Thursday, April 11, 2024

TNA Xplosion 4/5/2024

TNA Xplosion 4/5/2024

Last week's show is here:

We only got one new match here and a Gia Miller interview:

Around the Ring with Gia Miller

Chris Sabin is this week's guest. Chris Sabin has a band with Alex Shelley, Petey Williams and some other people called "The High Crusade". Sabin said his buddy has a studio so they were able to record and practice there for free. They do punk rock and have two albums. They say they have two albums, but the second one was released without fully being finished.

Chris said he plays base guitar. He said Alex Shelley is the singer and said Petey Williams plays guitar. He said "Woodward" is his favorite song that they have done. Sabin said Gia is his wife's favorite near the end. Gia said Sabin has always been his favorite wrestler.

They re-showed Alex Shelley vs Nic Nemeth from Impact this week.

Ace Austin vs Mike Bailey vs Kushida

They do a double waistlock and headlock spot early. Ace gets out of a double hiptoss, hits one then Kush hits a hiptoss > cartwheel > basement dropkick. Kush baseball slides Mike then shotei's Ace in the corner. Kush hurricanrana's Ace off the top and poses.

Kush kicks Mike in the arm as he slides in. Ace leg kicks Mike then Kush dropkicks Mike in the arm. Kush armbreakers Ace over the shoulder. Mike hits boots out of the corner then 2nd rope double dropkicks his opponents.

Mike spin kicks, axe kicks and chest kicks Kush. Mike misses a running ssp then Ace jumps over his back to kick Kush. Ace russian legsweeps Mike then misses a legdrop. Kush la magistral's Ace for 2. Kush rolls up Ace then Mike does a double crucifix pin attempt. Mike backslides Kush for 2. Ace then does a double backslide. Ace takes double buzzsaw kicks then Kush and Mike high kick each other at the same time.

Kush hits kicks on Mike on the apron. Mike legsweeps him and misses a moonsault double knee on the apron. Ace superkicks Kush, handstands then kicks Mike from the apron. Ace fosbury flops on both opponents outside.

Ace misses a kick off the ropes. Kush handspring kicks him off the aprom. Mike handsprings off the ropes and is caught. Ace kicks Kush off the ropes, slides out and Mike top rope moonsaults him outside. Mike ssp's off the top right into a punch from Kush. Kush flip dives off the buckles to Mike outside. Ace rolls up and bridges Kush for 2 then Kush triangles him. Ace deadlifts him up then Kush hoverboard locks him. Ace submits before Mike can stop it.

It was a shorty, fast paced and flippy three way. I liked it for what it was. They didn't do too much and they had some creative spots here. 

Overall thoughts: We only got one new match here as has been the case lately. I do wonder if this is due to the new people in charge trying to cut the budget down some. The one match we got was fun, but it would really be nice to get a second match here. I wouldn't recommend it.

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