Sunday, April 21, 2024

TNA Rebellion 2024 4/20/2024

TNA Rebellion 2024 4/20/2024

DJ Ashba did the national anthem on a guitar.

We get a nice intro video here with The System and Nic Nemeth walking around Vegas. The System appear to be following him. Nick somehow gets behind them, walks away and says "f*ck The System".

X-Division Title - Mustafa Ali (c) vs Jake Something


Ali arrives in a limo. Ali is pushed back to start then Jake swings him around on the lock up. Ali flips over him in the corner and offers a handshake, but Jake crunches his hand. Jake shoulders him over then bodyblocks Ali on a leapfrog attempt. Ali is pushed down on the top rope then Ali flying kicks him twice in the corner. Jake flips him with a lariat for 2.

Ali throat thrusts him then takes a big back body drop out. Jake misses a chop near the steps and chops the steps. Ali slides under the bottom buckle, Jake does as well and is caught in a cool ddt on the floor. Jake pushes Ali into the rails then Ali slingshots in to a rolling neckbreaker. Ali then does another on the ramp.

Ali hits a neckbreaker when Jake tries to get in. Jake catches a tornado ddt attempt then Ali tornado ddt's him on the 2nd try. Ali standing moonsaults him and superkicks him. Jake fires up and blocks a hurricanrana, hitting a powerbomb off of it. Jake does a nice sitout torture rack drop down.

Jake gets stuck on the buckles and Ali gemrans him on the apron. Ali's secret service guards put Jake in the ring then hold him for a 450 from Ali. Ali of course only gets a 2 count. Jake powers up and shakes the ropes. Ali slides out and Jake suicide dives him and the guards. Jake gets in and is rolled up for 2. Ali comes off the ropes and is swatted down with a forearm. Jake black hole slams Ali for 2.

Ali eye rakes him and Jake goes into the post shoulder first. Ali then rolls him up and pins him while using the ropes.

I really liked the first half of this. Ali's ddt under the bottom buckle was great, he took a nice back body drop to the outside and Jake's hurricanrana counter was cool. Then they just kept going and kept going and it ended up being too much for me. I'd say it was still good overall but they missed their chance for a great one here by needlessly extending the match.

Rich Swann vs Joe Hendry

We get Joe Hendry's entrance video with AJ Francis and Rich Swann inserted into the video and clapping for him. It was obviously done with AI, but however they ended up doing it was pretty cool. Joe gets on the mic. He said AJ and Rich came down with a serious case of "Hendrymania". He said they need to watch out for the symptoms as it causes audiences to chant "we believe". He said they believe in Joe Hendry.

Rich has the ghettoest looking gear on. Rich gets Joe's back and clubs him. Joe does a fireman's carry press on him then Rich sends him into the step outside. Rich puts Joe's eye into the sharp end of the steps. AJ cheap shots Joe and says "I believe in that".

Rich rakes Joe's face and the fans chant "Dollar Tree" at the heels. Rich hits shots on Joe then eye rakes him again and pulls his arms back. Joe is guillotine choked and suplexes Rich. Joe hits lariats then hits AJ on the apron. Rich does a full flip on a back body drop bump.

Joe runs the ropes and AJ pulls him out. AJ gets a chain from one of his buddies. NFL football player, Shawn Merriman, stops AJ from using it. Shawn gets in the ring and AJ wants to fight with him. Shawn then lariats Joe in a surprising turn of events behind the ref. Rich then top rope splashes Joe and wins it.

The match wasn't that great and really just was there to build to Shawn Merriman turning on Joe.

One of the influencer girls there twerks on Joe after. 

Full Metal Mayhem - Eric Young vs Frankie Kazarian

EY hits Kaz with his mask. EY goes for a piledriver and Kaz rolls out. Kaz takes a baseball slide into the rails and a table. EY drops a ladder on Kaz. A ladder is bridged and EY ends up going into it. EY is back body dropped into the ring.

Kaz legdrops EY over the middle rope then slingshot ddt's him for 2. Kaz runs and throws a lariat at EY. Kaz slams EY on a ladder then misses a springboard legdrop on a ladder. Kaz is thrown into the ladder in the corner. EY hits him with a cookie sheet and trash can lid. EY grabs a spike 2x4 and tries to use it on Kaz. Kaz avoids it and misses a shot with it. Kaz spears EY off the apron onto a table.

They trade forearms on their knees then get up and trade. They trade cookie sheet shots then hockey fight. EY death valley drivers him for 2. Kaz chokes EY with a chain and wraps it around his mouth. EY throws Kaz off the top with the chain wrapped around him. 

Kaz has a trash can put on his head and EY hits shots with a chai on it. EY top rope elbow drops the can on Kaz's head. Kaz hits an unprettier on the ladder on EY. Kaz is crotched on the top rope then EY is low blowed on the top rope. Kaz top rope spanish flies him through a table, busting EY's head open hardway. Kaz then wins it.

The finish was real dangerous here and shouldn't have been done. Someone could have died on that one. It was a longer and slower match. The idea was good and they had a solid match but it would have been better if it were quicker and in front of a better crowd.

Gia Miller interviews Nic Nemeth. Nic says this is it and what we all have been waiting for. He says this is the go time for him. He says tonight is special and said his dad is here. He says the roster, world and TNA are ready for something new. He says he will walk out of here world champ.

Steve Maclin comes out with a contract. He said he would make his presence known. He said he he has a brand new contract and said his demands were met. He said there's one more demand he wants. He wants a match right here, right now and won't leave until he gets it.

Sainto Marella comes out. He said they could have talked about this in the back. He said he's a lucky son of my gun. He said he signed a new superstar and he's ready to get started. He said the match will happen right now.

Steve Maclin vs Mike Santana

Steve pushes him, Mike slaps him and they fight. Mike runs him over and hits lariats. Mike lariats him over the top then tope con hilos him outside. Mike is sent into the post then dropped face first on the apron. Steve back elbows him then uranage backbreakers him. Steve lariats him off the off side of the ropes.

Steve leg lariats him on the ropes then chinlocks him. Mike avoids a crosshairs then Mike back rolls into a cutter on him. Mike enzugiri's him then is forearmed. Steve jumps up and takes a death valley driver.

Steve flying knees Mike and top rope headbutt drops him.  Mike face kicks him then hits a corner cannonball. Steve michinoku drivers him. Mike face kicks him and spinning lariats him to win it.

I thought it was a little longer and slower than it needed to be and I did not like Maclin being sacrificed for this one. I feel like one of The Good Hands would have been perfect for this role instead. Santana has some potential and I think TNA is a better place for him to find it than AEW is. 

The System are interviewed. Gia asks if Masha is part of The System. Eddie says no and says it's just a way to add gold around Alisha's waist. Brian says Speedball Mountain can't steal their thunder because they are the sky around here. Moose says Nic has his whole family here. He says he will leave Vegas still world champ. He says he has a special guest to support him and brings out John Abraham, who is a football player. John says he feels like a proud big brother. He said they forgot he's The System.

TNA Tag Titles - The System (Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers) vs Speedball Mountain

Brian and Mike start us off. The heels get the edge early. Mike dropkicks Brian and is chopped down by Eddie. Eddie takes chops from both opponents then takes a oduble hiptoss and PK. Trent is corscrew senton'd onto Eddie.

Trent ddt's Eddie for 2. Eddie sends Trent into the steps knee first. Trent's knee is dropped on the steps. Eddie beats up on Trent then Trent punches him down. Mike top rope dropkicks Brian then face kicks Eddie. He spin kicks and axe kicks Brian. Mike running ssp's him for 2.

Trent superplexes Brian then Mike top rope ssp's Brian for 2. Eddie and Trent trade chops and Eddie double underhook powerbombs Trent for 2. Eddie single leg crabs Trent and Mike tries to break it with a kick flurry. Mike triangle moonsaults outside. Mike spin kicks Eddie into a dragon suplex for 2. Trent takes a backpack stunner + top rope elbow drop for 2.

The faces do stereo ripcord moves. Eddie takes a burning hammer then Mike 2nd rope ultimate weapon's him for 2. Mike dives off the apron onto Brian but Brian spears him down to the floor in mid-air. Trent splits Eddie's fingers then Brian lariats Trent. Eddie hits a boston knee party on Trent and gets the win.

They did too much as customary in every Trent Seven match. I like Mike as part of a team here than on his own but Trent isn't the best partner for him. I was glad to see The System retain. Like everything else on the show, the crowd wasn't that great and brought things down.

Last Man Standing Match - Hammerstone vs Josh Alexander


Josh attacks Hammer as soon as he gets in. He hits forearms and stomps on him. Josh dropkicks him off the buckles then Hammer back body drops him. Hammer hits shots in the corner then hits a big spinebuster.

Josh boots him out of the corner then hits face kicks. Josh germans him and Hammer no sells it. Hammer belly to belly suplexes Josh. Josh hits forearms and another german. Josh drop down slams Hammer on the apron. Hammer then throws Josh off the top onto the apron.

Hammer throws Josh down onto the rails throat first. Hammer suplexes Josh on the floor. They fight on the apron  and Hammer is half-nelson suplexed on the apron. Josh bangs Hammer's leg off the post then figure fours him on the post.

Hammer hits Josh in the face with Josh's headgear. Josh forearms him in the ear and busts it open. Josh hits slaps then Hammer fallaway slams him. Hammer pump kicks Josh's head against the post. Hammer torture racks Josh then pump kicks him. Josh then surprises him with an ankle lock out of nowhere. 

 Hammer is put in tree of woe and pounded on. Josh crossbodies him as he hangs. Josh hits knees and a face kick. Josh pours thumbtacks in the ring. They fight on the buckles and Josh takes a nightmare pendulum off the buckles onto the tacks. Josh beats the 10 count by rolling out.

They fight on the floor then Hammer hits Josh with his own headgear. Josh forearms him then half-nelson suplexes him on the ramp. Josh hits a c4 spike on the ramp and wins it.

It was long and slower paced with lots of suplexes on the apron and ramp. I thought they did too much here. I didn't like Hammer losing here as TNA is dying for new stars and Hammer has the potential to be that guy. The crowd was not as into it as they should have been and hurt the match by being so quiet. Hammer was noticeably thinner here than he was in previous weeks with his HGH gut being gone.

George Iceman gets on the mic before the Knockouts Title match. He said we are missing a memorable component, the most beautiful spectator in the building, Ash by Elegance.  Ash then comes out in a box seat.

We get another Jonathan Gresham segment. He's dreaming and a nature announcer talks. Jon's meeting ends and he says he will become his true self when he wears a mask. Jon starts coughing black goo up. Jon sees the octopus mask guy (who is now White) in the mirror. We then see Jon putting the mask on and they say Babylon can be rebuilt, all that is needed is an axe.

TNA Knockouts title - Jordynne Grace vs Steph De Lander

This is not worthy of a semi-main and would not be happening here if these girls were men. Steph has The Good Hands with her. Grace jumps at Steph and is put in the corner. Grace hits a forearm in the corner and throws Steph out. Grace then topes her and pounds on her outside. Steph TKO's her on the top rope then hits mounted shots.

Steph running face kicks her then chokes her on the ropes.  Grace gets on her back for a sleeper then Steph throws her off. Grace is put on the buckles and Steph face kicks her. Steph suplexes her for 2 then back body drops her into the ring.

Steph suplexes her and Grace no sells it. Steph hits a lariat. Grace gets her back for a sleeper and Steph drops her back to escape it. The Good Hands distract the ref. Steph tries to hit Grace with a title belt but Grace avoids it. The ref gets knocked down then Steph germans Grace. Steph hits Grace with the belt and The Good Hands take the ref's ref shirt on. One of The Good Hands tries to count the pinfall then the lights go out.

The lights come back on and PCO stops Hotch from counting. PCO grabs both Good Hands and double chokeslams them. He then double lariats them over the top rope and Rehwoldt says he just took out the ref. Steph flirts with PCO. PCO stops her then goes for a chokeslam. Kon comes out to save her and hits PCO. PCO is backdropped on the apron and takes a hard fall down.

Grace gets up and pushes Kon (lmao) then Kon pushes her down. Grace low blows Kon then puts him on her shoulders. The Good Hands then save Kon. Kon then does the neck snap to Grace but the lights go out. Sami Callihan appears in the ring and hits The Good Hands and Kon with a bat. Sami hits a piledriver and throws Steph back in the ring. Grace hits a made in japan on Steph and wins it.

This wasn't much of a match and was a sideshow here with refs going down, people pretending to be refs and full scale fights going on between people not even in the match. Like a lot of people, I'm not a huge Sami Callihan fan and he has put on a lot of weight which further limits what he can do. I didn't like Grace being able to knock down Kon here.

TNA World Title - Moose (c) vs Nic Nemeth

Nic's brother Ryan Nemeth of AEW is in the first row. Moose has a new robe and has a nice shiny dress on.

Nic takes Moose down and pounds on him. Nic grabs his back and sleepers him. Moose throws him over then is pulled oer the top rope. Nic pulls Moose's throat down over the top rope. Nic dives on him off the apron then is dropped face first onto the apron. Nic is thrown hard into the buckles.

Moose hits chops then pump kicks him. Moose is back body dropped onto the ramp then Nic hurricanrana's him on it. Nic top rope dropkicks him then hits a jumping ddt for 2. Nic tunes the band then Alisha grabs Nic's foot. Moose then hits Nic. The System are caught cheating and are ejected by the ref.

Moose gets distracted then is superkicked for 2. Nic jumps on Moose's back for a sleeper. Moose tries to roll him but Nic holds on. Moose climbs the ropes with Nic on him then falls back. 

Moose throws Nic out then sends him into the post. Nic stands on the ramp and superkicks him then fameassers him off the ramp to the floor. Nic corner splashes him then neckbreakers him. Nic elbow drops him off the apron on the floor. Nic hits a top rope elbow drop for 2. Moose headbutts him then pulls him off the ropes for a sky high.

Nic sunset flips him then backslides him. Moose rolls out then powerbombs him. They fight on the ramp. Nic gets powerbombed on the ramp which knocks a light over and knocks the feed out somehow. Moose moonsaults to nothing then takes a fameasser for 2.

They trade forearms and punches. They hockey fight and Nic superkicks him. Moose pump kicks him then takes a big lariat. Nic fameassers him for 2. Nic sunset flips him and superkicks him. Nic hits a spear for 2. Moose hits a rolling spear and gets the win.

It was a decent main but not a classic. I thought the finish could have been a little better here. The match was a little better than I expected and I thought having The System thrown out here early hurt things. They should have stayed and cost Nic the match somehow to save him the clean loss. I'm fine with Nic Nemeth losing as long as they are going to make a long term Cody Rhodes style storyline of him choking. That could work well.

The System come out after and clap for Moose. The tron starts going crazy with weird videos saying "lights out". The lights go out and Matt Hardy appears. Matt hits a twist of fate on Moose and starts a "delete" chant. Matt holds up the TNA title belt. 

Look, TNA is a smaller promotion and they have to work with what they can afford. But Matt Hardy really can't move that well anymore and he should not be in a main event program. 

Overall thoughts: It was a longer and slower paced show. It was a good effort overall and everything got enough time to the point of getting too much time in some cases. The show had lots of special guests and some returns here. Some were good like Mike Santana and some weren't like Matt Hardy and Sami Callihan. I do think it at least freshens things up a little which is something TNA needs. They tried here and the show made up for some weeks of lackluster TV. I would have had the Full Metal Mayhem match later in the show and I would not have had the women in the semi-main.

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