Sunday, April 28, 2024

NWA Powerrr 10/15/2019 Episode 2

NWA Powerrr 10/15/2019 Episode 2

Last week's show is here:

Joe Galli and Jim Cornette are on commentary here. They welcome us to the show and send us over to Dave Marquez.

Marquez interviews Aaron Stevens. He said he had success in film and that required him to leave wrestling. He said he heard that the NWA, studio wrestling and pro wrestling is back. He said he's here to announce that he is back. He asks everyone to avoid eye contact with him.

He is asked who he is wrestling first and said he will let us know when he's ready.

Trevor Murdoch vs Ricky Starks

Ricky is wearing a bandana and a baseball style shirt here. TM backs him up in the corner and clean breaks. Ricky armdrags him then TM hiptosses him. TM misses an elbow drop then Ricky misses a dropkick. They then regroup and TM does Ricky's pose.

They trade chops and TM face kicks him. TM russian legsweeps him then misses a 2nd rope legdrop. Ricky baseball slides him. Ricky neckbreakers him then dropkicks him off the buckles for 2. TM blocks a tornado ddt then Starks gets the surprise win with a crucifix. Starks is shocked.

It was a quick one here with Starks getting the upset win. I thought they could have built up to the win a little more.

Starks is interviewed after. TM says good job and it just wasn't my night. Starks says TM proved that even if you had a bad day, walk out with some dignity. Starks says he has a lot of goals. He said he can go for the world or national title. He said he wants to take this to a new level. He said he finally has gotten the platform he needed. He talks about how he thinks he's pretty. He said he may act funny, but his counting your money.

I didn't like this interview and it wasn't clear what he was trying to do here.

Joe Galli talks about last week's interview with Nick Aldis and Kamille. He said you need to ask tough questions sometimes and the people deserve tough answers.

Colt Cabana is interviewed. He says this is exciting. Joe wants to talk about the elephant in the room. Colt said he wasn't 100% last week but is ready to go now. He said he's in a tag match and has got a guy. Mr. Anderson then interrupts. He said Colt could have picked anyone but picked him. Colt does Anderson's lines.

Colt Cabana and Mr. Anderson vs Sal Rinauo and Jordan Kingsley

Colt wristlocks Sal. Sal tries to reverse it and is reversed. Colt brings him down by the arm. Sal rolls out out of the wristlock then is flipped over. Col flips him by the arm.

Anderson counters a headscissors from Sal with a side slam. Anderson hiptosses Jordan then hits chops. Jordan pele kicks him then is back body dropped. Anderson lariats him.

Colt comes in and hits a double chop. He elbow drops Jordan. Jordan takes a double shot to the gut then takes a finlay roll. Anderson then finlay rolls Sal onto Jordan. Colt flying back elbows Sal then Anderson flatliners Sal to win it.

It was all squash here with Colt and Anderson having no issues.

Nick Aldis is caught leaving the building. He says he didn't sign up for this and isn't happy with the interview. He said Joe's line of questioning was irrelevant and he wants to go back to business as world champ. 

Eddie Kingston and Homicide are interviewed. Eddie said The Wild Cards being tag champs means something but not to them. Eddie says it means nothing until they beat them. 

Allysin Kay vs Ashley Vox

Kay waistlock takedowns her then Vox running forearms her. Vox running dropkicks her then Kay powerslams her. Kay tries a one foot pin. Vox is caught on a crossbody and takes a fallaway slams for 2. Kay push kicks her and hits corner chops. 

Vox chop flurries her then Kay wheelbarrow germans her for 2. Vox rolls her up on a beach break attempt then Vox shotgun dropkicks her. Kay misses a corner charge then Vox headscissors her out of the corner. Vox hits a corner cannonball for 2. Vox goes for a hold then takes a beach brake. Kay then pins her.

It was a decent match here with Vox as the underdog trying to upset the champ Kay. Vox was likeable here.

Allysin Kay is interviewed. She said it's a new era of NWA and they are hungry athletes. She tells Vox to come over. She said she did good but not good enough today. She said her future is bright but not with her NWA title.

We get a Tim Storm interview from last week. He walks away without saying anything.

Joe Galli interviews James Storm. Storm said don't call him champ, he is James Storm. He said his title is like a prop and a way to get him in the fastlane for a title shot. He said he's here to become NWA champ and is a grown man. He goes off on Joe and does his lines. He says he is that man.

Eli Drake interrupts. He said he's right. He said carrying his title is a big deal and said Storm is next in line for the world title. He said he doesn't know what it means. Eli says to make the move and take the shot and tells him to remember his boy if he does win the title.

NWA Tag Titles - The Wildcards (Royce Isaacs and Thom Latimer) vs Eddie Kingston and Homicide

Thom and Eddie lock up. Eddie pushes him back then is pushed back into the corner. Thom boots and punches him off the break then Eddie lariats him. Eddie suplexes Royce then Royce takes a double shoulderblock. Thom takes one as well. Homicide flying forearms Royce for 2.

Royce lariats Homicide. Thom and Homicide fight. Thom backdrops him then chinlocks him. Royce powerslams Homicide for 2. Homicide sunset flips Thom but Thom tags out during it. Royce backdrops Homicide and rolls him into a pin attempt.

Thom chinlocks Homicide then slams him. Royce swears at Eddie then is crotched up top by Homicide. Eddie is tagged in and fights off the 2v1. He belly to belly suplexes Royce then uranage's Thom. The Dawson's then run in and beat up Eddie and Homicide for the DQ.

It was a decent match up until the DQ. It could have been a little bit quicker though especially since the finish was going to be a screw job.

The Dawson's throw The Wildcards out as well. 

Joe Galli interviews Nick Aldis and Kamille. Nick says you get some power and say as champ. He said he wanted to defend his title against Tim Storm on the first episode of Powerrr. He said Tim is authentic and a real man but the match went in Aldis' favor. Joe asks why Nick needs Kamille as an insurance policy.

Nick said he feels like he's on 60 Minutes. They argue. Nick said he lost his title at AEW All-In due to outside interference and a crooked ref. He said at NWA 70, he evened the odds with Kamille and it worked out perfectly. He said when people are gunning for you, it's best to play to your strengths. Nick asks when Kamille had done something illegal and Joe said nothing comes to mind. Nick said he's not sure what he's getting at.

He said Kamille can speak when she wants to speak. Joe asks what's in it for Kamille. Kamille taps her mic but has nothing to say. Nick says he doesn't want to hear another word about letting her speak. They then end the interview.

I didn't get this one. I didn't get how it was supposed to interest me or what it is really building up to than more Kamille at ringside.

Overall thoughts: The format of the show is great and the production is very good. I don't know what the Aldis/Kamille stuff was about and everything except the main was on the shorter side. The crowd was great but I didn't think it was a great show.

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