Saturday, April 20, 2024

AEW Rampage 4/20/2024

AEW Rampage 4/20/2024

Last week's show is here: 

Jon Moxley does a promo. He said the IWGP Title will be on the line for the first time on Dynamite next week. He says it's do or die and he was born for these moments. He said maybe he gets struck by lightning and Hobbs shocks the world. He asks if Callis knows who Hobbs is and where he came from. Mox says he does. He said he always knew Hobbs had something in his guts and said if he hasn't found it, he will find it for him on Dynamite. He said he will give him a gift - showing him who he really is. He says it will be a bitter pill to swallow. He says anything can happen in wrestling and says not to hesitate for a second, because he won't.

Elimination Match - Komander vs Lee Johnson vs Rob Van Dam vs Isaiah Kassidy

All four tease locking up by RVD get out of the way. Zay is double basement dropkicked. Lee armdrags Kom and Kom armdrags him back. They then stand off. RVD kicks Zay off the buckles and then spin kicks Lee. RVD and Kom stand off then RVD is pushed into him. Zay backcrackers RVD then does his pose.

Zay misses a rolling thunder. RVD spinning high kicks him in the corner then monkey flips him. RVD hits rolling thunder on Zay for 2. Lee throws RVD out then back body drops Kom outside. Lee tope con hilos Kom and Zay outside.

Lee hits a blue thunder on Zay then eye rakes him. Zay rolls up Lee and pulls the tights. Lee Johnson is eliminated. We go to PiP break and return. Kom and Zay trade. Zay is back body dropped over the top to the floor. Kom dropkicks RVD in the knee. Kom flying forearms RVD in the corner. Kom runs up the buckles and blind moonsaults off the ropes onto Zay outside.

Kom hurricanrana's RVD on the floor. Kom springboard swantons Zay for 2. Kom ropewalks and is crotched up top. Zay tells RVD he has got his back. Zay rolls up RVD for 2. RVD springboard kicks Kom on the ropes. Quen pulls RVD out and bangs his head off the apron. Kom ropewalk SSP's Zay and pins him. Isaiah Kassidy is eliminated.

Kom and RVD get pin attempts on each other. RVD pump kicks him then Kom rolls him into a pin attempt for 2. RVD northern lights suplexes Kom then takes a step up enzugiri. RVD goes for a superplex and kicks him off the ropes. RVD spinning leg drops Kom then top rope frogsplashes him to win it.

Thoughts: I don't really like RVD going over these guys since he's not a true member of the roster. RVD really looks good for his age and wear and tear but he had some sloppy moments here. The match ran a little long and wore out its welcome with me.

Yuka Sakazaki vs Emi Sakura

Here's a random one. Emi rushes her and hits boots in the corner. Emi rolls her up then tiger drivers her for 2. Emi hits chops then Yuka rolling snapmares her into kicks. Yuka sliding lariats her for 2 then STF's her. Emi bittes Yuka.

Yuka tries to cartwheel off the ropes to the apron and misses, landing hard on the floor. Yuka is limping and Emi chops her. Emi teases throwing stuff into the crowd but doesn't. Instead of attacking Yuka while she's hurt, she gives her plenty of time to heal for some reason. Yuka walks around the ring and eventually runs slowly. Emi eye rakes her. Yuka jumps off the apron and hurricanrana's her.

We go to PiP break then full break and return. Yuka is knocked off the ropes then Emi crossbodies her off the apron. Emi crossbodies her into the steps then double underhook backbreakers her inside. Emi is on the buckles and is enzugiri'd. Yuka gets on the bottom rope and germans her while she's on the middle rope. Yuka then wins it.

Thoughts: This was a disaster with Yuka getting injured and the match continuing when it shouldn't have. And instead of Emi working on the injured Yuka, she goofed around. This was also a cold match to begin with as it had no real storyline purpose. 

Angelo Parker comes out to talk. He said he had a tough year but gained the love of his life along the way. He said he lost that too due to his actions. He said he lost to Zak Knight last week in a match he should have won. He said he only wanted to make his dad proud and said he did that over the years. He said he doesn't have a lot left to fight for and teases retiring.

Ruby Soho comes out. She said she can't let him do this. She said it breaks her heart that he says he has nothing to fight for. Ruby says she's pregnant. Angelo is shocked then he kisses her as she explains it. They are all happy and the segment ends. 

Kyle O'Reilly, Matt Menard and Rocky Romero vs The Undisputed Kingdom (Roderick Strong, Matt Taven and Mike Bennett)

Kyle and Strong start us off. Strong ducks him and tags out. Mike and Kyle lock up. Mike shoulders him over then Kyle knees him in the gut. Mike's head is banged off the buckles then his arm is yanked. Menard armdrags Taven. RR hurricanrana's Taven then corner lariats him.

RR hits shots on Mike and Taven then RR takes a powerbomb + zig zag combo. Strong chops RR. RR is on Mike's knees and takes a springboard elbow drop from Taven. We go to PiP break and return.

RR rewind kicks Strong. RR flying hurricanrana's Mike then hits a double hurricanrana. Menard tags in and back elbows Mike. Menard hits corner punches on Mike then Mike 2nd rope sunset flips him. Menard crabs Mike then Taven springboard kicks him to break it. Taven asai moonsaults Menard for 2.

Kyle is tagged in. He hits shots on Taven and leg sweeps him. Kyle face kicks Mike and hits chest kicks. Kyle dragon screws Strong over the 2nd rope. Kyle armbars Mike then ankle locks Taven at the same time.

Kyle and Strong trade chops for kicks and Kyle knees him in the face. Strong backbreakers him. Kyle armdrags Strong then taps him out with the armbar. The tag was made though so it doesn't count. RR topes Taven. Mike pop-up forearms Kyle then Kyle rebound lariats him. Kyle brainbusters him then armbars him. Kyle gets the win.

Thoughts: It wasn't anything real memorable but it was an acceptable trios match with fast moving action.

Kyle gets on the mic after he says Strong has 24 hours. He tells him to take all the pics with the belt he can because he's ripping off his arm and leaving St. Louis at the International champ.

Overall thoughts: The only match I liked here was the main. The opener went on too long and the women's match was a disaster. It went quick but I wouldn't recommend this.

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