Thursday, April 11, 2024

Pro Wrestling NOAH 4/11/2024 Star Navigation 2024

Pro Wrestling NOAH 4/11/2024 Star Navigation 2024

Here's what I saw:

Ninja Mack vs Alejandro vs Alpha Wolf

Wolf goes out to let them fight. Mack baseball slides him then Ale tope con hilos Wolf. Wolf is sent into the post then is tripped into a basement dropkick. Mack bows to Ale then foot chokes Wolf. Wolf takes corner attacks. He counters a double handspring elbow with a double lariat to the back.

Wolf slaps him. Mack superkicks Wolf then Ale top rope hurricanrana's Wolf. Mack corkscrew capoeira moonsaults onto Wolf then misses his ninja special outside. Wolf slaps him and catches Ale's plancha. Wolf powerslams Ale on the apron. Mack moonsaults Wolf on the apron, gets caught then is dropped throat first onto the rails.

Ale jumps out and hurricanrana's Wolf on the floor. Wolf is stomped on by both opponents. Wolf makes Mack ddt Ale with a dropkick then flying headscissors Mack. Wolf plancha's Ale then tope con hilos in the corner to Mack outside.

Wolf springboard moonsaults Mack off the top for 2. Wolf pop's up Ale and is hurricanrana'd. Ale rolls him up for 2 then Wolf gets his knees up on Wolf's 2nd rope pheonix splash. Wolf slingshot swantons Ale for 2. Wolf superkicks Mack then Ale is popped up into a canadian destroyer on Wolf.

Ale step up enzugiri's Mack. Wolf headbutts Ale and hits a wolf driver on him for 2. Mack breaks it up then Mack hits a top rope SSP on Wolf to win it.

It was okay with everyone doing their flying, limiting some of the no selling. Not great or anything but for an opener it was okay. It could have been a minute or two shorter. 

Daiki Inaba vs Yu Oawada

Inaba waistlock takedowns him. Yu grabs a front facelock and wristlocks him. Inaba hammerlocks him then side headlocks him. Inaba shoulders over Yu then Yu dropkicks him. Yu hits another dropkick and backslides him for 2.

Inaba spinning forearms him then slams him. Inaba legdrops him for 2. Inaba back elbows and backdrops him. Inaba chinlocks him and Yu ropebreaks. Yu hits a nice dropkick and slingshot sunset flips him for 2. Yu hits a gutwrench suplex for 2. Inaba brainbusters him for 2.

Inaba forearms him down then hits a big lariat. Inaba hits a landslide with force and wins it.

It was your usual young lion vs vet match with the young lion getitng beaten. Yu got some okay dropkicks in and Inaba had a couple of stiff shots here which were cool. 

Daga, Yoshinari Ogawa and Ulka Sasaki vs Shuji Kondo, Hajime Ohara and Junta Miyawaki

Ulka and Junta start us off. They lock up and Ulka leglocks him. They roll on the mat and Ulka pushes him off. Junta wristlocks him and Ulka reverses it. Daga and Shuji go at it. Daga clubs his back and they shoulder battle. Daga flying headscissors him then dropkicks him for 2. Daga basement dropkicks his back.

Ogawa chinbreakers Shuji then eye pokes him. Ogawa neckbreakers him then jumps on his back for a sleeper. Shuji backs him up into the buckles and breaks it.

Ohara and Ulka fight. Ohara pulls his arms backwards then Ulka wristlocks him. Ohara russian legsweeps him and does a nice pin attempt. Daga gets in. Ohara side headlocks him and rolls into another side headlock. Daga backdrops him for 2. Ohara takes a double suplex then does a double dropkick. Ohara tilt-a-whirl backbreakers Daga twice and Ogawa once.

Ohara backbreakers Daga for 2. Ohara is pushed into Junta then Daga does a slow but cool gori special + rocking chair submission on 2 opponents. Junta is beat up on. Daga rolls over his back then takes a headscissors. Junta dropkicks him out then triangle plancha's him outside. Junta double dropkicks Ulka and Ogawa then plancha's Ogawa. Junta then plancha's Ulka.

Daga dropkicks Junta then Ulka gets in. Ulka jackhammers him for 2. Junta dropkicks Ulka. Ulka slaps him then puts him in a choke. Ulka lets him go and Ulka is choked out.

It wasn't that interesting along with being slow. The finish was unusual as Ulka had the choke on for maybe 5 seconds tops, let go and Junta was out.

GHC National Title - Jack Morris (c) vs HAYATA

Haya boots him then hits a nice dropkick. Haya spinebusters him and flying dropkicks him. Jack is sent into the post and rails. Haya foot chokes him then Jack boots him out of the corner. They fight on the buckles and Jack pushes him off. Jack top rope frogsplashes him for 2.

Jack hits mounted forearms and blocks a tornado ddt. Jack back elbows him and Haya goes out to stall. Haya is thrown into the rails and they go back in. Jack spinebusters him then Haya eye rakes him. Haya handsprings and is dropkicked during it. Haya handsprings kicks him off the apron then tope con hilos him.

They fight on the apron and Jack lariats him into the ring. Haya short hurricanrana's him into the mat over the middle rope. Jack kneelifts him as he hangs off the apron then Jack is back body dropped onto the floor. Haya hits a top rope moonsault for 2. 

Jack pump kicks him then falcon arrows him. Anthony Green hands Jack the title belt. Haya superkicks it into Jack's face after Jack pushes the ref. Haya goes to use the belt on him and the ref stops it. Jack low blows Haya then Haya cradles him for 2. Jack running knees him then tiger drivers him for 2.

Jack cobra twists him and Haya superkicks him in the knee. Haya hits a high angle ddt twice for 2. Jack blocks a short hurricanrana. Jack pumping knees him then Haya hurricanrana's him out of the tiger driver. Haya holds the ropes and gets the win.

I didn't like this one. It had a bunch of shenanigans which is not what I come to Noah for and the match was so-so. I also didn't like the kickouts on the high angle ddt's.

Go Shiozaki, Takashi Suigura, Naomichi Marufuji and Kazuyuki Fujita vs Jake Lee, Ryohei Oiwa, Masa Kitamiya and El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr.

Oiwa and Maru start us off. Maru leg trips him and Oiwa goes for the armbar. Maru side headlocks him and Oiwa shoulders him over. Go and Jake go at it. Jake clean breaks him then side headlocks him. Jake shoulders him over then Go chops him. Jake slams Go and stomps him. Jake foot chokes him in the corner. Masa snapmares Go then Fujita hits boots on Masa in the corner.

They trade chest chops. Masa hits corner spears then Fujita takes a double shoulder for 2. Fujita drops Oiwa with a forearm then camel clutches him. Oiwa slides out and camel clutches him. Sugi helps out and Oiwa's legs are split. Oiwa forearms and dropkicks Sugi.

Masa and Sugi trade forearms then Masa spears the post when Sugi moves. Sugi boots him and Masa tries to hulk up. Masa shoulders and sentons him. Sugi face kicks Masa the does it in the corner. Sugi 2nd rope superplexes Masa then Masa suplexes him at 10 minutes.

Jake gut punches and kicks Sugi. Jake chinlocks him then Sugi knees him in the gut. Fujita shoulders jake over and suplexes him for 2. Jake back body drops him then knees him in the gut. Doc and Maru go at it. Maru hits a strike combo and Doc headbutts him for 2. Maru hits Kawada kicks and Doc tries to power through them. They lariat each other. Maru hook kicks him then Go flying shoulders him.

Go hits machine gun chops on Doc. Doc and Go trade chops. Doc step up enzugiri's him at 15 minutes. Oiwa hits forearms on Go then flying euros him. Oiwa karelin's lifts him and hits a forearm. Go fisherman busters him for 2. Fujita counters a 2v1 with lariats. Jake high kicks him and Sugi germans Jake. Oiwa hits a double dropkick then dropkicks Go.

Go lariats Oiwa for 2 then Oiwa back rolls him with a bridge. Go chops him and they roll into a go flasher on Oiwa for 2. go running lariats Oiwa and gets the win.

It was just average. We didn't see a lot of anyone here and they all stuck to their basic movesets for the most part. No real major nearfalls here and there weren't many highlights out of this one. It was basically just a night off for these guys which was disappointing.

Kenoh vs Kaito Kiyomiya

Some of the fans have an old Kaito shirt and Ken mocks Kaito with it. Kaito flying shining wizards him to start then hits a falcon arrow for 2. Kaito shining wizards him again for 2. Ken ducks a shining wizard then Kaito hits mounted forearms.

They go out and Ken is sent into the rails. Kaito pounds on Ken's neck and sends him into the rails. Ken is then thrown into the seats. Kaito double stomps chairs into him  then sends him int othe metal rail. Kaito then runs at him and dropkicks him over it.

Kaito euros him in the stands then top rope dropkicks him inside. Ken rolls out of a flying knee. They fight outside and Ken is dragon screwed on the floor. Ken then lifts him for a kick to the gut on the floor. Ken double stomps him off the 2nd rope on the floor.

Ken hits a slap, takes forearms then spin kicks him. Kaito flying lariats him and hits armdrags. Kaito dropkicks him and kips up. Kaito hits corner punches then Ken germans him while Kaito stands on the 2nd rope. Ken hits corner punches then drops him with a chest kick. They trade euros for chest kicks. Ken germans him then Kaito hits a nice dropkick. Ken then PK's him. 

Kaito dropkicks him in the knee several times. Kaito then top rope dropkicks him in the knee. Ken crossfaces him and Kaito ropebreaks. Ken PK's him then hits a top rope double footstomp for 2. Kaito avoids a top rope moonsault then flying knee's him.

Ken pele kicks him and fights off flying knee with a kick. Ken hits a dragon suplex then top rope double footstomps Kaito's spine. They fight on the buckles and Kaito headbutts him. Kaito top rope hurricanrana's him for 2. Kaito dragon suplexes him for 2. Ken blocks a shining wizard then Ken high kicks him.

Ken hits another high kick then Kaito blocks a kick with a dragon screw. Kaito shining wizards the back of Ken's head then shining wizards him again. Kaito then wins it.

It started off really hot, but it was a longer match and the hot streak cooled off some. It was a really different match than you would think with these two. Kaito bullied and beat up Ken early and had a lot of energy for this one. I would have cut osme of the middle out of this one and I think it would have been great. It was a good and fun main though and I appreciate them doing something different for a change.

Kaito says he will cut all ties with Kenoh and walk his own path. He says he wants to lead Noah forward in the future. He talks about old photos of him being sold on shirts and said it was Ken and friends trying to get into his head. He said he's not mad about the shirts though.

Overall thoughts: I really only liked the opener and the main. The main of Kenoh/Kaito was different than what you'd expect and had a real energized start to it. It did slow down some but it was still a good main. The semi-main was a total night off for all of the people in it. The GHC National Title match had various shenanigans which I don't come to Noah to see. I wouldn't recommend this one and would honestly probably give it a 4 out of 10.

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