Sunday, April 14, 2024

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 9/8/1990

WWF Superstars of Wrestling 9/8/1990 

Last week's show is here:

Next week's show is here:

Roddy Piper asks Vince McMahon if he's ready to take the bird brain taste test. He asks when a hen isn't a hen in a bird's voice and says when it's a goose. He then grabs Vince by the butt and Vince is shocked. Piper says let's get rowdy.

The Big Boss Man vs Pez Whatley

Vince says the geese are soon to be flying south this time of year. Piper says Vince would know about that. Pez jumps Boss in the corner then takes a nice big boot. Pez does a nice sell for it. Boss atomic drops and lariats him. Bobby Heenan does an inset promo. He does a fake apology over his remarks over Boss' mom. He said he didn't think an old, senile bat could hear. He said if Boss didn't put her in a home, he wouldn't be bothered by her.

Boss leg lariats Pez over the middle rope. Boss hits a sidewalk slam then gets the win.

It was a short squash here. Heenan going at Boss Man's mom was something different. Pez sold big here for Boss.

Boss handcuffs Pez to the ropes after and boots him despite being a face.

WWF Update with Mean Gene Okerlund

He talks about Sapphire getting bought off by Ted Dibiase and we see some of the gifts. He said he was so shocked that he fell off of his chair. Dusty Rhodes does a promo. He said he's emotional. He said it's okay for people to take money sometimes when they don't have. Dusty said Ted has to deal with The American Dream as he can't be bought.

Rhythm and Blues vs Mark Thomas and Jim McPherson

Jimmy is in the ring and says the Hunka Hunka Honky Love record has sold 5 million copies. He says that's a gold album and says it's due to the lovely people out there. He then tells us to welcome Rhythm and Blues.

Piper says Elvis would be rolling over in his grave. Honky knees and elbows Mark. Greg trips Mark then Mark upkicks him to get out. Greg clubs on Jim then hits a big slam. The Hart Foundation do an inset promo. They say R&B can bring their guitars, hit albums and their big mouth manager but the pink and black attack is back, baby.

Honky chokes Jim on the ropes then kneelifts him. Greg chops and headbutt drops Jim. Jim takes a double back elbow. Piper asks Vince how many records he sold for "Stand Back". Jim takes a nasty double backdrop on his head and Greg picks up the win.

It was a rough squash for the jobbers here. Mark seemed like he was legit fighting for his life and Jim took a nasty double backdrop.

R&B sing their song after and Piper calls it The Grand Ole Opry. 

The Barbarian vs Mike Daniels

Bobby Heenan is with The Barbarian. Barb has his antler crown on. Barb hits a boot and chop. He snapmares him and clubs on his chest. Barb chokes Mike on the ropes. The Big Boss Man does an inset promo. He said he's had it up to here with Heenan. He said he did something worse than breaking the laws, he made fun of his mama. He says if he keeps it up, he's going to have to answer to him.

Barb hits shoulders in the corner then back elbows him. Barb clubs and boots Mike then chokes him on the ropes. Barb slams Mike then elbow drops him. Barb hits a running face kick then top rope lariats him. Barb then gets the win.

It was a little boring but ended as it was getting stale. Barb didn't get a lot of air on his finisher here.

Nikolai Volkoff vs Mike Williams

Vince calls Nik a "happy, young man". Nik was 43 at the time. Mike hits Nik from behind then gets clubbed on. Nik bangs Mike's head off the buckles. Nik does a spin kick to the gut and slams him. Nik boots him in the chest and Mike does a nice bump for it. Sgt. Slaughter does an inset. He calls Nik a slime and maggot. He says you do not embarrass him on TV and said he will be polishing his boots soon.

Nik gorilla press backbrakers Mike then headbutts him in the gut. Mike is sent into the ropes chest first then is flipped when he takes a lariat from behind.

As you watch these, you can see why Nik was a heel. His offense hit hard and that was the style he wrestled. Mike got his butt whooped here with Nik roughing him around.

Nik waves the US flag after.

The Brother Love Show

Sensational Queen Sherri is the guest today. She is carried out on a throne. Love tells the people to shut up and listen to her. Sherri calls the fans peasants and said she has a message for us that we might find interesting. She said The Ultimate Warrior is not a champion, he's nothing more than a common peasant and coward. We see The Warrior watching from the curtain.

Sherri said she has a royal document/contract and said she needs the signatures of Warrior and Macho Man to make it legal. She said she has gone through every avenue to get Warrior's signature on it and says he's illiterate. Love says Warrior is an ultimate chicken. Love says Warrior paints his face like a little girl and wears girls colors like green and orange. Love says he has some yellow in his paint. Sherri says he has a lot of yellow and a yellow streak down his back.

The Ultimate Warrior then comes out. Sherri calls him a coward and says he's unworthy of being champ. She tells him to sign the contract for a match with Macho King and tells him to put the title on the line. Warrior says he fears no Macho Man. He said he needs no contract and said he accepts the challenge. He rips up the contract and says it's useless. Warrior asks Sherri where Macho is. Sherri said he's not here. Warrior says he sees him. He said Macho hides behind Sherri's skirt. Sherri slaps him and asks if he's scare of her. Sherri said he's a coward and a chicken. Warrior says there's no Macho Man because he's not so Macho. Sherri slaps Warrior again and Warrior beats his chest.

Love hides behind Sherri and says Warrior will not slap this woman. Warrior says Macho isn't here as he felt love with somebody else. Sherri slaps him again and Warrior beats his chest. Warrior then picks up Love's podium and throws it. Warrior then throws over Sherri's throne and leaves.

Say what you will about The Ultimate Warrior, but this wasn't exactly top tier stuff to work with here. The idea was okay but Sherri should have slapped him, Warrior should have said the line and then threw the podium. Instead it kept going and went on longer than it needed to.

Bad News Brown vs Mike Pocari

Brown still has his sewer rats with him in the cage. Brown hits a shot before the bell then bangs Mike's head off the buckles. Brown punches him while he's down then throws him out to the floor. Brown puts Mike's head in the cage and Mike acts all scared.

Brown pounds on him more then slams him. Brown elbow drops him and chokes him. Brown hits a big lariat then hits a ghetto blaster. Brown then pins him with a foot on the chest.

It was all squash here. Nobody ever gets anything in on Brown in these squashes. The sewer rat stuff was stupid.

Brown throws Mike out after.

Jake "The Snake" Roberts vs "Playboy" Buddy Rose

Rose grabs the hair and is shouldered over. Rose hits a hiptoss then misses an elbow drop. Jake kneelifts him and Rose falls out of the ring. Rose pulls him down by the hair then Jake returns the favor. Rose kips up then eye pokes him. Rose hits a chop then takes back elbows from Jake.

Rose lariats him for 2 then Jake lariats him over. Jake hits punches then short arm clotheslines him. Jake then ddt's him and gets the win.

Buddy Rose squashes are always fun because he bumps big and usually is allowed to get some offense in. Jake got the win here as expected.

Jake pulls out Damien after and puts him on Buddy.

Overall thoughts: This one was only 34 minutes long. The closing was missing and we didn't get any house show event centers here. The WWF was starting to put the next programs together here with Boss Man vs Heenan, Warrior vs Macho and The Hart Foundation vs Rhythm and Blues. I didn't really like The Warrior's segment as it went on long and got silly. Piper grabbing Vince was something you didn't see a lot of. I liked it but it was definitely not must see and I wouldn't recommend it.

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