Thursday, April 4, 2024

WWE Main Event 4/3/2024

WWE Main Event 4/3/2024

Last week's show is here:

Natalya vs Chelsea Green

Green pokes at her and they push each other. Nat rolls her up and Green calls for time out. Nat stomps the hand and Green stalls outside. Nat chases her to the entrance way and hits her out there. Green's head is banged off the rails.

Nat goes after her on the ropes, the ref stops her and Green zig zags Nat. Green snapmares Nat then Nat hits back elbows out of the corner. Nat comes off the top with a crossbody then lariats her. Nat spinning lariats her. Green goes for the sharpshooter and gets rolled up. Green then rolls her up with the tights and gets the win.

I thought Green did a good job here being a cowardly heel and eventually outsmarting Natalya. Not fantastic or anything but a decent heel vs face match.

Jinder Mahal vs Akira Tozawa

Akira evades Mahal to start and celebrates. Akira dodges punches and goes up and over in the corner. Mahal shoulders him over.

Mahal slams him and armlocks him. Akira 2nd rope hurricanrana's hin. Mahal catches his tope outside and throws him into the rails. We go to break and return. Mahal backdrops him then drops knees on him. Mahal knee chokes him.

Mahal chin and arm locks him then Akira ddt's him off a pop-up. Akira shining wizards him then hits a top rope dropkick for 2. Akira spin kicks him and hits a corkscrew kick. Akira rips his shirt off then misses a top rope senton. Mahal face kicks him then hits a cobra clutch slam to win it.

This was a fine little match. No, there weren't any big moves or spots here but it was basic heel and face stuff with Mahal picking up the win. Akira had fun little comebacks before being put down. 

Overall thoughts: There were only two matches as usual here, but both were fun little midcard matches. They were nothing you would remember or go to seek out, but they filled the time well. If you want to watch like 20 minutes of wrestling, there's worse options out there.

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