Thursday, April 11, 2024

WWE Main Event 4/10/2024

WWE Main Event 4/10/2024

Last week's show is here:

Katana Chance and Kayden Carter vs Zoey Stark and Shayna Baszler

SB backs up Carter in the corner then Carter back rolls her. Carter dropkicks her off the bottom rope then SB is tripped into a low dropkick. Chance slingshot swantons her then armbars SB. SB blind springboards over Zoey and dropkicks her. Carter monkey flips Chance into Zoey in the corner.

Carter flips Chance onto Zoey. Zoey superkicks Carter then Chance is popped up into an SB knee. SB armlocks Chance then is tripped into the middle rope. Chance step up enzugiri's Zoey. Carter gets the hot tag in and hits forearms on both opponents. Carter flying dropkicks SB in the corner.

Carter rolls Zoey into a kick then face kicks her on the bottom rope. Carter springboard legdrops her for 2. Chance and Carter do a tandem springboard moonsault and twisting legdrop. SB stomps Carter's arm into the mat then running knees her. Chance springboards, is caught and takes a Z360. Zoey wins.

This was a really fun match. The faces did their flying here and did some offense I hadn't seen them do before. They did not take it easy here despite this being on a show nobody saw. The finish was pretty cool here with Zoey catching Chance and flipping her for a knee to the face. 

Ivar vs Julius Creed

The Creeds wore shirts out and had about as no thrills of an entrance as you could have.

They lock up and JC side headlocks him. Ivar shoulders him over then pounds on him. Ivar hits a mongolian chop then JC does a stiff running shoulder. JC flying forearms him in the corner then dropkicks him. JC lariats Ivar over the top the plancha's him.

We go to break and return. Ivar misses a corner splash then gets up in the corner and butt drops him. Ivar headbutts him then JC hits shots. Ivar sits on the top rope and JC dropkicks him while he's there.

JC misses a plancha and takes a face kick. Ivar cannonballs him off the apron. Ivar is back up top, JC jumps to the top then superplexes him for 2. JC back body drops him while Iar has a double underhook on. Ivar tiger drivers him for 2.

JC jumping knees him then rolls him down into a slam. JC misses a 450, landing on his feet. Ivar spinning high kicks him for 2. Ivar sits up top and JC jumps up there. Ivar 2nd rope powerslams him then hits a top rope moonsault to win it.

It was a fun match here. These guys matched up well as expected and had an athletic match. It's a shame nobody will really get to see it though. JC seems to have lost some of his size since he got off the NXT brand.

Overall thoughts: There were only 2 new matches here but both looked good on paper and both delivered. If they are going to do Main Event in this way then they should throw hidden gems like these two matches out there once in a while that make it worthwhile. I liked this one.

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