WWF Superstars debut. He's thin and wearing white and black here. Shane hammerlocks Pez then gets reversed. Shane snapmares him then takes a knee to the gut. Pez clubs on Shane and hits a nice dropkick. Pez then does a weird dance. Vince says Shane has good credentials and Piper asks what they are. Vince says he's been wrestling for 3 years and is in shape. Piper isn't impressed.

Shane goes up and over then does a twisting crossbody off the 2nd rope. Shane does an inset promo. He said respect is something you can't buy and gotta earn. He said he's here to earn the respect of the wrestlers. Shane hits nice dropkicks. Piper says he never heard of Shane and asked what he has earned.

Shane side headlocks Pez then hurricanrana's him for the win.

This was a different type of squash than usual and it was pretty even. Shane's babyface offense was nice here and it was interesting to see him as a high flyer. Piper crapped all over this one. Shane had a real good look at this time. 

We go to the doctor's and see Jake Roberts. His eyes are bandaged. He is told to not expect too much. The doc says his eyes will improve over time. Jake his issues opening his eyes and the doc says he prescribe him some dark glasses. Jake says he can't see anything.

The Brother Love Show

Rick Martel is on the set with his Arrogance. He says women love Arrogance and says babes will be all over you with just one spray. Love says his guest believes in the freedom of speech and the first amendment. He says it's Rick Rude and Bobby Heenan.

Love asks Rude if he meant the things he said about Boss Man's brother. Rude said he meant it and he means it now. He says she's a putrid, panty waste and a sleazy slimey scumbag, gutter trash and breath that smells like an overused barf bucket. He says he means everything he says. Heenan says and that's her good point.

Heenan asks about the prisoners Boss Man handcuffed in jailed and worked over with a nightstick. He asked about those rights and his rights when Boss Man kidnapped him. He talks about Boss Man handcuffing him and says "Thank God, Ravishing Rick Rude was there". Rude says it's his time to see that justice is done and that the rights of him and Bobby Heenan are upheld. He said when they meet face to fat, he will be his judge, jury and executioner. He tells him to bring his mommy along as a witness if he wants as he will take care of her.

"Texas Tornado" Kerry Von Erich vs Paul Diamond

Vince says Tornado is a whirlwind. Paul slaps Kerry's hand away on the handshake. Paul hits him from behind then hits shots to the gut. Kerry hits shots back then he hiptosses him. Kerry slams him and goes for the iron claw.

Paul slides out to the floor. Kerry lariats him then hits a discus punch. Kerry suplexes him then Paul eye rakes him. Paul is catapulted into the buckles then Kerry hits discus punch. Kerry gets the win.

It was a quick squash here. Paul got a little in early before being put down.

We cut to the giant turkey egg. Piper says Perfect and Heenan laid that at Summerslam. 

Survivor Series Report with Mean Gene Okerlund

Gene says it's feast or famine at Survivor Series. He talks about the rules of Survivor Series matches and runs down the card. The Alliance (Tito Santana, Nikolai Volkoff and The Bushwhackers) vs The Mercenaries (Sgt. Slaughter, Akeem and The Orient Express) is announced.

Power and Glory vs JD Wolfe and SD Jones

JD has pink and black tights with a black singlet on which looks like a Hart Foundation outfit. We haven't seen much of SD in a while. Vince says P&G are undefeated. The Rockers do an inset promo. Shawn said he never thought of quitting and is back. Marty said they started a big fire and will get burned.

Roma does nice leapfrogs on SD. SD blocks his punches and dances. SD runs the ropes and is hit by Herc then Roma hits him from behind. JD gets in and is hit by Roma. Roma hits a nice dropkick then Herc stomps on JD. Herc gorilla press slams JD then paintbrush slaps him. JD takes a powerplex and is pinned.

It was a quick squash here. It was nice to see SD Jones again. Roma looked real good here. 

Vince and Piper talk about next week's show.

Brother Love and Rick Martel say Jake Roberts will be the special guest next week. Rick says seeing is believing.

Piper says Blubber Love will be a sight for sore eyes next week.

Overall thoughts: From all reports, this was a shorter show. This clocked in at 27:54 minus the WWF Event Center's which were cut here. I'm not sure why the show was shorter. It was cool to see Shane Douglas here but it was mostly business as usual. No Ultimate Warrior like almost always and no Hulk Hogan. It doesn't seem like they put a ton of effort into this one and it wasn't real notable except for Shane Douglas being on the show.

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