Thursday, April 4, 2024

DEFY Wrestling 4/4/2024 DEFY Can't Deny It

DEFY Wrestling 4/4/2024 DEFY Can't Deny It

This is at least my first show of Wrestlemania Weekend 2024 (there were some yesterday but one was intergender and one didn't air). This one will be a live review.

Schaff is riding a dirt buggy says he's the baddest mofo in wrestling and wants all of the baddest mofos in the battle royale. He said he's coming for Philly.

DEFY Tag Team Title Match - The Bollywood Boyz (Gurv Sihra & Harv Sihra) (c) vs. Man Like DeReiss and Michael Oku

MLD does his usual rap during his entrance. He has cool light up sunglasses. He said Leon Slater didn't make it due to travel issues and brings out Michael Oku.

MLD and one of The Boyz lock up. They trade shoulders. MLD hits a headlock takeover and takes a headscissors. Skipping ahead, Oku takes an armlock then his arm is double axe handled. MLD does a springboard moonsault on one of the Boyz. Oku leapfrogs MLD and legdrops one of the bros in the nuts.

Oku takes a back bump on the apron and is sent into the seats. MLD has his head banged off the seats. Oku gets stomped on. Oku is lifted up and takes a back elbow off the top. One of the bros hits a spinning heel kick. Oku takes a back elbow. Oku is thrown out. He gets back in and hits a top rope froggy crossbody.

MLD gets the hot tag in and release germans one of The Boyz. He then hits a fallaway slam and a back body drop. Oku does a nice fosbury flop over the top. Oku hits a corner dropkick on one of The Boyz then that one gets powerbombed. MLD and Oku do stereo half-crabs.

The Boys do stereo sharpshooters. One of The Boyz takes something like a 3D then The Boyz take another 3D. MLD goes for a top rope frogsplash and one of The Boyz gets thier knees up. MLD takes a demolition decapitation and is pinned.

It was a long and slower opener and not how I would have done this. I would have just done a quick sub-10 minute spotfest with some flips and a fast pace.  DeReiss and Oku had multiple sloppy moves here.

CCK (Chris Brookes & Kid Lykos) vs. Moonlight Express (MAO & Mike Bailey)

Kid boots Mao then Mao hammerlocks him. Mao jumps over and goes under him then rolls him up. CB and Mike try to do a test of strength but CB is too tall. CB shoulders him over then is chest kicked over. Kid hits leg kicks on Mike and Mike checks one of them, hurting Kid.

Kid stomps Mike's foot and takes a push kick. Mike kicks him in the chest then hits a kick combo. CB grabs both opponents by the nose and rakes it then takes a double dropkick out. Mao and Mike get on the top rope, grab each other and moonsault out together.

Kid takes a double spinkick and Mao is back body dropped out. Kid gets on CB's shoulders and hits an electric chair off of it. CB hits a senton and Kid topes out. CB camel clutches Mike and with Kid, he puts his spit in Mike's ears.

Mike cradles Kid. Mao top rope kneedrops Kid then rolls into a stunner on CB. Mao shotgun dropkicks Kid then step up knees him. Mao corner face kicks Kid then running shotei's him for 2. Mao uppercuts Kid then is tripped int o 2nd rope CB double stomp. Kid slingshots into a pin attempt on Mao.

CB spin kicks Mao then Mao superkicks him. CB step up enzugiri's him then Mao corkscrew kicks him. Kid corkscrew crossbodies Mike then high kicks him. Mike spin kicks, axe kicks and chest kicks Kid. Mike running ssp's him for 2.

Mike triangle moonsaults outside then Mao misdirection punches CB. Mao and Mike each miss 2nd rope ultimate weapons. We get stereo standing spanish flies. Mike spinning corkscrew kicks Kid. Mike and Mao get on the buckles then do a top rope moonsault + ultimate weapon combo at the same time. Mao misses a top rope 450 while Mike hits a top rope moonault outside. Mao jumps over the ref and hits a stunner. Mike moonsault double knees Kid  the Mao corkscrew kicks CB.

Kid takes a double high kick then hits a canadian destroyer off the coriolis.  Kid brainbusters Mike for 2. CB top rope double knees Mike. Kid is back body dropped to the outside . Mike is in the gori bomb position and takes a springboard diamond dust. Kid's team wins it.

It was a fun match. Not a lot of logic or selling but they had some creative spots and didn't overdo it too much.

They had some music producer named Mega Ran come out to do commentary. They say he does "nerdcore".

DEFY Women's Title Three Way Match - Vertvixen (c) vs. Trish Adora vs. Sawyer Wreck

I didn't get to see all of this but it didn't look bad and got lots of time.

BMF Battle Royal

Luke Jacobs, Galeno Del Mal, LJ Cleary and Charles Crowley were the first four in. Crowley did his dancing entrance with a hat with jorns. Cleary came in and did flips. Shota comes in and hits back elbows then step up enzugiri's Crowley. Shota hits a tornado ddt then jawbreakers Galeno before getting hit. Gene Munney gets in. He hits a slingshot spear and kicks LJ in the crotch.

Gene eye pokes and headbutts Galeno then does a nice coast to coast twisting groin headbutt. Ricky Knight Jr. came out next. Ricky hits a springboard twisting crossbody then lifts 2 wrestlers on his shoulder for a samoan drop.

Schaff comes out next. He lariats Ricky and Shota then uranage's Gene. Gene superkicks Crowley in the gut then LJ 2nd rope canadian destroyers Gene. Gene then gets lariated out for the first elimination. LJ hits kicks on Crowley then they fight on the apron. LJ and Crowley both get crotched on the ropes by Gene and roll out to the floor for the elimination.

Shota double foots Schaff in bthe corner. Schaff blocks his tornado ddt then gorilla presses him out onto LJ and Crowley. Galeno dropkicks Schaff then lariats Ricky off the apron, eliminating him. Schaff forearms Galeno then Ricky ddt's him. Ricky hits a corner forearm. Luke top rope superplexes Schaff.

Luke hits forearms on Galeno and is slapped. Galeno takes a pop-up bomb then lariats Luke over the top. Glaeno and Schaff are the last two. They shove and forearm each other. Galeno headbutts him in the chest. Galeno is nearly pulled out and they trade forearms on the apron. Schaff death valley drivers Galeno on the apron and eliminates him. Schaff wins.

It wasn't bad here with the heavies getting some time and nobody really getting a chance to overdo it too much. As with most battle royales, it was 2 people going at it and everyone else tucked in the corner. Galeno didn't get to do most of his cool stuff here and Shota got little in.

C4XKC (Cody Chhun, Guillermo Rosas & KC Navarro) vs. Sovereign (Evan Rivers, Judas Icarus & Travis Williams) vs. Team Dragon Gate (Kzy, Ho Ho Lun & Shun Skywalker)

It started off slower than yo uwould expect. KC is flipped by Kzy. KC flips over Kzy. KC takes a stiff lariat. KZY is brought down by both arms then takes a stomps/boots to the back. Rivers hits a stiff lariat to the back of Kzy's neck. Rosas hits a back body drop then hits corner moves.

Rosas takes a double enzugiri in the corner. Williams springboard dropkicks Cody then Williams topes outside. Judas plancha's outside then Rivers dies outside. Williams handspring lariats Rosas. Rivers belly to belly suplexes Rosas for 2. Williams stomps on Rosas.

Judas falls from an electric chai outside. Rosas and Judas lariat battle then Judas is flipped with one. Cody hits forearms and single leg dropkicks. He then does a spinarooni. Cody hits corner splashes then does jabs on Judas. Cody ddt's Judas then KC top rope splashes Judas for 2.

Kzy is monkey flipped into two opponents then Lun suplexes Cody. Shun standing moonsault double knees Cody.  Shu is popped up into a german. Shun is held in the air and Rivers top rope moonsaults him. Rivers and Cody trade then Rivers pump handle emerald flowsions him. Priest works Rosas' arm then Lun leg lariats the back of Rosas's head. KC ddt's Lun.

Williams rolls Shun into a suplex. Williams back elbows Cody. Cody gets throgu ha double lariat then hits a double oscutter. Rosas hits a double spear then pulls the straps down. Rivers rolls in and gets fliipped then KC hits a shiranui on him. Rivers takess a high low and Cody's team picks up the win.

It was weird with only 2 men being instead of 3. It was flippy and spotty and of course but these large matches cover some of the limited selling. I'm not sure what went on with the electric chair spot outside here. We didn't see a ton of the Dragon Gates in this one. I did kind of end up liking this, but you know the deal with this one.

Cody's team does spinarooni's after.

DEFY World Title Match - KENTA (c) vs. Gringo Loco

They trade basic holds. Loco flips out of the corner. Loco hits him in the gut then they shoulder battle. Kenta pulls him down by the hair. Kenta diving hurricanrana's him off the apron to the floor. Kenta hits punches on Loco in the crowd. Loco hits chops then takes punches.

Loco's head is banged off the post. Kenta snapmares Loco then kneedrops his head. Kenta eye pokes him. Loco kicks him in the gut then handspring back elbows him. Loco hits an emerald flowsion for 2. Loco snapmares Kenta then kicks him in the back. Loco ties up Kenta's legs then armlocks him and poses on him.

Loco double jump corkscrew moonsaults him for 2. Loco chops Kenta then Kneta running knees him in the gut. Kenta hits a nice lariat then hits a kick combo. Kenta fisherman suplexes him. Kenta tornado ddt's him over the top rope then top rope lariats him. Kenta stf's him

Kenta hits uraken's on Loco and Loco sitout powerbombs him off a poisonrana. Kenta ddt's him on the apron. Kenta dropkicks him in the corner then top rope double stomps him. Loco has him up for an emerald fwlosion the spins him around into a ddt. Kenta hits forearms on Loco then Kenta falcon arrows him.

Kenta goes up top and is hit. Loco does a top rope falcon arrow. Loco is thrown into the ref twice and the ref goes down. Kenta ddt's him then chairs him. Kenta misses a tile belt shot then takes a pop-up fire thunder driver. The ref is out though so there's no pin. Loco corkscrews off the top and takes a knee from Kenta. Kenta busaiku knees him for 2.

Ketnta hits hard slaps then hits a go to sleep. Kenta then wins it.

It started off not that bad, but still kind of slow. Then it kept going with a ref bump and them doing too much as usual. I was not a fan of this.

Overall thoughts: I will try to catch the women's match later. It was a longer and slower show despite having a lot of more indy style wrestlers. There were 3 matches I somewhat liked here and I would recommend either Mike Bailey tag or the 3 way tag if you wanted to see something from it. Itt wasn't must see but had a lot of people on the show and was better than I had expected.

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