Sunday, April 21, 2024

WOW Women of Wrestling 4/20/2024 Season 4, Episode 32

WOW Women of Wrestling 4/20/2024 Season 4, Episode 32

Last week's show is here:

Miami Sweet Heat come out and say they want their tag title rematch. The Mother Truckers come out and hit them with weapons. They tell them they can get their title shot anytime and anywhere. The match ends up being made for tonight.

Stipulation Match - Ariel Sky vs Coach Campanelli

If Ariel Sky wins, she can join Top Tier, if she loses, she becomes the water girl for Top Tier.

Sky headlock takeovers her then goes up and over in the corner. Sky backflips and corner spears here ala Kiana James. Sky cartwheels into a basement dropkick. Sky is kicked off the apron by Coach then Coach stomps on her. Coach corner lariats her then snapmares her.

Coach walks on Sky's neck then bangs her head off the mat.  Coach elbow drops her then chinlocks her. Sky step up enzugiri's Coach then is pulled down from the buckles. Coach hits an unprettier/buzzer beater and gets the win.

It was okay for what it was. Sky was obviously going to lose this one and it was just a question of how. They could have maybe had Coach outsmart her or frustrate her some before winning.

Coach gives Sky the water bucket after and the ring announcer announces Sky as the new water girl.

Samantha Smart and The Classmaster do a promo. Smart says Jane thinks she's this big bad drill sergeant, but she will look more like a recruit or maggot. She said The Classmaster will take her to school and teach her who the true IQ Superior is. The Classmaster says she will make her read the book.

GI Jane vs The Classmaster

Jane hits knees to the body then back splashes her. Jane trips her then elbow drops her back. Jane is tripped into the buckles then is thrown across the ring. Class stops a kick then hits a spinning lariat. Class hits a nice legdrop then crabs her.

Class leg drops Jane then does a nice grounded octopus(scholar collar). Jane rainmakers her then hits short arm lariats. Jane impressively backdrops (maggot drop) her. Class bangs Jane's head off the buckles and Smart trips Jane. Class kicks Jane in the leg then face kicks her. Class then gets the win.

Not the greatest execution here as Class' kicks didn't really hit and Jane needs more force behind her shots.

Samantha Smart gets on the mic after. She said Jane must be embarrassed because it looked like she didn't complete her basic training. Smart says she's the leader of the class and calls the fans maggots.

Adriana Gambino talks. She said Princess Aussie has stuck her nose in others business for the last time. She said she's the boss and she will have her muscle, Reina del Rey, behind her.

Kandi Krush and Princess Aussie talk in the back. Aussie said she loves the tracksuit. Krush asks her what she wants. Aussie asks if she saw what Adriana Gambino did by attacking her. Kandi is mad at her for bringing this drama to her. Kandi said she helped her when Aussie needed it but Aussie didn't help her. She said she's the entire reason she had the WOW belt. Aussie said that sounds one sided. She said Krush put a tracksuit on and forgot who her friends really are. Krush says they should settle it in the ring then and Aussie agrees. 

BK Rhythm vs Sasha Sparks

Ariel Sky is not with Sasha and Pep Reilly. The announcer asks if this is the whole Team Spirit now. BK said she's the best ever and hot like the sun, saying Sasha can't handle the weather. BK says she's the quarterback of The Brat Pack and she's winning today.

BK wristlocks Sasha then Sasha does it to her. Sasha flying headscissors her then armdrags her. BK chokes her on the ropes and The Brat pack poses as Sasha is choked. Sasha rolls BK up then BK snapmares her and twists her neck.

Sasha jawbreakers BK and kicks her while on the ropes. Sasha hits back elbows and step up knees her. Sasha hits a bulldog for 2 then BK full-nelson slams her for the win.

It was a real basic match and the crowd wasn't too into it.

David McClane interviews Jessie Jones in the ring. We see clips of Jessie Jones screwing Americana last week out of the WOW Title. Jones says she has all night and a microphone so she will wait. She said David should know better than to stick his nose in her business. Jones says Miss Americana is a klutz and fell down. Dave says he spoke to Santana Garrett and said she wants a tag team match. Jones isn't impressed. She said she beat Santana and Americana in singles matches and will find a partner to beat them. She says she's not scared.

The Mother Truckers do a promo. Holly said they beat Miami Sweet Heat multiple times and said they won't take the tag titles from them. Betty said they beat them every time they got in the ring with them. They said if you forgot, then honk honk.

WOW Tag Titles - The Mother Truckers (c) vs Miami's Sweet Heat

The faces get hit from behind to start. Holly butt drops Lindsay out of the corner and meteoras her in the back. Holly pushes Laurie over and pounds on her. Laurie takes a double back elbow then a double elbow drop. Laurie backbreakers Holly.

Holly is put on the 2nd rope and footpressed down. Lana Starr grabs onto Holly outside and Lindsey pounds on Holly there. Holly takes a double boot in the corner then is thrown by the hair. Holly fights back and is thrown backwards.

Holly is picked up and thrown onto her chest. Holly is catapulted into a forearm from Lindsey. Lindsey misses an elbow drop then Laurie misses a coast to coast dropkick. Holly hits a facebuster out of a move on the shoulders. Betty and Laurie get in.

Betty hits a rainmaker for 2 then both tag out. Holly crucifixes Lindsey for 2 then Betty hits a stunner on Laurie. Holly spins Laurie and lariats her. Penelope Pink and Vickie Lynn McCoy then come in and beat up the faces, giving the faces the win via DQ.

The refs come out to break up the fight and Betty is out. Holly takes a shot at Pink and McCoy and the show ends.

It was a decent main here. They had some rough spots and the crowd wasn't as into it as they should have been which brought it down some. I like the feud but they may need to have a blowoff match soon as the match has been done several times now. 

Overall thoughts: It was okay overall as they really do have some good longterm feuds going between Heat/Truckers, Jones vs Santana and Garrett and now Sky vs Coach. I liked the opener and the main here. The matches aren't always the greatest in WOW but the booking and the personalities usually make up for it.

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