Friday, April 12, 2024

Mid-States Wrestling 4/12/2024 Season 2, Episode 4

Mid-States Wrestling 4/12/2024 Season 2, Episode 4

Last week's show is here:

Southern Heavyweight Title - Gary Roosevelt Gram (c) vs Atila Khan

The camera man is knocked over during Gary's entrance where he runs around the ring.

Gary side headlocks him. Khan boots him out of the corner then lariats him. Khan uses a fork on Gary's face then footchokes him. Khan headbutts him and uses the fork on him more while the ref is distracted by Stephen E.

We go to break and return. Khan is still using the fork on Gary then hits shots to the throat. Khan double throat thrusts him then knee drops him. Khan gutwrench suplexes him then misses an elbow drop. Gary hits punches then Khan forks him in the throat. Khan goes out and Gary follows. Khan then spits something in Gary's eye and gets disqualified.

The finish didn't work here. I don't know what Gary got in his eyes, but we couldn't see it so the angle really didn't work as well as it could have. This was mostly just Khan using the fork on Gary before Gary got a few punches in.

Jason Jones comes to check on Gary after and Gary is helped to the back.

Jason Jones is interviewed. He challenges Atila Khan and Stephen E. to a match tonight. The heels take a bit to come out but do make it out. Jason grabs a chair and the ref separate them.

Scott Hansen and Luke Langley talk. Scott challenges him for tonight. Luke Langley says he has a nice mustache and potential but says he's still the gold standard. He then accepts his challenge.

MSW Title - Luke Langley (c) vs Scott Hansen

They shake hands and lock up. Scott hammerlocks him and Luke trips him into a side headlock. Scott wristlocks him then Luke armdrags him. Luke trips him and front facelocks him. Luke trips him then Scott does a standing flip out of a wristlock. Scott gets a 2 count on him then Luke hurricanrana's him.

Luke hits an armdrag. Luke is between the ropes and Scott pulls Luke's throat into the ropes. Scott hits mounted shots then Luke sunset flips him. Scott lariats him and we go to break.

We return and Luke hits chops. Scott boots him in the gut then Scott hits a nice dropkick. Scott hits stomps and punches. Luke blocks some punches then Scott backdrops him into a neckbreaker for 2. Scott stomps him then Luke spinning backfists him. Luke kicks him off the ropes then hits a kick to the gut and an enzugiri.

Luke misses an elbow in the corner then rolls him into the bottom buckle. Luke then does Kenta's corner dropkick on him. Luke yanks him into a backdrop. Scott nearly runs into the ref and low blows Luke. Scott hits a falcon arrow for 2. Scott misses a big top rope moonsault.

Luke superkicks Scott in the face then brainbusters him. Luke then gets the win.

It was an okay match. Not great or super memorable but Scott heeled it up some here and Luke was able to get around it and get the win. Scott's hammerlock was impressive and I had never really seen anyone do a full forward flip out of a wristlock before. Luke is more ripped than most wrestlers on TV and Scott's a younger, taller guy with some personality and potential.

Overall thoughts: The opener was your average match. The ending didn't really work as Gary got misted with something but it was a clear liquid so we couldn't see it. The second match was an okay heavyweight match with two guys who maybe have some potential to do bigger things down the line. It was fine for 30 minutes of wrestling but I wouldn't really recommend it.

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