Tuesday, April 23, 2024

NWA Powerrr 4/23/2024

NWA Powerrr 4/23/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/04/nwa-powerrr-4162024.html

There's an intergender main-event today. I will not be covering that.

US Tag Title Tournament - Mecha Wolf and Alex Misery vs Daisy Kill and Talos

Daisy signs a song on his ukulele before it starts. It ends with him saying he hates each and every one of the fans in Alabama. Wolf and Alex jump the heels before the song ends then Wolfe tope con hilos outside. Alex suicide dives on Talos and is caught. They go on the stage and Alex goes onto the powerstation lighting rig. Alex then moonsaults off the top onto security as Talos moved. Talos lariats him from behind. Talos tries to run Alex to the ring but Alex sends him into the post.

Wolf and Daisy trade shots then Daisy takes a flapjack. Wolf hits mounted shots on Daisy then he 2nd rope twisting forearms him. Daisy jawbreakers him then Alex flying forearms and lariats him. Alex springboards and is caught with a spinebuster.

Talos clubs on Alex then corner splashes him. Daisy hits chest kicks on Alex then side kicks him. Daisy puts Alex on his knees and Talos foot presses Alex down. Talos back body drops Alex then Alex spin kicks Daisy. Wolf is tagged in and hits forearms on Daisy. Wolf cartwheels into a basement dropkick on him. Alex is assisted into a springboard corkscrew dive on his opponents. Daisy takes a meet in the middle then Talos face kicks Wolf. Alex comes off the top and is caught and spinebustered onto Wolf. Talos then pins both opponents at once.

I liked this one. Alex is a good Darby Allin style flyer and has some charisma to him. Talos got to do his big man stuff and everyone came off well. Talos catching Alex's dive was cool and Alex hada nice springboard corkscrew dive outside.

The Southern Six do a promo. Ricky Morton  says Knox and Murdoch better understand than a man who tells the truth never walks alone. Kerry Morton said him and Alex own wrestling and the NWA. He says he will beat them next week. Alex says they will see how bad they are next week, but they ain't hot. Kerry says they don't make them like this anymore.

NWA Women's Title - Kenzie Page vs Natalia Markova

Page piefaces her then takes forearms and knees. Nat hits running back elbows and a running knee. Nat neckbreakers her for 2. Page begs off then kicks Nat over the middle rope. Nat is legswept onto the apron then Page usplexes her on the concrete floor.

They trade and Page gets the edge. Page face kicks her and pulls her down backwards with her feet. Nat goes up and over her in the corner then face kicks her. Nat misses a corner charge and goes into the 2nd buckle face first. Nat hits a nice top rope dropkick.

Nat trades chops for slaps with Page. Nat then hits her from behind for 2. Page hits a big superkick for 2. Nat running knees her in the corner. She suplex lifts her and knees her in the face. They trade forearms and Nat knees her in the face for 2. Page slingblades her then hits a nasty corner death valley driver for 2.

Nat knees her in the gut then double undehrook ddt's her for 2. Page cutters her for 2. Nat complains to the ref and is rolled up then hits another cutter. Page then gets the win while pulling on the tights.

I thought it was a good match here. Nat was a good face showing a lot of fire and expression. They had good strike exchanges here as well. Page didn't get a ton in on this one. I did not expect this to be that good.

Vampiro and Alex Misery come out with black roses. They get in the ring and give Nat black roses. Nat throws them down and walks away.

Miserably Faithful do a promo. James Mitchell asks if Mims lost his mind putting his hands on him. He said that shows  severe lack of intelligence and strategic planning. He says Mims has unleashed a hellstorm. He says they will beat Mims and his partners into a state of spiritual enlightenment. He says the company Mims keeps drags him down. He said playing Mr. Nice Guy only got him a beatdown. He says Mims will realize nice guys finish last when he looks in the mirror. Sal says Mims may have friends but not all friends are faithful.

As I said, I won't be watching the main. Mims' team lost and Mims turned on Dak Draper after. Carson Drake then stomps on Dak as well. Dak fights back and sends Drake into the rails. Dak walks towards Mims and asks what that was. Drake then hits Dak from behind and Mims throws Dak through the cage part of the lighting rig.

Overall thoughts: I only saw two of the three matches here. I liked both of them. Alex Misery was the highlight as usual in his match and Talos did his part as the big man. The women's match was pretty good with Markova being a good face with good fire against the heel Page.

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