Tuesday, April 2, 2024

NWA Powerrr 4/2/2024

NWA Powerrr 4/2/2024

Last week's show is here: https://prowresblog.blogspot.com/2024/03/nwa-powerrr-3262024.html

NWA National Heavyweight Title Tournament Qualifier - Carson Drake vs Thom Latimer

Drake talks trash, Thom gives him the middle finger then pounds on him. Drake takes an atomic drop then a rolling spear. Thom chases him around the ring. Drake hits a double throat thrust then works on him in the corner. Thom lariats him out of the corner then Drake slides out to avoid a punch.

Drake misses an elbow drop then pulls Thom into the ropes. Drake hits knees to the body then short arm lariats. Drake knee drops him then misses one. Thom clips him and Drake does a full flip for it. Drake pulls him down backwards then gets pulled down backwards. Thom hits mounted shots on Drake and chokes him. Drake takes a pop-up sitout bomb then is tapped out with a crossface.

It was good with Drake playing the chicken heel for Thom, avoiding him the whole time and taking cheapshots before getting caught. Drake bumped big for him and did his job well here.

The Kidz (Alexander Lev and Jackson Drake) vs The Slime Ballz (Sage Chantz and Tommy Rant)


Lev has the blonde hair. Sage is the shorter and smaller one of his team and Rant is the heavier one.

One of the Slime's gets worked on to start. Sage hits corner spears on Lev then hits mounted corner elbows. Rant hits back elbows on Lev then splashes him against the bottom buckle. Sage is lariated by Lev then stomped on and choked. Drake chokes Sage on the ropes.

Sage takes a russian legsweep + regular legsweep combo. Drake gutwrench suplexes Sage then corner lariats him. Sage takes an STO from Lev for 2. Lev chinlocks Sage. Sage tags out and Rant lariats both opponents. Rant runs through a double lariat and hits a double lariat. Rant spinebusters Lev then angel's wings Drake onto Lev.

Rant sentons Lev then is pulled out by Drake. Rant is sent into the post. Sage misses a top rope crossbody then is held for a running face kick. Lev picks up the win on Sage.

It was a shorter and fast paced match. It was fine for what it was with The Kidz' playing heel here.

May Valentine interviews Joe Alonzo about Mo Jabari. Joe said we don't know anything about Mo and says Mo isn't a fast, rising star, he is. Joe says it's a waste of his time. Daisy Kill walks in. He said he thinks Joe's time is up. Joe tells him to sing a song in the corner. Daisy's big partner comes in and Joe walks off.

Daisy said they are coming for anything and everything except our filthy mothers. Daisy said they are bringing action, fashion, style and skill to the NWA. I hate Daisy's name, but he can talk and he has a good look.

Vampiro and Natalia Markova are interviewed. She said she did everything she had to do and is now the #1 contender to the women's championship. She said she was close to winning the title last time. She said Kenzie is tough and said she will do everything she has to do to get the title around her waist. Vamp says let's forget about respect and being nice. He said he's having a hard time fitting in here and took things in his own hands. He said he has friends in light and dark places so he can get things done. He said he can do a lot of favors for a lot of people. He tells Markova he can help her real quick but there's a price she has to pay.

This was rough.

Joe Alonzo vs Mo Jabari

Joe rolls up Mo and tells him it was this close. Joe hammerlocks him and Mo reverse it. Joe headlock takeovers him and Mo headscissors him. Mo armdrags him and they roll each other up. Mo dropkicks him then rolls him up for 2. Mo misses a dropkick then 2nd rope twisting crossbodies him. Mo hits a dragon screw then crossbodies the ropes when Joe moves.

Mo ends up outside then backdrops him on the apron. Mo chinbreakers Joe then Joe jumping back elbows him. Joe crossfaces him on the ropes then snap suplexes him. Joe pulls him down backwards then rakes his face with his foot. Joe knees him in the gut then Mo neckbreakers him.

Joe takes an atomic drop and a russian legsweep. Mo 2nd rope elbow drops him an goes for a sharpshooter. Joe rolls him up and hits a full nelson slam. Joe then wins it.

They messed up near the end as Joe tried throw Mo's leg into the ref and missed. It was an average cold match that could have been a little shorter.  

Knox, Trevor Murdoch and Eric Smalls vs The New Spectaculars 2.0 (Slade, Rush Freeman and Rolando Freeman)


Knox's team is rushed and everyone pairs off to fight. Slade is thrown into Rush then Murdoch splashes both in the corner. The Spectaculars hide outside then Smalls topes them all.

The bell rings and I guess this officially starts. Knox face kicks Rush then rakes his face on the ropes. Knox leg lariats him on the ropes. Rush takes a double chop in the corner. Rush double throat thrusts Murdoch. Murdoch chops Slade then full nelson slams him. Slade jumping knees him.

Smalls bronco busters Rolando. Rush knees Smalls from the apron then Slade suplexes Smalls. Rush and Rolando choke Smalls. Rush slams Smalls then elbow drops him for 2. Rolando hits mounted punches on Smalls then gyrates. Slade world's strongest slams Smalls. Smalls hits a step up enzugiri then Murdoch gets in.

Murdoch cleans house and sky high's Slade. Knox sky high's Rush. Knox and Murdoch do a double high/low in a cool spot. Smalls 2nd rope moonsaults Rush and wins it.

Rolando goes for a cheapshot after and gets caught by the other team. Smalls punches Rolando in the nuts.

Having the midgets (and I consider Rolando one) in here vs people much bigger than them was dumb and hard to believe. Knox could have thrown Rolando into the 5th row if he really wanted to. If they made it so only Rolando and Smalls could be in there, it might have made more sense. It was hard to buy Rolando's or Smalls' offense as being painful in any way. They tried to cover for the midgets the best they could, but I wasn't buying it.

Overall thoughts: I liked the first match. The second match was acceptable. The third match was average and the main was too hard to buy with the midget wrestlers in there with the bigger guys. Markova and Vamp had a bad promo segment as well. I wouldn't recommend this one.

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