Sunday, April 28, 2024

AEW Rampage 4/27/2024

AEW Rampage 4/27/2024

Last week's show is here:

Parking Lot Match - Chuck Taylor vs Trent Beretta


They have cars, trash cans, poles and net serving as the ring here. They trade shots and Trent's head is banged off a car. Chuck is driven into the car. Trent misses a charge and bounces off the car. Trent falls through the open window of the car then Chuck is backdropped on the car. Chuck is hit with a trash can lid then has the trash can thrown at him. Chuck is bleeding then Trent is pop-up powerbombed onto the car.

They climb on top of a truck and Chuck is knocked through a drywall sheet bridged on it. Trent hits Chuck with a trash can lid. Trent jumps off one car to another to elbow drop Chuck. Trent grabs a screwdriver and stabs Chuck with it. Trent throws a tv at Chuck's head but misses. A door is put against the car hood then Trent is suplexed through it.

Trent is catapulted into the back hatch of a truck then Chuck breaks a plywood board over Trent's back. Trent is then hit with a trash can. Chuck pulls out light tubes then hits Trent with a dust pan. Trent's head is banged off a truck bed. Chuck is thrown off the truck bed onto a board with light tubes. Chuck's head is then pressed into the car.

Trent takes a power bomb on the windshield (but was it real glass or a rental car?). They fight on top of a car and trade forearms. Trent low blows Truck then piledrivers him on the top of car. Trent triangles him on top of the car and taps him out. 

They did way too much here. You know in wrestling, you are pretending that something hurts. There's no pretending car bumps and concrete bumps. You take one or two of those and you are done. So it failed on that level. However, it had a ton of highlights, it was insane and it was bloody. That part they got right. I think they should about half of what they did here but I still did like the match. This one is definitely worth a look for the violence and brutality. There is no way anyone got out of this without some kind of injury and that's a real problem considering Chuck just got back from one.

OC and Kris Statlander come down. Trent hits Chuck's ankle with a wrench, sending it through the side car window. Trent tells OC it's his fault.

Don Callis is seen watching this in the back on a monitor.

Kyle O'Reilly is interviewed. He said they will be in his hometown on May 11th. He said he saw wrestling there for the first time. He said he's coming back to wrestle there against the best wrestlers, in AEW, where the best wrestle.

Deonna Purrazzo vs Thunder Rosa

DP face shoves her then Rosa hits a knee to the gut. They lock up and DP side headlocks her. They shoulder each other and stare down. Rosa drops her with a big punch then hits mounted punches. DP single arm ddt's Rosa then puts her in a paradise lock using the ropes. DP the baseball slides her out of it. Rosa is pulled off the ropes and boston crabbed.
DP talks to the cameras then takes a baseball slide.

We go to PiP break and return. Rosa dropkicks her off the ropes then dropkicks her in the side of the head. Rosa dropkicks her against the bottom rope. DP hits a kneelift and russian legsweep. DP then boots her. Rosa rolls her into a stomp.

DP puts a fujiwara armbar on her then Rosa grounded chokes her. They try pin attempts on each other, DP grabs the arm and Rosa wins it.

This was a lose-lose situation here. Neither one of these girls should have lost and I had picked Rosa as the winner. It wasn't a good match. It was slow, it went on for a long time and the two didn't really click.

Rosa brags into the camera after then DP hits her from behind. DP sends her into a rail on the stage. They trade forearms on the ledge. Security come and break the fight up. 

Roderick Strong, Matt Taven and Mike Bennett are interviewed. Taven says there's two guys who care about neck health here and they wish a speedy recovery to the world's greatest boss - Tony Khan. Strong said Will Ospreay has signed the downfall and demise of the aerial assassin. Strong said the world can sing his praises, but it won't matter when he gets in the ring with him. He says he will break him until he falls in front of the messiah of the backbreaker.

Big Bill vs Trevor Blackwell

Trev is splashed and takes a big boot. Bill hits another corner splash. Bill hits a black hole slam and pulls Trev up on the pin attempt. Bill hits a big short arm lariat then pulls Trev up on the pin attempt again. Bill chokeslams him and gets the win.

It was a quick squash as expected here. 

Jericho was seen watching on a monitor in the back after. Bill says he hopes Jericho is watching after.

Katsuyori Shibata and Daniel Garcia vs Shane Taylor Promotions (Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty)

Shane and Lee get jumped then booted out. KS facekicks Shane on the rails then Lee is sent into the rails and kicked. Lee takes a suplex on the floor. KS and DG then do the KS sit down pose.

The four fight outside and Shane throws KS in. KS hits kicks to the body then Shane hits him with a nice punch. Lee boots KS in the gut in the corner. Lee headbutts KS in the gut then knees him in the head. DG gets in. He lariats Lee then twisting neckbreakers him three times.

Shane trips DG from the outside then bringing ddt's him on the floor. Lee stomps on KS. DG and Shane trade shots then Shane blocks a tag, sending DG into the corner. DG boots him out of the corner then takes a big punch. Shane uranges him then hits a splash for 2.

We go to PiP break and return. Shane misses a splash on DG  then Lee kicks DG as he goes for the tag. Lee wristlocks DG. DG counters a 2v1 in the corner then backdrops Lee. KS is tagged in. KS running face kicks Shane then corner facekicks him. KS drops Lee with a forearm then the faces each hit shots in the corners.

The faces then do stereo corner dropkicks. KS flying face kicks Shane. KS then hits a chop and punch combo while DG dances. Shane takes a double suplex then Shane hits one of his own. We have brief audio issues.

Lee hits punches and chops on KS. Shane headbutts KS in the chest then Lee does a double underhook drop on KS. KS and DG do stereo sleeper holds. Shane takes a face kick and a backdrop. KS PK's Lee for the win.

It was okay but it went a little longer than it needed to here. It was basic face vs heel tag team stuff for the most part.

Overall thoughts: The opener is worth seeing. It was violent and brutal, though they did do overdo it. Rosa/Deonna was a mess. The main was okay here. I would say it was good overall.

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