Wednesday, April 3, 2024

AEW Dynamite 4/3/2024

AEW Dynamite 4/3/2024

Last week's show is here:

Adam Copeland comes out. The mic has issues multiple times. He says it's a great time to be a wrestling fan. He says if you go on social media to complain about wrestling, you are a fan of wrestling. He said he grew up watching WWF and the crowd booed it. He talked about watching other promotions and said he loves wrestling. He said AEW is where he needs to end his career. He said he will put the locker room up against anyone and talks about people he wants to wrestle. He said he's having the most fun he had in his career. He said AEW is where the best wrestle.

He brings out Will Ospreay for some reason and the segment ends.

I don't know what the point of this was.

Will Ospreay vs Powerhouse Hobbs

Hobbs pushes him back before the bell then pounces him. Hobbs hits him in the gut. Will dropkicks him in the knee then Will is popped up and dropkicks Hobbs. Will hits kicks to the leg. Hobbs grabs the leg and lariats him. Will hits forearms then Hobbs lariats him over the top. Will plancha's him outside.

Will sends Hobbs into the steps. Will is sent into the rails but walks over them thne Hobbs suplexes him on the step. Hobbs slams him on the apron then fallaway slams him on the commentary table. We go to PiP break and return.

Will flips off of him then hits a handspring corkscrew kick. Will hits a springboard forearm then slaps him. Hobbs gets mad at him and tells him to do it again. Hobbs bearhug suplexes him then blocks a tornado ddt. Will cutters him out of the suplex. Hobbs lariats his neck then powerslams him for 2.

Hobbs misses a top rope splash then Will os cutters him. Will cradles him and hook kicks him. Hobbs hits a big lariat. Hobbs corner lariats him then 2nd rope twisting powerslams him for 2. Hobbs lifts him up and takes a ddt then Will hits a corkscrew moonsault off the top. Will hits a hidden blade and wins it.

It wasn't bad. Will didn't overdo it here thanks to Hobbs and the two worked over together. It would have been better as a traditional david vs goliath match but they didn't go that route. The result was a lose-lose here though as neither guy needed to lose this one.

Don Callis tries to raise both their hands after then Hobbs bats it away and goes after Will.  

Will poses on the ramp then Bryan Danielson's music hits. Bryan passes him and says something.

Bryan Danielson vs Lance Archer

Lance hits and stomps on him to start. Lance rakes Bryan's face off the middle rope then foot chokes him. Lance throws him on a suplex. Bryan dragon screws him and hits shots to the chest. Bryan works on Lance's legs with kicks and a dropkick.

They go outside. Lance catches Bryan's tope and chokeslams him on the apron. Lance beats up a crew member then slams him on Bryan. We go to PiP break and return. Lance hits chops on Bryan. Bryan flips over him using the ropes then Lance flying crossbodies him. Lance foot chokes him in the corner. Lance walks the top rope and Bryan crotches him on the rope.

Bryan hits flying kicks then Bryan lebell locks him. Lance ropebreaks. Bryan dropkicks him through the ropes then flying knees him off the apron. Bryan top rope dropkicks him then hits kicks to the chest. Lance chokeslams him for 2. Bryan sits on the ropes and Lance step up knees him. Lance goes for blackout and Bryan sleepers him while on his back.

Lance throws him over then Bryan flying knees him. Bryan buzzsaw kicks him several times then flying knees him to win.

It was a good with Bryan beating beaten down, trying to work the leg some and making his comeback to win. It made sense and they didn't overdo it here. Lance lost again as he usually does. 

Renee interviews Chris Jericho on the ramp. The crowd seems to make a groaning sound. Chris said he had a proposition for Hook to be his mentor. Chris said he wants to bring him out to clarify something with him. Hook comes out. Chris brings up Hook saying, "I know who you are". Chris brings up him turning on former allies. Chris says the rules are different when you play the game at the highest of levels like him. Chris asks him to believe in him as much as he believes in him.

Hook said he believes in him and got them a match. Hook said he will keep his eye on him and they pound fists.

Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty do an interview. They say Massachusetts has a great history of great fighters. Shane said he and Lee will add their names to that list. All they have to do is knockout Jericho and Hook. He said LionHook gets their @ss beat by Shane Taylor Promotions.

Billy Gunn vs Jay White

Billy nails Jay while he does his entrance. Billy throws him into the rails and forearms him in the spine. Jay is sent over the rails and Billy bangs Jays head off a trash can in the stands. Billy sends him into the rails at ringside then Jay sends Billy into the rails. Jay is sent into the steps and begs off. Jay crawls around then Billy lariats him over the top. We go to break and return.

Jay euros him in the corner and hits corner spears. Jay dropkicks him in the knee and tilt-a-whirl slams him. We see The Acclaimed down in the back on the tron. Billy hits a cobra clutch slam. Billy fameassers him and hits another. Billy gets a chair then Austin and Colten try to stop Billy. Jay low blows Billy and wins via disqualification.

I was not a fan of this at all. Billy was allowed to beat up Jay before the bell. They fought for a long time outside and weren't counted out. And Billy beat Jay like a dog all throughout this. Jay White is supposed to be this big star and he's taking a beating from a 50+ year old man. The finish was lame as well.

The Acclaimed recover from being donw in the back and save Billy from a 3v1. Jay tries to run and trips. The Acclaimed beat up on The Gunn's. Colten and Austin save Jay from going through a table.

We see The Young Bucks arrive earlier. We then see Best Friend's arrive with Trent's mom.

Willow, Kris and Stokeley are interviewed on the ramp. Willow says she's feeling "mother-fluffin great". Willow said she busted her butt in this town and drove up and down the highways. She said this is a home away from home and where she figured out who she was. She asked if she belonged in wrestling. She called herself a chubby, curly haired freak. She said she knows she can beat Julia Hart and will be the face of TBS.

Stoke said Willow had a banger last week and knocked it out of the park. He said she's something special.

Mercedes Mone comes out. She said she can't wait to watch Willow tear it up at Dynasty. She said she gets next on whoever is the TBS champ at Double or Nothing. She said money changes everything in Vegas.

AEW World Tag Title Tournament Semifinals - The Young Bucks vs Best Friends (Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta)

Trent's mom is out for this. Trent and a Buck shoulder battle then Trent knocks him over. A Buck takes a double shoulder then OC suplexes him. A Buck takes a double suplex. Trent crossbodies the ropes when one of The Buck's move.

Trent takes locomotion northern lights suplexes then Trent hits a tornado ddt. Trent hits a double knee press then he ispulled down onto the apron. OC gets his tope caught and is powerbombed on the apron. Trent then gets an apron bomb. The one Buck gets on commentary and says to cut to break.

We go to break and return. The faces get some offense in and OC top rope crossbodies a Buck. OC top rope lariats a Buck then takes a ddt. OC gets lariated and The Bucks do OC's slow motion kicks. The Bucks miss an EVP trigger then OC ddt's both of them. OC dives off the top with a ddt for 2.

A Buck is crotched up top then the other Buck takes a spike tombstone. A Buck takes a soul foot + release german. OC is superkicked then Trent takes a superkick + code red. Chuck gets superkicked outside and Trent's mom nearly is superkicked too. Trent mom does a slow motion slp then Oc hits an orange punch on a Buck. OC topes a Buck outside then a Buck takes a b-driver + top rope double stomp. OC hits another tope outside. Trent is catapulted into an exposed buckle and is pinned.

It wasn't that bad. OC didn't do comedy here and they just had a normal match for the most part. They also did not overdo it here which was a shocker. 

Best Friends go to hug and Trent flying knees OC in surprise heel turn. Best Friends is maybe over! YESS!!!!

Thunder Rosa vs Mariah May

Rosa hits forearms on May and chops her. Toni Storm is on commentary. Rosa corner splashes May and May hits forearms on Rosa in the corner. May hits a corner hip attack then a low shotgun dropkick for 2. May goes for a spinning side slam but Rosa turns it into a headscissors.

Rosa dropkicks May through the ropes and May forearms her on the apron. May kicks her then Rosa hurricanrana's her on the floor. Rosa crossbodies May against the rails. We go to break and return.

Toni welcomes us back. May and Rosa trade shots and slap each other. Rosa release germans her. May backdrops her. Rosa takes a running knee for 2. May headbutts her then Rosa hits a backstabber. Rosa hits a packade side bomb and wins it.

They had the obligatory women's slop here with them having some messy spots, but I liked the general idea of it. I dare say I even somewhat liked it at times.

Rosa tries to challenge Toni after to a match right now.

Penta El Zero Miedo and Alex do a promo. Alex said the people are for Penta and Penta is for the people. Alex said the people want Penta to have gold. Penta I think challenges Adam Copeland for next week. Penta said the people need a champ that has zero miedo.

Swerve Strickland and Samoa Joe come out to sign a contract for their match. Joe said Swerve hanged Page with a chain and it helped him in his rise to championship opportunity. Swerve appears to be wearing purple eye shadow. Joe said signing this contract is a big mistake and a career defining mistake. He said he will beat him so severely that he will be mentally scarred like he left P. Diddy's party too late.

Swerve said he wanted this moment all his life and dreamt about it as he didn't think it was possible. Swerve said they are building a dynasty in AEW. Swerve said the title is bigger than both of them. hE says Joe is the definition of a killer and so is he. Swerve said he turns AEW into his house at Dynasty then punches him. He chokes Joe with a chain and Joe just gets mad and headbutts him. Joe punches him with the chain many times, busting him open.

The refs break it up and Joe goes up the ramp. Swerve gets the mic and says he loves this sh!t. He said if that's all he's got that he's taking the title from him. He then signs the contract in his own blood. Joe runs down the ramp and uranages him through a table. Joe then puts his foot on Swerve's chest and poses.

I liked this segment and thought it was good. I do think multiple chain punches should have knocked Swerve out though.

Overall thoughts: I thought it was a good show. They limited the comedy and the moves and this made most of the matches good. I really didn't care for the Billy Gunn vs Jay White match though as it made Jay look real weak and I didn't get what Adam Copeland's segment was supposed to do other than respond to CM Punk.

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