Thursday, April 11, 2024

TNA Impact 4/11/2024

TNA Impact 4/11/2024

Last week's show is here:

The show starts with Josh Alexander and Hammerstone brawling. They get in the ring and brawl then security breaks it up. Josh is busted open. Josh tope con hilos security then Tommy Dreamer comes out. He tells Josh he has something to say and says he has him at Rebellion.

Tommy said he has to talk to Hammer. He says Josh is the face of the company and brand. He said he did it through hard work and great matches. Tommy said he's the big reason Hammer got here and said he wanted him here. He said Hammer is all that Josh is. He says Josh is taking a shortcut and says he doesn't need to go down that path. He thanks everyone for coming and said we have a great show ahead. Tommy and Hammer shake hands then Hammer nails him from behind. Hammer torture racks him then Josh comes down to help. 

Josh says he will make him understand at Rebellion. He said they will finish it in a last man standing match.

TNA Digital Media Title - Crazzy Steve (c) vs Laredo Kid

Steve grabs him by the mask early. Steve slides out and goes back in when Kid comes after him. Steve stomps Kid. Kid boots him out of the corner then Kid top rope crossbodies him. Kid flying headscissors him then walks up the ropes and Steve knocks him off of them. Steve lariats him from behind.

Kid's head is banged off the buckle then Steve rips at the mask. Steve foot chokes him then Kid hits shots from his knees. Steve running knees him in the gut for 2. Steve cranks the head and hits crossface shots. Steve russian legsweeps him into a grounded octopus.

Kid hits corner spears then rolls in for a pin attempt but Steve blocks it. Kid rolls him up again and again. Kid hits a forearm in the corner and michinoku drivers him. Kid moonsaults him off 2 ropes then Steve gets Kid stuck in tree of woe. Steve then cannonballs him while he's in tree of woe. 

Steve hits stomps on him then tries to rip the mask off. Kid slaps him then hits corner punches. The ref tries to stop him and Kid pushes the ref. Steve grabs the title belt and misses shot with it. Kid goes to hit him and Steve rolls out of the ring.  

Steve wins this one via DQ due to Kid pushing the ref. It was an average and not too exciting match. It also ran longer than it needed to and was just generally unexciting.

Alex Shelley talks to Kushida and Sabin. He said he owes them an apology. He said he tried to do things on his own and it didn't work out. He said he was a real jerk and said they are better a group. Sabin said sometimes brothers fight but they also need to hug sometimes too. then they hug.

ABC vs First Class (AJ Francis and Rich Swann)

Ace boots AJ off the lock up. AJ throws him into the corner. Ace hits leg kicks then AJ shoulders him over. Rich is whipped into a spear on Ace. Rich then rakes the eyes of Ace. Ace rolls, trips him and kicks him in the back.

Rich takes a double japanese armdrag and a double basement dropkick. AJ grab Bey by the hair. Bey plancha's him outside and is toped. Ace's neck is pulled down on the top rope. AJ slams Bey down on the apron. 

We go to PiP break and return. AJ slams Ace then Ace hits uppercuts in the corner Ace 2nd rope bulldogs him. Bey and Rich get in. Bey hits some shots and lariats him. Bey spinebusters him.

AJ puts Ace on his shoulders then catches Bey at the same time. AJ hits a world's strongest slam + wasteland on them. AJ splashes Bey in the corner then running knees him in the corner. Rich takes a kick off the ropes + a spinning torture rack bomb. AJ goes for a double suples but Ace escapes. AJ takes a double spin kick to the face then AJ takes a double attitude adjustment.

Bey tope con hilos AJ. Ace throws Bey into Rich but Rich neckbreakers him. Rich then pins Ace while holding the tights.

It was an okay match. Not great or anything but they had a couple of neat spots here.

Joe Hendry comes out after. He said he gave Rich the chance to explain his team with AJ. He accused Rich of singing the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air song, changing some of the lyrics to call AJ "fat Uncle Phil". AJ gets mad at the Uncle Phil joke and Joe said at Rebellion, he and Rich will have a match.

George Iceman and Ash want to speak to Santino somewhere in the back. George says they didn't get to talk to Santino. George said Steph de Lander filled in for Ash in the 8-4-1 match and said Ash should have the title match instead of Steph. Santino said that's not how things work around here and leaves. Ash claims this is her opportunity.

We see Kon and PCO being locked up for Monster's Ball.

Mustafa Ali talks to The Grizzled Young Vets. He isn't happy about having to defend about Jake Something. Ali said it's a problem for all of them. Gibson says he likes them but doesn't want to pick a fight with Jake. Jake Something comes in and says the match will happen whether his goons like it or not. Ali then says he has a plan and kicks the camera man out.

Santino brings out Steph de Lander and Jordynne Grace for a contract signing. He calls Matt Cardona "Matt Qdoba". Matt puts over Steph, saying she won titles all over the world. He said she will win the Knockouts World Title at Rebellion. Steph signs the contract. Grace said she appreciates them being here.

Grace said she has earned every accolade her name is on. She talks about some of the things she did and mentions winning the Digital Media title. Matt then brings up that he beat her for it. Steph said she understands jumping on an opportunity. She said she did that in the 8-4-1 match. Steph said Grace is distracted between wrestling, The Royal Rumble and bodybuilding. She asks if her head is in the game.

Grace says it's her main focus and said she wears so many hats as she outworks everyone. She said she will work harder than her at Rebellion, take her title and cement her legacy in TNA. She said she beat her, her boyfriend and her boyfriend's wife. She said she's happy to do it again because she's the juggernaut b!tch. Matt says don't call her that and Grace said she wasn't talking to Steph.

Steph and Grace get up and stare down. They shake hands and Grace doesn't let go. Matt helps her yank Grace. Grace jumps over the table and jumps on Steph on a chair, itting her. Matt pulls her off, gets back elbowed and knocks over Santino. Grace goes for a move then Matt hits Grace. Steph uranage's Grace through a table.

I don't really get why Steph is the heel in this one. Grace wouldn't let her go so Matt and Steph hit her for it. Some of the lines here were cute with Grace saying she beat up Steph's boyfriend Matt and Matt's wife.

The System interrupts Masha Slamovich and asks what she thinks about teaming with Alisha. Eddie talks slow to her in a mocking voice. Masha then talks in Russian. Brian says he will have to google that and Alisha said she doesn't understand a word Masha says.

We go to some meeting with Jonathan Gresham. He said he has 3 masks - the one he shows the world, the one he shows to friends and family and the one he hasn't shown to anyone. He then plays some video with a tree touching the sky and the person saying he heard a voice to cut it down.

Trent Seven vs Moose

They lock up and Moose backs him up into the corner. Trent hits chops then Moose knocks him down with one. Moose uranages him then hits mounted punches. Trent hits chops then ddt's Moose. Eddie Edwards gets on the apron and Mike pulls him down.

Moose headbutts him then Trent punches him. Trent hits a rainmaker for 2. Moose escapes a burning hammer then does a rolling spear. Moose then gets the win.

It was just a quick one here. Trent got a decent bit in including his finisher before being put down.

Mike Baily gets surrounded, kicks Bryan in the face then its 3v1'd. Kushida, Shelley and Sabin then come make the save.

The System complain to Santino into the back about what happened. They say maybe they will take care of The Machine Gun's if he can't solve it. Trent Seven and Mike Bailey then come in. Santino tells Eddie and Bryan they face the Machine Guns for the titles next week and Trent/Mike get the winners at Rebellion.

Havok and Rosemary then walk in and says they want to invoke their rematch for the knockout's tag titles at Rebellion.

Jake Something vs James Drake

Jake runs the ropes, shouldering Drake over each time. He then jumping body blocks him. Gibson distracts Jake outside then Drake topes Jake. Drake hits forearms on Jake and gets nowhere. Jake grabs him by the throat and takes a step up enzugiri.

Drake chinlocks Jake. Jake lifts and backdrops him. out of it. Jake hits punches then lariats him. Jake hits a back elbow then Jake hits a big forearm. Gibson grabs Jake's foot then Drake single leg dropkicks Jake.

Gibson chokes Jake with his scarf. Deaner comes down and pulls Gibson off the apron. Jake bodyblocks Drake then yanks him into a sidewalk slam. Jake then picks up the win.

It was short but it was okay with the heels cheating, Deaner helping out and Jake picking up the win.

Mustafa Ali comes out with his cronies. He said Jake doesn't belong in the division and said the division needs limits. Ali tries to start a chant against Jake then Jake suicide dives all of Ali's cronies. Ali looks scared and Jake grabs him as he runs. Ali is thrown in the ring and The Vet's save Ali. The Bet's hit a double codebreaker then Deaner helps out. Ali hits Deaner with a title belt in the back of the head then hits Jake in the face with it. 

Monster's Ball - PCO vs Kon

They lock up and let go. Both slides out to get weapons. Kon blocks a kendo stick shot with a chair then Kon chairs him. PCO punches the chair into Kon's face. PCO tope con hilos and Kon hits him with a trash can during it.

Kon hits him with a trash lid and a cookie sheet then PCO claps him with cookie sheets. PCO hits him with a trash lid and they trade chops outside. PCO is suplexed on the floor. PCO's head is banged off the apron.

Kon hits him with a kendo stick then chokes him with it. There's a Ric Flair viagra commercial during this. PCO has a can put on his head and Kon slaps it. Kon punches the can with a chain and stomps the can.

Kon takes a dangerous looking back body drop on the apron edge. PCO tope con hilos him outside. Kon is sent into the post then put on a table. PCO top rope flip dives him through the table. Kon low blows him.

Kon hits him with a kendo stick. PCO hits him with a kendo stick while he's up top and Kon fall off the top through a table. A ladder is bridged from the apron to another ladder. Kon's head is banged off a ladder. PCO climbs the buckles and is thrown through the bridged ladder.

Kon pours out tacks and puts some in PCO's mouth. PCO spits and throws them in Kon's face. PCO chokeslams Kon on tacks. PCO top rope moonsaults tacks into Kon and gets the win.

I liked their other matches better but it was hardcore fun here. Kon took two pretty big bumps to the outside here. There wasn't a lot of wrestling here and it was pretty much all weapons stuff. It could have been a little faster at times. It was a decent main.

Overall thoughts: The main was hardcore fun and easily the best match on here. The rest of the show had okay but not must see matches. Some of the way they made the matches here clearly didn't have that much effort put into them either. It was your typical TNA show where nothing is super great but nothing is super bad either. I wouldn't really recommend it.

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