Friday, April 12, 2024

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 4/11/2024 Episode #59

Ring of Honor on HonorClub 4/11/2024 Episode #59

Last week's show is here: 

I reviewed Supercard of Honor 2024 here:

We see Mark Briscoe and Eddie Kingston drinking after ROH Supercard of Honor. Eddie seems in good spirits despite losing his 3rd tile in a short period of time. They say House of Black is in trouble.

Isiah Kassidy vs Action Andretti

IK boots and clubs on him. AA goes up and over in the corner then headsicssors him. AA then dropkicks him. AA springboard corkscrew elbows off the bottom rope. AA euros him then chops him. AA goes for a headscissors in the corner but is crotched. IK then pushes him down to the floor.

AA is thrown into the rails and IK says they don't teach that in school. AA hits forearms and clubs on him outside. IK wastes time posing and chinlocks him. AA fights back with shots and takes a side effect.

IK chokes him with a doo rag. AA hits forearms then neckbreakers him. AA topes him outside then springboard lariats him for 2. IK enzugiri's him on the apron then stunners him over the top rope. IK then asai moonsaults outside. IK top rope swantons him for 2.

AA poisonrana's him then springboard enzugiri's him for 2.  AA springboards and takes a cutter off of it for 2. They fight up top and AA flips out of a top rope uranage. AA shotgun dropkicks him then split-legged moonsaults him. AA picks up the win.

It definitely was flippy but it ended without them overdoing it and they matched up well together. It was fine and IK played up the heel role a little here.

The Undisputed Kingdom (minus Cole) do a promo from Supercard of Honor. Mike says there's nothing they won't do to keep the ROH tag titles. They said they beat them all on their own. Taven said they cameh ere 2 years ago and all they wanted were the tag titles. They say they are the greatest tag team in ROH history. They say no one will beat them and they aren't The Kingdom, but The Undisputed Kingdom.

The Infantry and Trish Adora do a promo. Bravo's mad about the loss to Kingdom and Bravo makes a racial remark calling Wardlow a "vanilla gorilla". Dean says The Kingdom need interference to stop them. Dean says they will keep stepping and said they are up whether they won or lost. They said they will come back better than ever. They said you can't kill us. Bravo says Kingdom are nervous and know what it is. He says they are here to stay and it will take more to get rid of them. 

Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty vs Australian Takeover (Kaz Jordan and Julian Ward)

Kaz and Ward are from Australian and are in Canada here. Lee takes down Ward then rolls him into a border city stretch. Ward chops him. Lee goes under the legs and abdominal stretches him. Ward hiptosses him and Lee upkicks him. Lee basement dropkicks him.

Kaz chops Shane then takes one back. Shane beal throws him then hits a big chokeslam/spinebuster. Lee front facelocks Kaz, boots him and Shane hits a big lariat on Kaz. Lee face kicks Ward off the apron. Lee headbutts Kaz and hits a big punch. Lee package piledrivers him and wins it.

It was just a quick squash.

We see Billie Starks going up to her mom at Supercard of Honor with her title. Her mom says she did it the wrong way. She says she was raised better. Her mom says her faking the neck injury wasn't funny. Billie mocks her. Her mom says Athena's a bad influence and she's sick of her. Billie then hugs Athena who is thrilled at her win. Athena then says she's her new mom.

I will not be covering the next match.

We see an interview from Supercard of Honor with Lee Johnson. Lee says he feels good and waited so long to have a match like he had with Fletcher. He said he's been working his @ss off every single week on ROH. He said he didn't get the victory, but he didn't lose and won in some way.

Kyle Fletcher does a promo from Supercard of Honor. He said Lee's closer to his level than he thought. Kyle said he didn't defend his title for 2 months as he had to renew his visa. Kyle said all he wanted to do was defend his title while he was out. He says he's the protostar and plans on being the greatest of all time someday. He said he hopes Lee never gets it.

Cole Karter vs Christopher Daniels

Maria and Griff are not with Cole here. CD wristlocks him and Cole reverses it. Cole leapfrogs then dropkicks him. Cole poses and they shake hands. Cole shoulders him over then CD hits a hiptoss > armdrag > slam. They go to shake hands and Cole slaps him.

CD hits chops and forearms in the corner. Cole boots him out of the corner then running lariats him for 2. Cole hits a nice standing dropkick for 2. Cole chinlocks him then hits another dropkick. Cole poses on the buckles.

Cole chinlocks him then misses a dropkick. CD rolls him up then does a nice exploder. CD hits a running STO then death valley drivers him for 2. Cole back body drops him then ripcord jumping knees him for 2. Cole misses a dive off the top then CD rolls him into an angel's wings. CD then picks up the win.

It was a shorter but okay match here. It wasn't anything great or memorable but fine for what it was.

Dalton Castle, various Boys and Paul Walter Hauser are interviewed after Supercard of Honor. He sai deverything hurts but he never felt more alive. He said Johnny TV took everything from him and he rised from the ashes. Dalton asked him if he felt that. Paul says he's a lifelong fan of his and said he had his back from Day 1 and will have it going forward. Dalton says there's nothing that can stop this force and said he and Paul are the TV this company has been craving. Paul says if you are looking for TV champs, we got them here. Paul asks if The Boys are all orphans as he got orphan vibes from them. 

The Righteous vs Bryce Donovan and Chico Adams

Dutch double lariats both opponents. Vincent pounds on Chico. Chico goes up and over then shoulders Vincent over.  Vincent back elbows him. Chico is thrown into the buckles then Vincent hits a neat backdrop into a side effect.

Dutch sentons Chico then chops him. Dutch hits a powerbomb then Vincent top rope swantons Chico. Bryce shockingly breaks up the pin. Bryce is thrown out then Chico cradles Vincent. Bryce gets the hot tag in and hits shots on both opponents. He big boots Dutch then flying lariats Vincent.  Bryce then runs into a black hole slam. Vincent hits an orange sunshine and wins it.

Well, this was interesting with Bryce being put over here by the announcers and getting to break up a pin. I didn't see that one coming.

Anna Jay vs Little Mean Kathleen

They shake hands and they don't let go. LMK goes for the headlock and is rolled up. LMK boots her in the gut and bangs her head off the buckles. LMK chokes her and screams. Anna hits forearms in the corner then flying forearms her.

Anna bangs LMK's head off the buckles then suplexes her. Anna bangs her head off the buckles and hits chops. LMK rolls her up and takes forearms. Anna spinning heel kicks her in the corner. Anna then blockbusters her for 2. Anna then gori bombs her and wins it.

It was a quick squash that wasn't very interesting. 

Mariah May does a promo after Supercard of Honor. She said she made her ROH debut. She said she knows she let down Toni by losing to Thunder Rosa. Mina Shirakawa walks in. They hug. Mina asks if she was coming to ave her. Mina says she's amazing and kisses her. She then gives her champagne and says let's drink. They then drink.

Smart Mark Sterling does a video talking about Josh Woods' accomplishments. We see Josh working out in an MMA gym. He says it's time for Josh to come off the bench as he can beat anyone in the business. He says Josh is a premier athlete.

Zak Knight vs Alvin Alvarez

Zak does a battering ram type of spear to start it off. Zak hits chops and forearms in the corner. Zak hits corner punches then headbutts him. AA splashes him on the ropes then pulls his straps down. Zak suplexes him then does a springboard superman punch. Zak hits a cradle shock for 2. The crowd starts cheering for AA. Zak hits a big lariat after taking a headbutt and wins it.

I thought Zak looked good here. Everything looked like it hit.

ROH TV Title Proving Ground Match - Kyle Fletcher vs Rhett Titus

Rhett goes for a takedown then Kyle waistlock takedowns him. Rhett side headlocks him then is shouldered over. Rhett slingshot shoulders him and hits forearms. Kyle hits a big slam and hits chops.

Kyle armlocks him and Rhett armdrags him. Rhett slingshot falcon arrows him. Rhett backbreakers him then running face kicks him. Kyle running face kicks him then cradles him. Rhett does a belly to belly for 2. Kyle half and half suplexes him twice.

Kyle slaps him n the ropes then leg lariats him. Kyle basically hits a nasty looking ganso bomb and wins it.

It was a squash. Rhett hadn't been used lately or built up in any way and there was no reason to think he was pulling this one off. The finish was nasty here.

Overall thoughts: There were more interviews than usual here which was good. 5 of the 7 matches were squashes though which wasn't good. There was nothing really must see here and we only saw one champ wrestle on the show as often is the case with ROH. No future matches were announced either here. I wouldn't recommend this.

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